𝑪𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖

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Minnie P.O.V.
"This is all your fault Cho Miyeon!" I yelled at Miyeon while looking at the shattered Vase.

"My fault?! How is it my fault??" Miyeon yelled back."Because you will at the crime scene?" I said as Miyeon crossed her arms.

"But when I got home the vase was already Shattered and I was shocked" Miyeon said

"I don't care! Go sleep in the couch! I'm not in the mood to discuss this anymore"

"Wait what! No I'm not sleeping in the couch!" Miyeon say and look at me in a frown

"Just go!" I yelled at Miyeon and went to my room and slammed the door Leaving Miyeon alone In the living room.

Few Hours Later/10:00Pm

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Hmph! I can't believe I'm sleeping in the couch" I said and groan while trying to sleep on the couch.

"No blanket and a pillow how great"I said and sigh "But it wasn't even my fault I didn't broke the vase"

"But the most important thing is Why was Minnie Upsad Today?" I thought to myself as I began to think

"She did look stress" I said as I began to feel worried

"Maybe I should go check on her" I said as I began to go to Minnie room.As I arrived there I began to knock on the door

"Love,Are you still awake?" I said in a soft voice while waiting for Minnie to answer.

"Are you alright Love?" I said while staring at the door

"I know you're still Awake Love Pls open the door" i said as a sigh came out of my mouth.

"Alright then,I just go" I said in a sad tone while heading back to the couch

"Let's just sleep"I said and sigh

Next Day/8:00Am

"Hmm..Is it already Morning?" I groan while tryna stand up from the couch just as I was about to stand up

I felt a blanket around me and a pillow on my head and I felt someone hugging me.

Just as I turn over it was Minnie.

"Love? Hey what are you doing here?" I said as I face her while staring at her beautiful face.

"Miyeon" Minnie say and immediately hug me tightly "I'm so sorry" Minnie say as she immediately broke down into Tears.

"Hey,Wait why are you crying Love?!" I said and Immediately tryna stop Minnie from crying

"I yelled at you yesterday Night and left you to sleep in the cold with no blanket or pillow" Minnie said as she continue to cry

"Is not a big deal for me Love I'm alright" - "no you're not alright!" Minnie cut my sentence

"I shouldn't done that" Minnie say as I began to smile Abit.

"Look at me Love" I said as Minnie began to look at me while tears will streaming down to her face.

"Don't cry" I said and wipe Minnie tears and kiss her on the cheeks.

"But what would you doing here though?"

"I thought you will sleeping in the room?" I said as Minnie began to smile Abit



Minnie P.O.V.
"I'm not gonna talk to Miyeon or See her!" I said as I sat on the bed while tryna sleep.

Just as I was gonna sleep suddenly I hear a gentle knock and a soft voice.

"Love,Are you still awake?"
"Are you alright Love?"

Just as I know it was Miyeon

I've decided I should just ignore her since I didn't wanted to see her.

"Alright then,I just go" Miyeon said in a sad tone as she left my room

After Miyeon left my room I've decided to continue my sleep

But I felt bad really..bad since I ignore Miyeon and yelled at her and I can't sleep without her

"I should go see her she sounded really sad I didn't even gave her a blanket and a pillow"

I said and quickly grab some Blanket and pillow and head down stairs to The couch where Miyeon is sleeping

*End Of Flashbacks*

Miyeon P.O.V.
"And There I slept with you" Minnie said as she Look at me and smile "couldn't sleep without me huh?" I said as Minnie blush

"Ya,I miss you I'm sorry for being mad at you" Minnie said as she kiss me on the cheeks

"Don't apologize my love" I said as I caress Minnie stomach "Did our little bunny slept well?"

"I can't wait to held our baby" I said as Minnie smile at me

"Gonna spoiled her with love and everything!" I said in a Happy tone while hugging Minnie

"I love you Minnie" I said and kiss Minnie on the lips

"Love you too Miyeon-Ah"

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