𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕 (400 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍)

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Minnie P.O.V
Today is such an worsed day !! I said and cried first the mean girls at school pour water at me when I enter the class all my classmate laugh.Second,is tripping down the stairs and broke my arm.Third is getting sick and losing my dog.

I began to cried harder because my dog was so special to me and also getting embarrassed at class..is the worsed..

As I was crying I didn't notice someone enter my room..Minnie-yah? Suddenly I hear someone voice.I began to wipe my tears and act normal..

Who's that? I said and look around the dark room..is me Miyeon.Miyeon? What are you doing here? I came to see you Miyeon said and approached me and sat down on my bed.

And I also hear someone crying and it was coming from ur room so I came to check Miyeon said and look at me.Was it you? Miyeon said

Uhh n-no it must be Yuqi! I said and look away Hm Yuqi? Isn't Yuqi at the living room playing with shuhua?

Yuqi and Shuhua P.O.V
BEAT THAT SHU! NAH UH I WONT GO EASY ON YOU YUQI!! I WILL WIN Aish this kids soyeon said and look at Yuqi and Shuhua They are cute kids.. Soojin said and smile as me and soojin about to go suddenly we hear something broke.

Immediately we turn back the TV broke AH THE TV WHAT HAPPEN?! Soyeon said and look at Yuqi and Shuhua shockely.YUQI?! SHUHUA?! Oh no RUNNNNN GET BACK HERE YOU TWO soyeon said and chased them.

Back To Miyeon And Minnie...

Miyeon P.O.V

Are you the want crying Minnie? I said and look at Minnie who's hand is injured and broken.I can't take this anymore suddenly Minnie burse out loud crying.

Oh my Minnie?! I said and look at Minnie worriedly what happened?! Miyeon today is the worse day ever! First some mean girls at my class pour water at me Infront of my classmates

And all of them laugh at me and then I fall down the stairs broke my arm and now I'm sick..and my dog died?! Oh my Minnie..I said and hug Minnie tightly calm down Minnie calm down..

After Minnie began to calm down now will on the bed hugging each other.I'm really sorry about your dog Minnie..I said and wiped minnie tears and look at her sadly is f-fine Miyeon.. atleast his in a better place.

And about your hand does it hurt? I said and took Minnie hand slowly and check.Well it doesn't hurt is just injured Minnie said and hug me.

And what about your fever Minnie? I said and put my hand at Minnie forehead is kinda hot.Hold up where's your medication Minnie? Did you took it yet?

Haven't yet..Minnie said and my medication is at the fridge Minnie said and look down oky then I help you Wait here Minnie I go grab your medication I said As I went down stairs I began to grab an cold fever thing and Minnie medication

As I got back up to Minnie room I came forward to Minnie who is resting now in the bed.Minnie baby wake up for a minute..I said and look at Minnie.Here Minnie your medication after you take ur medication You can sleep

As I help Minnie took her medication after that I began to lay down with Minnie and I began to put a cold fever in her forehead.

Alright Minnie now rest and sleep I said and hug Minnie and comfort her..I tried to look into your matter Minnie don't worry I said and kiss Minnie cheeks

Thank you Miyeon-Ah..Thank you..I hear Minnie said that as she began to fall asleep no proplem love I said and continue to stay with Minnie and comfort her..♡

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