𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍)

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Minnie P.O.V.
"The Christmas tree should we put it inside or outside?" Yuqi said as she and Shuhua carried the tree together "Hmm what about inside?" I said as Yuqi nodded "Alright will put it here!" Shuhua said as we put it near the counter

"There it look perfect!" Shuhua said and Yuqi brought alot of Christmas decorations in the box and put it on a table "Well I guess will do this tomorrow?" Yuqi said staring at the Christmas Decorations

"Tomorrow? It's Christmas tomorrow! We have to decorate the cafe now" Shuhua said as Yuqi eyes will wide "Christmas is tomorrow?!" Yuqi said shockly "I almost forgot it!"

"Alright! Let's get working!" Yuqi said as she started decorating the windows "I'm gonna call Soyeon and say I'm gonna be late" Yuqi said as Shuhua pull out her phone and nodded "Me too! I gotta call Soojin!" Shuhua said as I stare at Yuqi and Shuhua

"You guys can go home I'll stay here and decorate the cafe" I said to Yuqi and Shuhua as they stare at me "Are you sure Minnie?" Yuqi said as I nodded

"Don't worry I'm sure! You two go home!" I said as Shuhua and Yuqi nodded "Alright Minnie! Thank you so much! Will see you tomorrow! Shuhua said smiling at me as her and Yuqi began exciting the cafe

"I can't wait to see the Christmas Decorations for tomorrow!" Yuqi yelled as I giggle and wave at them as I saw them get in their girlfriends car

"Bye Nicha!! Merry Christmas!!" Yuqi and Shuhua both wave their hands to me including their girlfriends Soojin and Soyeon

"Bye Guys! Merry Christmas!" I said waving to them as their car drove off

"Alright! Let's get this cafe looking nice!" I said getting in the cafe and started taking out the Christmas decorations

Just as I was putting the Christmas decorations on some places suddenly I heard a knock on a door "Hm?" I said turning around to only find Miyeon outside waving her hand at me happily

"Miyeon-Ah!" I yelled in excitement and opened the door for her and ran into her arm "Nicha!" Miyeon said in a happy tone as we both hug each other tightly

"Merry Christmas love!!" Miyeon said carrying and spinning me around "Wah! Miyeon-Ah!" I said laughing as we both kiss each other

"I can't believe it's about to be Christmas any time soon!" Miyeon said as she took out a Santa hat from her bag and put it on "Where did you get the hat?" I said giggling at how cute Miyeon is

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Oh! I got it from a shop!" I said checking my bag to look for the Christmas hat I bought for Nicha "Where is it..Ah! There you are!" I said taking out the hat and show to Minnie

"Look Nicha! I got you a hat too!" I said putting it on Nicha "Aw you didn't have to" Minnie said staring at me "Thank you Miyeon-Ah" Minnie said smiling at me

"Come on Miyeon-Ah! Let's go in the cafe! I'm currently decorating the place with some Christmas decorations" Minnie said as we both enter the cafe

"I'm still not done decorating yet" Minnie said as she started getting some decorations "You wanna help me decorate the cafe Miyeon-Ah?" Minnie said as I nodded "I would love to!" I said happily as me and Minnie began decorating the whole cafe

A Few Hours Later


Minnie P.O.V.
"Alright! Will finally done with the Christmas Decorations! And Any moment now it's gonna turn December 25! I said in a excited tone as Me and Miyeon began staring at my phone waiting for the time to turn to 12:00PM "3,2,1! Merry Christmas! Oh my god! It's December 25!" I said excitedly as Miyeon smile at me "Merry Christmas love!" Miyeon said hugging me tightly

"Merry Christmas to you too Miyeon-Ah" I said as Miyeon kiss my cheeks "I got you a gift! But I left it at home" Miyeon said pouting as I giggle

"I also got you a gift! Will unbox it when we get home!" I said as me and Miyeon began staring at each other

"I love you Nicha I really do let's always be together and let's always be Happy and healthy" Miyeon said as my eyes was feel with tears

"I'll always be here for you Nicha you're everything to me I love you from the bottom of my heart" Miyeon said as I smile at Miyeon

"I love you too Miyeon-Ah you're everything to me too let's always be there for each other and let's always love each other" I said as me and Miyeon began kissing

"Merry Christmas Nicha I love you so so much" Miyeon said staring at me and caressing my cheeks

"Merry Christmas to you too Miyeon-Ah" I said as we both smile at each other and kiss each other again

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