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Minnie P.O.V
Oh Miyeon,Where are we going? will going to my favorite Cafe Miyeon reply smiling Ooo that's awesome I said excitedly But I didn't knew you had an favorite Cafe Miyeon?

Ah,Heheh I use to went there when I was little with my parents I use to love eating doughnuts when I was small she said in a happy tone and with a smile on her face.Ooo that's awesome Miyeon! I said

Hehe ya I really miss that shop time flies so fast..Miyeon said But are we almost there yet Miyeon? Ya will almost there Miyeon said and..Will heree.Hold up let me park the car first.

After Parking

Wow,This place look Beautiful! I said happily hehe ya it is as Miyeon hold my hand and went in the shop.Oh my goodness suddenly we hear someone voice.Ah! Miyeon! Hi Auntie Miyeon said while waving her hand at the old lady.

Wow Miyeon your all grown up! As the old lady said oh and who is this lovely girl?! The old lady said while pointing at me.Ah! She's my girlfriend Miyeon said while side hugging me.Wow pretty! Come come take a sit both of you.

The Old lady said while leading us to a table What would the both of u wanna eat? I take.. Doughnut! Miyeon said happily like an little kid.Oh of course your favorite snack when you will little haha oky coming right up what about u?

The aunty said while looking at me smiling I umm I take doughnuts too! I said smiling at the old lady.Good choice I go get your doughnut anymore food you guys want? Hmm I think no but do u want anything Minnie? Miyeon ask me sweetly

Hmm,I think no Miyeon said to the old lady Ah oky then I make your doughnuts now the old lady said while went in to the kitchen.

Look here Minnie Baby Miyeon said while holding her phone huh? I said cutely while looking at Miyeon say cheese! Cheese! I said There here Minnie do you like the picture?

Look here Minnie Baby Miyeon said while holding her phone huh? I said cutely while looking at Miyeon say cheese! Cheese! I said There here Minnie do you like the picture?

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Ooo nice Miyeon thank you! Here Miyeon I take your pictures I said as I took Miyeon phone.Oky smile Miyeon!!

Ooo nice here you go Miyeon! I said as I hand her phone back Wow she said thank you Minnie baby she said as she smile

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Ooo nice here you go Miyeon! I said as I hand her phone back Wow she said thank you Minnie baby she said as she smile.Heres your doughnuts!! The old lady said and hand us our doughnuts.

Wow! I said and look at the doughnuts Chocolate doughnuts my favorite Miyeon said smiling thank you auntie Miyeon said while the auntie smile and walk off

Come on Minnie Try Miyeon said smiling at me As Miyeon took a bite of the chocolate doughnut

Yummy!! Miyeon said like a child haha I said and laugh at Miyeon What? Miyeon said pouting ah nothing you just act like an child I said to Miyeon and laugh

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Yummy!! Miyeon said like a child haha I said and laugh at Miyeon What? Miyeon said pouting ah nothing you just act like an child I said to Miyeon and laugh.heheh Miyeon giggle Come on Minnie eat Miyeon said and hand me an chocolate doughnut.

As me and Miyeon began to eat the doughnuts finished wow So yummy I said and look at Miyeon who is holding my hand mhm yup.Miyeon said looking at me smiling.

Wait here Minnie I go pay Miyeon said and stood up from the table and went to the counter.

After Paying..

Aww,Ur already going Miyeon? The old lady said sadly Yes Aunty I'm sorry Miyeon said as she look at the old lady sadly Well Then Make sure to come again Ya the old lady said and hugged Miyeon and me.Your girlfriend is really beautiful the old lady said while looking at Miyeon and me

Hehehe ya she's beautiful and adorable Miyeon said giving me a kiss on my cheeks and hold my hand.Well Then Drive Safely the both of you Take care the old lady said and wave at us.

Wait! Wait! Suddenly the Aunty stop us. Can I take a picture of both of u and hang on my cafe wall? As a remembering? The aunty said while smiling.Of Course! Miyeon said is that alright with you Minnie? Of course Is fine no worries Miyeon I said and smile.

Oky Oky! Three Two One!

Aww, The old lady said and hang the picture up on the wall

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Aww, The old lady said and hang the picture up on the wall..

Hah.. Lovebirds..♡
The old lady said and smile at the picture..

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