𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑷𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒔

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Minnie P.O.V
Im now all alone in my room.. Hugging a bunny plushies that my girlfriend Miyeon bought for me..Before she Died in a car accident.

It's my fault..It's my fault..I kept on saying untill my tears will streaming down to my face..I'm so sorry Miyeon I never meant to say those harsh words to you.

I said and Hug the bunny plushies tighter..


Miyeon where are you right now?! Literally we are supposed to spend time together! I yelled through the phone while Miyeon kept quiet.

I'm sorry love is just that..I've been busy lately and you know my parents..They just kept bothering me to go attend some meeting and stuff.. Miyeon said in a sad tone.

Well is that meeting really important to you?! Can't your parents just..Just! Leave you alone?! Aish! I don't care anymore! Your properly cheating on me!! That's why your always at work and trying to make excuse!

I said in a anger tone Baby pls..Is not l-like that Miyeon said while her voice started to feel like crying I'm really trying to spend time with you.Im really am trying my best.

And Im not cheating on you baby.I will never- as Miyeon was about to say something I cut her off.

Shut it Miyeon.I hear enough! I hate you Miyeon! I hate you..And infact your properly busy right now. I said and rolled my eyes I be hanging up now.

Wait Minnie- before Miyeon said anything I hung up the phone

A Few Hours Later...

As I was sitting in my bed I look at my right side window it was dark and raining outside as I look at the time at my phone..It was already 9:00 AM..

As I was sitting in my bed with my pajamas suddenly my phone rang as I took my phone and look who was the person calling me..It was Shuhua?

I answer the phone and put it on speaker Shuhua? What's up? I said and look at the clock in my wall while waiting for shuhua to answer

M-Minnie! Y-You have to get to the hospital now pls! What why? What happened shu? I-Is about Miyeon.

She met with an accident on her way back h-home as I hear shuhua said that suddenly my heart dropped

W-what? I said You have to come to the hospital now Minnie pls..Pls come quick..Shuhua said and hung up the phone.

At The Hospital...

I arrive at the hospital as soon as I arrived I was looking for shuhua suddenly I hear her voice Minnie will here.I turn behind and it was..Soojin and Shuhua.

Shu! I said and hug shuhua and began to cry w-where is Miyeon?! I said and let go of shuhua and look at shuhua with tears.Shes now in the operating room.

Soojin said while looking at the operating room The accident was terrible..Miyeon was in an terrible car accident.

She shouldn't have drove faster while it was raining.Soojin said as I began to remember what happened.

As I was about to say something suddenly an doctor came out Doc!how is she?! Soojin said while looking at the doctor curiously.

I'm s..sorry we cannot save her And this ring is for you..The doctor said and handed the ring to me.Before the patient die she told me to give this ring to a person name Kim Minnie and that..must be you..

Here's A letter the doctor said and handed to me as I read it..Minnie baby I really love you so much.You don't know how much you meant to me..When you came in to my life I felt so happy and complete.. Knowing that I have the most beautiful and the kindest girlfriend..

So I'm asking you this..Would you married me?

W-what? I said and started to cry uncontrollably As now I'm on my knees with the ring box and the letter in my hand.

Minnie?! Shuhua said and hug me tightly..It's my fault It's my fault!! If it wouldn't for me Miyeon will still be alive

I shouldn't have yelled at Miyeon during the phone call!! I shouldn't have said I hated her..A-and I shouldn't have scolded her.

Knowing that this was my last day with her..

I cried harder as shuhua began to hug me while soojin also began to come and hug the both of us who are on the floor right now..

After A Month...

I'm now in my room..Alone Hugging my Bunny plushies that my Girlfriend Miyeon gave it to me before she died as I was hugging the Bunny plushies I look down at my ring finger..

It was a ring that Miyeon proposed to me..Even though Miyeon didn't proposed to me in person..But she proposed to me in the letters..

Im sorry Miyeon..Im very sorry.I said and hug the Bunny plushies tighter..But atleast you know that..I accepted your proposal.I said and look at the ring smiling while tears will streaming down to my face..

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