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Minnie P.O.V.
Miyeon-Ah!! Pls Don't Puke here! I beg Miyeon as Miyeon began giggling Puke? Why would I do that? Miyeon said in a drunk tone

You cannot puke here! I just bought a new car seat! The Taxi Driver say as I nodded.

Y-yes sir promise! I said as my attention went back to Miyeon who look she's about to puke

M..Minnie I don't feel so good.. Miyeon said as I immediately panic WAIT! WAIT! DON'T PUKE MIYEON! I said in an panic tone while tryna find my plastic bag.

Where Is My Plastic Bag?! I said as I began searching for it

Wait! Don't puke! Pls! The Driver begged as the two of us began panicking

Oh!! I found it! Just as I found it suddenly I felt the car seat wet

Huh? Just as I look at Miyeon it look like..she puke?! Miyeon!! I said as the driver immediately turn back


After That

Oh,We finally Reach Home! I said as I help Miyeon got out of the car while looking at the Driver

I'm so sorry Sir! I said as the driver laugh Is alright I guess goodbye now The Driver said and Drove off

And now You! Let's go in! I said as Miyeon Nodded just as I took out my key and unlock the door

Just as the door open slightly suddenly Miyeon fall on me

Miyeon! I yelled worriedly as the both of us land on the floor while Miyeon was now untop of me

Miyeon!! I said as Miyeon began giggling Hello Cutie! Where are we? Miyeon said as I began to Blush

Will at Home Miyeon-Ah! You really drink alot! You're super drunk! I said as Miyeon began making her way to my neck.

Really? Hehe! Miyeon said in a drunk tone while Suddenly she stood up from the floor and Carried me in an Bride style

Huh? Miyeon?! W-what are you doing? I said while I began blushing hard

Let's go to the..bed and have fun! Miyeon said while my whole face turn red

The bed?! Wait Miyeon! I said while my whole face turn red

Too Late! Miyeon said as she took me to the bed let's have some fun.

At The Bed

Miyeon P.O.V.
So.. What happened to having fun huh? Minnie said as I began lying on Minnie stomach

We are having fun! See! I said as I look up to Minnie as she began to laugh

Will cuddling Miyeon-Ah! Minnie said as she sigh You're still drunk huh? Minnie said as she began patting my head slowly

While I'm still laying on her stomach no I'm not! I said and pout as Minnie giggle

Your adorable when your drunk Miyeon-Ah Minnie said as she kiss me on the forehead

I'm always Adorable! I said as Minnie rolled her eyes

Ya,Ya my Adorable Bunny Girlfriend Minnie said as I giggled and began kissing Minnie on the lips

As I lay Minnie on the bed gently now the both of us are now starring at each other lovingly

Your beautiful Minnie..I said as Minnie began to blush

My beautiful Girlfriend! I said as I lay beside Minnie and cuddle her while her head is on my chest

I love you Minnie Mouse! I said As Minnie Giggle

Love you Too Miyeon-Ah!


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