𝑺𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑰𝒏 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝒖𝒕

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Minnie P.O.V.
I'm So Tired..I wanna sleep but I can't..I'm stuck with homeworks"I said and sighed

Just as I was about to start doing my Homework suddenly I hear someone knocking on my Window.

Huh? I said and immediately got out from my bed to see who was it

Just as I look through my window..It Was.. Miyeon?!

Miyeon?! What are you doing here?! I said Shockley and quickly open my Window to let Miyeon in.

Hi Love! I came here to see you! Miyeon said happily and gave me a kiss on my cheeks

Aww.. That's sweet Miyeon-Ah..But This Late Night? Yes,I miss you very much Love.

Miyeon said and hug me..Now that I'm here..What chu up to Minnie Mouse?

Minnie mouse again? I said and Miyeon giggle mhm..That nickname suit you very well! And is cute!

Fine whatever I playfully rolled my eyes and head back to my Study table and continue doing my homework.

Ah..I see Homework? Miyeon said as I nodded Yup..Homework I said and sigh.

I can help you if you want Love! Miyeon said and quickly took her chair to sit next to me

Really? I said and Miyeon Nodded Yup! I can I'm smart infact!.Miyeon said proudly as I giggled alright then love

After That

Miyeon P.O.V
A-are we done? Gosh that was alot of homework I'm Exhausted..Minnie said as she close her Homework Book.

Mhm! Will done Love That's all I said as Minnie Nodded Good Job Miyeon-Ah..I didn't know you were smart.

Hey! I've always been smart! I said proudly as Minnie giggle ya ya Minnie said as the both of u stood up from the chair and head to the bed to lay down

Comfy.. Minnie said and slowly drifting off to sleep.Goodnight Love I said and cover Minnie blanket and plant a goodnight kiss in Minnie forehead

Well Then..I should go now.. Goodnight Love I Love You..I see You Tomorrow I whisper into Minnie ear.

Just as I was about to Go to the Window suddenly Minnie door Swug Open

YAH KIM MINNIE!! suddenly the girl shouted and look at me WAIT WHO ARE YOU?! YUQI!! THERE'S A INTRUDER IN MINNIE ROOM!!"

ATTACK HER!! YAHH!! suddenly the girl said and started running towards me AHHHH!!! I scream and suddenly Minnie woke up and another blonde girl came in

Next Day

Minnie P.O.V
So your telling me This Pink Hair Girl is Your Girlfriend? Yuqi said as I nodded "Mhm..she's my girlfriend I said and look at Miyeon"who got some bruises on her face

"Why didn't you told us you were in an relationship Minnie?!" Shuhua said and look at me

I'm sorry..It just that..I didn't wanted y'all to know yet..well you should have let us know Minnie.

Yuqi said as shuhua nodded Mhm ya! And you shuhua your in trouble..Wait me in trouble..what?!

You literally attack Minnie girlfriend and almost kill her You should be grateful you didn't end up in jail..

Yuqi said as Shuhua sigh Alright alright I apologize for attacking you Minnie girlfriend but at the same time I didn't know

Miyeon P.O.V
Is fine! But pls call me Miyeon! I said and smile at Yuqi and Shuhua Nice to meet you Miyeon! My name is Yuqi and this is Shuhua.

Yuqi said and smile at me Oh and by the way how did the both of you met? Shuhua said as me and Minnie began to smile at each Other.


It all started with Miyeon working in an office and me working in an cafe both of us met and boom Will now a couple.

Minnie said proudly as i began to giggle What is this? Is this an kdrama? Shuhua said and Yuqi began laughing

Yah Shuhua! Hahah!! Aish this two I hear Minnie said so your telling me this Pink hair girl work in an office?

Mhm! Minnie said as shuhua began looking at me She look dumb no way she work in an office

What did you say?! I said and immediately stood up from my chair and began arguing With Shuhua

STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO!! CALM DOWN!! SHUHUA!!Yuqi said and pulling shuhua away from Miyeon while Minnie in another hand doing the same thing.

MIYEON!! DON'T DO THIS! Minnie said and kept pulling me away from Shuhua

This is gonna be a long night I guess..Minnie said as me and Shuhua continue Arguing.

𝑴𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕Where stories live. Discover now