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Minnie P.O.V.
Woah,Woah,Woah! So your telling me I have to be Ms.Cho Sectary?! I said and look at soojin Shockley.

Yes,Just Atleast For a Month.. Soojin said as I began to panicked Relax.. Miyeon is really sweet and nice.Soojin said and pat me in the head.

But why all of the sudden your going for a trip? I said and look at soojin Well..Shuhua wanted me to follow her go to Taiwan..And also she wanted me to meet her parents

And how could I said no? Soojin said as I Crossed my arms and plus atleast I can spend time with shuhua now..Soojin said and look at me

So..Can u handle the job or what? C'mon Minnie Miyeon is not that bad I known her since we will kids..is not like she will bite u or anything.

She's kind,Cute and friendly Infact a adorable Bunny How can she even bite you? So what do u say? Would u take the job?

I'm counting on you Minnie.Soojin said as I sigh Alright I take The job I said and immediately soojin smile at me.Alright! Now we just gotta find u what u gotta wear for Tomorrow..

Soojin said and look at her phone Wait I gotta wear something nice for Ms Cho? I mean since you are her sectary now..you gotta wear something nice

Same like me..I'm her sectary and I wore something nice Now then enough talking let's go Minnie.I tell to Miyeon that your her new sectary for a month only

The Next Day

Miyeon P.O.V
So..your my new sectary Kim Minnie? I said and look at her while she's blushing Abit y-ya Minnie said as I stood up from my chair and went to her

Your adorable not gonna lie but pls do not be afraid of me I'm very Good,Kind And Cute I said as I look at Minnie who is blushing

Now then we know each other.Whats my next schedule? I said and look at Minnie who took out her phone and checking.Your next schedule is.. Modeling for Espoir?

Minnie said and look at me in a confused look what's that Ms Cho? What does this mean? Ah,I think I'm modeling for their products

Well then let's not waste time and goo!! I said and dragged Minnie and head to My car

At Espoir

Minnie P.O.V
Alright Ms Cho Ready? One of the director said as they began to take photo of Miyeon while I'm just standing alone in the side looking at Miyeon.

Ah,Very Nice! Can we pls take one more photo Ms Cho? The director said and look at Miyeon Alright Miyeon said as they began snapping her again

Ah,Very Nice! Can we pls take one more photo Ms Cho? The director said and look at Miyeon Alright Miyeon said as they began snapping her again

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Just as I was standing Alone in the corner I started hearing some People whispering about Miyeon.

"Wow So Pretty"
"I wish she's mine!"
"If she's dating anyone they were be so lucky"
"Imagine Ms Cho as your girlfriend!"
"Imagine getting married to her!"

Ya..Must be lucky I mumble while I kept looking at Miyeon just that I was looking at Miyeon suddenly she look at me and winked at me

Wait did she..Just winked at me?! Oh my I began to blush Abit while looking at Miyeon.

Just that everything was done at Espoir Place Will Now in Miyeon office chilling

Ms Cho? Don't u wanna take that clothes off? Like change it into comfortable want? I said and look at Miyeon who is looking at me right now.

Hmm..I like this Outfit is pretty I prefer wearing it.. Miyeon said as I nodded alright! You look good in that dress suddenly Miyeon said as I began to blush again.

You look stunning and beautiful Miyeon said and signal me to come to her

Thank you I guess..I said and went to Miyeon who is sitting in a chair right now and kept looking at me Pretty Miyeon said and suddenly grab my waist and put me to sit on her lap.

EH?! WHY AM I IN YOUR LAP?! I shouted and my face began to get red.

Miyeon P.O.V
Why not? I said and kept looking at Minnie who's face is red like an Tomato.Are you..Single By any Chance? I suddenly said while Minnie look at me Shockley

Well y-yes I'm single..Minnie said as I immediately smirk..Wanna be Mine Kim Minnie? I said as I began to went near to her face.

I umm I think I should get off ur lap right now Minnie said as I hold her tightly to not to let her go.No~ don't go I said and look at Minnie who's is biting her lips Abit

No~ don't go I said and look at Minnie who's is biting her lips Abit

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I really love you in this dress Minnie and your hair and makeup..Pls wear this more often I said and smirk

Why Thank you Ms Cho Minnie said as I planned a kiss on her cheeks Call Me Miyeon..I don't like being call Ms Cho I said as Minnie Nodded.

A-Alright Miyeon.. Minnie said as I kept staring at her Just that I was staring at Minnie I decided to make my Move! By kissing her.

Just that I kissed Minnie I began to hold her waist To maybe Prevent her from falling off my lap

I felt that Minnie who is also kissing me back Just that me and Minnie Are Kissing we didn't realize someone was watching us

OMG!! WHAT IS THIS?! MINNIE?! MS CHO?! suddenly me and Minnie broke the kiss and look who it was..Y-Yuqi?! Minnie said and look at Yuqi Shockley


Well..Will Doomed but that doesn't matter I have you now! I said and cuddle Minnie B-but she's gotta tell everyone?! How are you not panicking?! Because I know what to do.

I said and look at Minnie don't panic Love I take care of Everything..I said and kissed her on the lips.

Now where will we? I said and smirk While Minnie Continue To Blush Hard.

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