𝑨𝒕 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Minnie P.O.V.
"Ugh,Why does my stomach hurt?" I said and groan in pain as I stare at my phone "What time is it?..Is 12:00 PM" I said and continue to groan "Wait..It can't be" I said and quickly rush to the bathroom

"Oh,come on! My period here!?Why did you come now?! Where am I gonna buy pads at this hour?!" I said and sigh "There's only one person who can help me..My girlfriend Miyeon"

"Let's me call her now" I said and started dyling Miyeon Number "I hope she hasn't slept yet" I said and began to wait for Miyeon to answer her phone

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Hmm.. tomorrow I got alot of meetings to attend" I said sigh and suddenly something caught my attention "Hm? Is someone calling me?" I said and look at the caller "Nicha?" I said and quickly answer it

"Love? Why are you calling this hour? Everything alright?" I said as I began to wait for Nicha to talk "Miyeon-Ah..I got a little situation" Nicha said as I started listening closer

"A situation? What kind?" I said as I hear Nicha sigh "I- Umm I got my period" Nicha said as my eyes wide open "You..Got your period? Now?!" I said and Nicha sigh

"I kinda don't have pads..so I was hoping if you can help me buy them?" Nicha said as I immediatly stood up from my chair "Of course love! I'm on my way! Hang on!" I said and hang up the phone

Minnie P.O.V.
A few minutes have passed and I'm starting to get worried "Why hasn't Miyeon arrived here yet? Is she alright?" I said and was about to call her suddenly I hear a knock

"Hmm?" I said and went to the door and see who it was "Nicha! I'm here!" Miyeon said as I quickly open the door "Miyeon-Ah!" I said and hug Miyeon tightly

"What took you so long?! I was worried!" I said as Miyeon giggle "Sorry love,I didn't mean to get you worried Miyeon said and kiss me on the cheeks

"Oh right! Here's your pads!" Miyeon said and hand them to me "Thanks Miyeon-Ah" I said and quickly went to the bathroom

Miyeon P.O.V.
As I was waiting for Nicha who's in the bathroom I began making both of us some ramen "Mhm,Yummy!" I said and took a bite of my ramen

"I'm back Miyeon-Ah! Sorry for the wait!" Minnie said as I hand her a bowl of ramen "Hm,ramen? Wait,is that why you will late?" Minnie said as I nodded

"Haha,sorry love I thought maybe I should get this for you..You might be hungry" I said as Minnie smile at me "That's so sweet of you! Thanks Miyeon-Ah!" Minnie said as she began eating her ramen

"Wait..Are you going to go leave now Miyeon-Ah?" Minnie said as I stare at her "Do you want me to leave?" I said and Minnie hugged me tightly "Noo,I don't want you to leave!" Minnie said and look at me cutely

"Alright then,i stay..but I gotta leave early in the morning tomorrow..since I got a meeting at the office I said as Minnie nodded "Alright Miyeon-Ah!" Minnie said as I kissed her on the cheeks

Minnie P.O.V.
"It's kinda about to be 1:00PM..Shall we sleep?" Miyeon said as I nodded and put both ramen bowl on the sink

"Thanks for everything Miyeon-Ah..I hope I didn't give you any trouble" I said and got to the bed and lay down "Of course not love,You didn't give me any trouble" Miyeon said and started cuddling me

"After all,I'm your girlfriend right? I help you with anything" Miyeon said as I started blushing "I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend" I said and stare at Miyeon

"I'm lucky to have you too My love" Miyeon said as she cupped my cheeks and kisses me on the lips

"After your period end let's have fun" Miyeon said as my whole face turn red "MIYEON-AH!!" I scream as Miyeon laugh "I'm joking love!" Miyeon said as I rolled my eyes "You better be!" I said and smile at Miyeon as she began cuddling me

"Good night Miyeon-Ah" I said and put my head on Miyeon chest "Good night to you too love..sleep well" Miyeon said as the both of us slept peacefully together

𝑴𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕Where stories live. Discover now