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Miyeon P.O.V.
Today..is such an Tired Day..I said and sigh as I sat on the couch resting You should really take a break Miyeon.

Soojin said and look at me worriedly why? I said and look at soojin in an confused look.

You..been overworking yourself Lately.And you always look tired and sad..Soojin said as I sigh

Thanks for worrying about me Soojin..But I'm alright! Don't worry about me! I said and smile at Soojin

Now then..what's my next schedule? I said and look at Soojin who is looking at me in an concerned look

The Next Schedule..Is your modeling for an shoe and more Stuff.Soojin said as I stood up from the couch

Alright Then..let's go.I said and exit out the office while soojin is following me behind.

At The Modeling agencies

Alright Position!! The camera man said as all of the stylist began moving away from me

Alright! Ms Cho,Are You Ready? The camera man said as I nodded

Alright! 3..2..1


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Woah!! Amaizing!! Beautiful! The camera man said as he kept looking at the pictures while my make-up stylist began fixing my makeup and stuff

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Woah!! Amaizing!! Beautiful! The camera man said as he kept looking at the pictures while my make-up stylist began fixing my makeup and stuff.

Just as the make-up stylist will fixing my makeup I began feeling something it felt like my head started hurting.

Ms Cho? Are you alright? One of the make-up stylist said and look at me oh yes! I'm alright! I said as the make-up stylist nodded.

Alright!! The camera man clapped his hand Ms Cho! Ready for another shoot?He said as I nodded Yes,I'm ready

I said as I began feeling dizzy and stuff Oky, Ready Ms Cho? The camera man said as I gave a thumb up

Oky! 3..2..Just as the camera man was counting the countdown I felt like everything started becoming dizzy and spinning

I couldn't keep my head up anymore..I felt like I'm gonna passed out..Soon

I immediately felt everything black just as I passed out I remember everyone was calling my name.

"MS CHO?!"

At The Hospital

Minnie P.O.V.
Pls..wake up soon Miyeon..I said as I hold Miyeon hand while holding back my tears

Just as I was holding Miyeon hand suddenly I felt movement Miyeon?? I said as Miyeon began waking up Abit

Love? Miyeon said as I immediately cried and hug Miyeon tightly Miyeon..oh thank goodness you're alright! I said and let go of Miyeon and smile at her.

You..make me so worried! Soojin called me and said you passed out and you will in a hospital and I came here as soon as possible.

Y-you told me not to overworked myself but you yourself are overworking! You're making me scared Miyeon.

I don't wanna lose you Miyeon! I can't lose you! I said as I began crying harder.Your making me so worried!why are you doing this to yourself?!

Does this make you happy?! I said as I look at Miyeon who is in tears.

Miyeon P.O.V.
Minnie..I said as I look at Minnie in tears I'm..so sorry!! I said and hug Minnie tightly

I didn't mean to scared you or anything Love is just..I'm really having an really hard time right now.

I've been so busy here and there and I didn't even have..time for myself.And I didn't even have time for you Minnie.

I'm just so..Stressed I just want everything to be perfect.

I said as Minnie hold my cheeks and caressing it.Why didn't you told me this Miyeon? Minnie said and look at me sadly

I could have helped you.Minnie said as I sigh I'm sorry love..I just..didn't wanted to bother you.

I said as I look at Minnie who is Still caressing my cheeks

Is Alright Miyeon-Ah..The most important thing is that you're all alright.Minnie said as the both of us shared an tight hug

I love you Miyeon..Don't you ever scared me like this again and overworked yourself.If you're ever in trouble or anything.

Just so you know..I Will always be there for you Miyeon.

Minnie said as a tear stream down to my face.I love you too Minnie.Thank you so much..for everything.

I promise..I shared with you everything from now on.I won't keep it to myself anymore.

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