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Minnie P.O.V.
I'm so tired and exhausted..I said as I was still in my room working on some music.I really wanna sleep I said and yawn while going back to concentrating on my work.

Maybe a water can make me stay awake or coffee? just as I stood up from my chair and immediately notice my floor was an mess.

Alot of crumble paper will on the floor and some more stuff

Really? I said and groan while walking passed it will properly clean it up later.I said and exit out my room

A Few Hours Later

So..Tired..I said as I began to yawn and my eyes began to close slowly Wait! No! I can't sleep! I still have to make an music.

But..maybe I can take a little nap..? I said as I began getting comfortable on my chair and slowly drifting off to sleep

Just as I closed my eyes..Everything went black.

Miyeon P.O.V.
Minnie still hasn't come back to the dorm? I said and yawn while Shuhua Nodded Ya,She hasn't come back and plus is already late.

Late? I said as I turn my head to the clock to only noticed it was 3:00AM

IS 3:00AM?! I said as I raised my voice Shush! Shuhua said as she cover my mouth

Why are you raising your voice! Is night! People are sleeping Miyeon! Shuhua said in an low voice while taking her hand away from my mouth

Sorry..I said and immediately went to my room to changed my outfit since I can't be going out with an pajamas.

After changing my outfit I began going to Minnie Studio Room just as I arrived there the lights will still turn on and as well the Aircon

Minnie? I said as I began to knock on the door while waiting for an answer Minnie? I called out again as I receive no answer.

Alright then..Looks like I have to go in.Just as I open Minnie studio room everything was an mess.

Full of crumble paper will on the floor and Alot more of stuff

I began walking passed it as I make my way to Minnie

I saw Minnie was sleeping on the chair as I began coming near her and started checking on her to see if she was fine.

Minnie baby? I said and slowly shook her..Minnie? I said as I look at Minnie face

She must be in an deep sleep..I said and slowly Carried Minnie in an Bride style and put her on the Coach slowly

Just as I put Minnie on the couch with an blanket on I began cleaning up the mess on the floor.

The Next Day

Minnie P.O.V.
Mhm..Where am I? What happened? Just as I was about to move suddenly I felt an hand on my waist.

Huh? I began to turn around slowly to only see Miyeon?

Miyeon? I said as Miyeon began waking up slowly Oh hey Love,Good morning Miyeon said as she make her way to my neck.

Sleep well love? Miyeon said as I nodded Mhm..Ya I said as Miyeon started caressing my cheeks

Didn't I told you..Not to stay up to late and do your work? Miyeon said in an concerned Voice

While I began feeling bad I'm so sorry Miyeon-Ah..Is just that..I really need to finish the song.

By Staying up until 3:00AM? You know how much I hate seeing you overworked yourself right Minnie?

Yes,I know Miyeon..I'm so sorry I said in an sad tone while tearing up Abit

Don't cry my love.Dont cry Miyeon said as she wiped my tears and smile at me

Just..don't overworked yourself alright love? I'm just worried about you lately.You been overworking yourself..so much.

Alright Miyeon-Ah..I Promise not to overworked myself.I said as Miyeon smile at me

I love you Minnie..Miyeon said as the both of us shared an passionate Kissed.

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