𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒍 (2)

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Miyeon P.O.V
Will you Minnie? Will you married me? I said and look at Minnie.Yes! I will married you Miyeon! Oh my god! I stood up and carry Minnie and spin her around slowly.

As I put Minnie down I slowly started tearing up as Minnie was also tearing up.Love are you crying? Y-Yes Minnie suddenly started crying same goes to me too.

I love you so much Minnie and you too.I said and pointed at Minnie belly Hehe I love you to Miyeon Minnie said and smile.As the both of us share a passionate kiss.

Next Day...

I decided to invite some friends to me and Minnie wedding since our wedding will be held next month.So I be messenging them.As I was texting my friends Gidle.

Suddenly I got an incoming call..Hello? I said hello there Miyeon.M-mom? What do you want? Oh I'm just calling my daughters.My mom said as she hummed

Your really marrying that poor beggar? Suddenly my mom said what? What did you said mum? I said your really marrying her.Dont say that mom she's not a poor beggar or anything.

Infact I'm marrying her cause I love her and my wife have a name her name is Minnie.Cho Minnie.W-what?! Suddenly my mom scream at the phone.

C-Cho Minnie?! Cho?! I doubt that your using that name for that beggar.No way I'm letting you name your beggar wife Cho?!

She's my wife mom.You have to understand mom pls don't come and fight with me. I said in a cold tone.

Wow great! Choosing that poor broke beggar over your mom?! I SAID HER NAME IS CHO MINNIE NOT POOR BROKE BEGGAR! I yelled at the phone.Miyeon? Immediantly when I turn around I saw Minnie.

Miyeon? Is everything alright?! Minnie said worriedly yes everything is fine love I'm so sorry did I woke you up? Wait who's that is that the poor beggar- suddenly I hung up the phone and went to Minnie.

Sorry Minnie I said and hug Minnie is fine Miyeon but who was that? Oh it was..no want.Oh I see well I'm kinda hungry Miyeon.

I think the baby is hungry too Minnie said smilingly while patting her stomach aww really? I said while touching Minnie stomach.Well then what would you want Minnie?

Hmm..I want Kimchi Fried rice! Minnie said happily oh are you sure? I said and look at Minnie.Ya I'm sure oky then I order it for you-

Wait I don't want outside want I want your kimchi fried rice Minnie said smiling wait really?! I said and smile yes yes! Oky then coming right up!! I immediately rush to the kitchen and cook for Minnie.

After Cooking for Minnie will now on the dinner table eating as Minnie was about to eat her kimchi fried rice.Siddenly Minnie notice I was just staring at her Hm? Miyeon? Why are you not eating? Minnie said and look at me.

And you look like your melting Minnie said and laugh ah? Melting? I mean you look like ur so in love then you started melting.Haha of course I'm melting is just that I'm so In love with you ~

Aww Minnie said and started blushing but Miyeon when is our wedding by the way? Minnie said and look at me ah, our wedding is next month!

Oh I see,who are you inviting Miyeon? Oh I'm inviting my best friends.Shuhua,Yuqi,Soojin,Soyeon they are my best friends we use to call ourselves Gidle.And maybe some more friends.

Ohh wow that's awesome Miyeon! Minnie said and smile But what about you baby? Who are you inviting? I ask and look at Minnie.

Minnie P.O.V
Oh I umm not sure yet..I said but properly my family relatives so I guess them only.

Oh oky well then let's just eat before our food get cold Miyeon said as I was eating suddenly I feel like I wanted to puke so I got out of my chair and immediately rush to the washroom

Minnie?! Miyeon said and Immediately rush to the bathroom to only see that I was vomiting.Oh my Miyeon said and quickly hold my hair and rub my back

Are you oky Minnie?! What happened?! Miyeon ask and look at me worriedly I'm f-fine Miyeon..But maybe the baby don't like the food? I said and flush the toilet

As I was washing my mouth
Miyeon was still worried for me cause suddenly I just puke.As me and Miyeon got out from the bathroom we decided to sit in the couch.

Are you fine now Minnie? Miyeon said and put her hand on my stomach ya I'm fine don't worry about me Miyeon.I said and look at Miyeon smiling but you just suddenly puke of course I have to worry about you.. Minnie Miyeon said and look at me.

Ya I know Miyeon I'm sorry..is fine Minnie Miyeon said and hug me so I guess the baby don't like kimchi fried rice? Miyeon said and look at me.

Well I guess so hahah.. I said sadly

Looks like you are gonna have to eat something else Minnie Miyeon said and kissed me.

Aww hmm maybe noodles? Like ramen? I said and look at miyeon.Oh what kind of ramen you want Minnie? Hmm probably soup ramen.

Oky then you wanna eat now? Miyeon said ya is that fine with you Miyeon? Yes of course that's fine Minnie!! I go cook now be right back Miyeon said and left the couch and head to the kitchen.

After I finish eating my ramen now will on the bed hugging each other.Eat full love? Miyeon said and kiss me in the cheeks. Ya that was yummy!! Thank you Miyeon hehe.

Np Minnie I'm glad that you and the baby enjoy!

Now that tomorrow we will buy cute clothes for her!! Huh wait her? Ya our baby will be a girl! Eh,how would you know Miyeon-Ah? I said while looking at Miyeon

I can feel it Minnie is a girl!! Wow suddenly you have superpower Miyeon? I said as the both of us laugh together.

Well I do wish for a girl..I mean getting a boy is not bad but..I want a baby girl Miyeon said and look at me pouting.

Haha let's see if we will get a girl alright Miyeon-Ah? I said and slowly getting tired.Aww your already tired? Miyeon said and lay down with me.

Ya maybe I said and yawn probably because the baby is tired too..I said and cuddle Miyeon.

Well then goodnight love see you Tomorrow and goodnight to you to baby.. Miyeon said and kissed me. Goodnight To you to Miyeon I said and kissed her in the cheeks.And you to baby I said before Falling asleep.

And you to baby I said before Falling asleep

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