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Miyeon P.O.V
I was just resting at my bed suddenly I hear Minnie scream.MINNIE?! I immediately stand up from my bed and went to see Minnie who is in the living room Went I reached there I saw Minnie in the couch standing up

Minnie?! What's going on?! Are you alright?! I went near Minnie and ask her.NO IM NOT FINE LOOK as Minnie pointed at the floor w-what is that I said as I began to go near it

NO MIYEON GET BACK HEREE Minnie said as she scream oh my Is a..Mouse?! Miyeon said as she pick the mouse up and put it in her hands.

MIYEON NO PUT THEM DOWN Minnie said and yelled Wow Minnie I didn't know your family was gonna visit Miyeon said and pat the mouse who are in her hands.

HAHAH VERY FUNNY- BUT STILL THEY ARE NOT MY FAMILY!! but aren't you Minnie mouse? Miyeon said cutely and kept looking at Minnie and the mouse.

Miyeon im gonna kill you once this Mouse are g-gone.Minnie said as she look like she's gonna cry

Why you crying love? Miyeon said and came near to Minnie NO MIYEON GET AWAYYYY suddenly Minnie hit an Ariana Grande's high note

Oh my god Minnie I didn't knew you can hit an Ariana Grande's high note Miyeon said proudly

MIYEON PLS JUST GET RID OF THE MOUSE Minnie pleaded and cry t-they are scaring me no they are not scary infact they are cuteee.Aww Miyeon said and kept Patting the rat

MIYEON I- Suddenly Shuhua came Out of nowhere What shuhua- Suddenly Shuhua smacks us with a broom OW SHUHUA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AND HOW DID U GET IN HERE?!

I came to shut you guys up! DO U NOT KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT?! Is..10:00 PM why? Ugh you dumbo shuhua said Hey! Don't call my girlfriend a dumbo! I said and look at shuhua Whatever shuhua reply

Now tell me what's going on here? suddenly Soojin came? Minnie family came to visit us Miyeon said happily and walk over to soojin and shuhua.What? Minnie family?

Here Minnie Family Wait- WHAT IS THAT?! suddenly shuhua began to Scream And jump on soojin.THATS NOT MINNIE FAMILY THAT'S A MOUSE!! Shuhua said and scream at Miyeon Oh Shu! Soojin said as she cover her ear

Is Minnie family Minnie Mouse- Suddenly Miyeon got smack in the head and pass out i- M-Minnie you good? Shuhua said nervously to Minnie Ya I'm good now take the mouse and put it outside.

I'm just gonna take Miyeon to our room now Minnie said and dragged Miyeon upstairs and slammed the door.

Poor Miyeon she's gonna get a beating now shuhua said.Well good for her she's was being an idiot anyways soojin said and now for this Mouse..

Since you will good we will let you live Mr Mouse soojin said while putting shuhua down and go grab an glove.

I grab the mouse and put it outside Goodbye Mr Mouse Shuhua said sadly Yes Goodbye Mr Mouse Soojin Said as she close the door.Now I wonder what happened to Miyeon..


Ah! No Minnie I'm sorry But still your family came and visit Minnie mouse HAHAHA WAIT NO MINNIE-

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