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Minnie P.O.V

Yes!! Finally work is over! Now I can go see Karina my girlfriend! I really miss her so much lately..She's been busy working In a restaurant day and night.

Soo..I brought her an flower and a gift for working hard day and night!! But..I think Karina might be at home right now since Is late.

So might as well deliver this to her apartment! As I was on way to Karina apartment but Considerately I pass by Karina restaurant work place.

Eh? Is it not closed yet? Isn't it already late? Why is it still open? I said and look inside the restaurant.

Is Karina still inside? I said and head in to the restaurant as I got in the restaurant I look around the place it seems dark Abit but some lights will still on.

As I was wondering around suddenly I hear noise in the kitchen and that make me stop walking as I was now standing while suddenly I saw Karina with a girl..Back Hugging.

As Karina was back hugging that girl suddenly they kiss..with a beer in their hand I immediately got shocked and accidentally drop my gift that I bought for Karina.

Immediately Karina and the girl look at me while Karina was looking at me in a rude way.. and immediately let go of the girl she was back hugging..

I-I Karina? What is this? I said as Karina began laughing and started coming towards me..Well you see Minnie..this whole time I just dated you for fun!

I dated you because you will pretty and also for fun but then you started becoming boring to me so I just decided to date with someone else and that is Minjeong.. Immediately my heart shattered..Into Pieces.

W-what I said and look at Karina Shockley while she began to laugh more. I only use you! You're dumb and look how pathetic you are! Why would I ever date a person who is working in a cafe shop?

Oh right I forgot cause I only USE you.

H-how can you be so cruel K-karina after all I done for you..I said as tears began to stream down to my face

I said and drop the flower on the floor well then have fun with your new g-girlfriend I said and left the place.

At The Bus Stopped

I guess People only like to use me..I'm pathetic..How can I be so dumb? I said

As I was sitting in the bus stopped suddenly the bus arrives as immediately everyone got on the bus

I got up from my sit and walk to the bus as I was almost there suddenly someone bump Into and I fall down

U-uh sorry the man said and got in the bus as the bus drove away living me on the road.. Ouch! I said and hold my knee.

Wait where's my phone? I said and look for it as I turn back it was at a hold holding for dear life..

I was about to grab my phone and it has already slipped and fall into the drain..My phone..I said and turn my attention back to my bag which is on the floor while all my paper work and stuff will on the floor..

Aish..I said and started crying While picking up my paper work stuff

Miyeon P.O.V.

Finally I'm Alone..I said and kept walking What's wrong with my Grandpa so desperate for me to get a girlfriend Like chill I will get one one day but no need to atleast put me in an blind date.

As I was walking suddenly I noticed someone crying near the bus stopped Who's that? I said and began to walk towards the crying person.

Hey are you alright? Why are you crying what happened? I said and look at the person when I look at the person I noticed that it was..Minnie?!

Minnie?! I said as Minnie look at me with tears and holding her knee Miyeon? What are you doing h-here? Minnie said as she whipped her tears.

I just finished work and what are you doing here Minnie?Why are you crying here alone? I said and immediately Minnie hug me.

Is just that..Karina cheated on me she only use me Minnie said and began crying I saw Karina and that girl kiss right Infront of me..I even brought her an gift.

To show that I love her very much and to only see that she was playing with my feelings and dating another girl behind my back Minnie said as I began to hug her

I'm sorry to hear that Minnie..You deserve someone who love you and appreciated you I said and help Minnie stood up from the road and help her with her bags and paper.

Thanks Miyeon Minnie said as I smile at her np Minnie come I drive you home or you wanna stay with me for the night? Can I stay with you for the n-night? Minnie said as I immediately agreed

Yes sure Minnie! I said As me and Minnie left the bus stopped Area And began to hold each other hands and head to the car..

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