𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍)

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Miyeon P.O.V.
"Valentine Is Today huh?" I said and stare at my Phone "Are you getting anything for Nicha?" Soojin said as I nodded

"Mhm,I am getting something for Nicha.. why would I not give anything to the love of my life?" I said as Soojin rolled her eyes playfully

"If she's the love of your life why don't you get something for her now?" Soojin said as I continue to stare at my phone

"I am getting Nicha Something..is this I said and show Soojin My Phone

"Oh My god?! This is beautiful?! Soojin said while her eyes are wide open "Yes,I know" I said as Soojin continue staring at the phone

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"Oh My god?! This is beautiful?! Soojin said while her eyes are wide open "Yes,I know" I said as Soojin continue staring at the phone

"Are you getting the ring now?" Soojin said as I nodded "There's actually alot of beautiful rings but I'm not sure if I'm getting this one..I probably might change it " I said and Soojin Nodded

"Alright then,Shall we head to the ring shop?" Soojin said as I nodded while getting my coat ready

"Yes,Let's go" I said as we exit the office together

Minnie P.O.V.
"Ahh!!,Valentine is today!! Shuhua said in an excitement tone while running around the cafe "And the cafe look beautiful with all these decorations!!" Yuqi said in a Happy tone

"Ya,and it looks so adorable!!" I said and stare at the cute decorations "Alright Guys!,Let's open the cafe now!" Yuqi said as we nodded

"But some of our employees haven't arrived yet? And even our boss Seulgi" Shuhua said "maybe they will come later" Yuqi said as shuhua nodded

"Alright let's get into Business!! I said in a excitement Tone As yuqi and shuhua cheer "yes!! Let's goo!"

Miyeon P.O.V.
"The ring is 4.2 Million?!" Soyeon said in a shock tone as Soojin eyes will wide open

"the ring is so beautiful!! But like woah is expensive" Soyeon said as I continue to stare at the ring

"May I please try the ring on?" I said to the employee as they nodded "Yes,You may Miss Cho"

"What do you think of the ring Miyeon? Does it fit?" Soyeon said and stare at the ring

"It fits perfectly I'm wondering if the rings will fit Nicha" I said and stare at my fingers

"So your going with this ring Miyeon?" Soojin said as I nodded "Yes,I'm going with this Beautiful Ring" I said and look at the employee

"So your going with this ring Miyeon?" Soojin said as I nodded "Yes,I'm going with this Beautiful Ring" I said and look at the employee

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"Sir,I be taking this ring" I said to the employee as they nodded Happily "Alright Miss Cho!"

"Next stop The flower Shop"

Minnie P.O.V.
"Finally work is over!! Shuhua said in a Happy tone "Ya,and now let's go buy our girlfriends Gift!" Yuqi said as I nodded

"Oh yes! Let's go to..that shop!" I said and point to that beautiful Mini Shop

"Alright then,Let's go!" Shuhua said and drag Me and Yuqi to The Mini Shop

"Hello Ladies! What can I get you guys?" Winter said as she gave us a warm smile "Hey there Winter!" Yuqi said and gave winter a smile

"We are looking for some Valentine gift for our Girlfriends!" I said as I started looking around the shop

"Well!,you came to the right place! Come on I showed you what I have!" Winter said and lead us to the flower section

"We have this Dahlia flower! And a Lily flower and alot more here!" Winter said and look at us

"You guys can go ahead and choose! I wait here!" Winter said as the three of us nodded

After A few Hours

"Alright!! Is that all ladies?" Winter said as the three of us nodded "Ya! That's all!" Shuhua said and put our stuff on the counter

"Thanks Winter for the help!" I said and Winter smile at us "Anytime!"

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Finally you pick a flower" Soyeon said as I rolled my eyes playfully "whatever" I said and continue walking towards our car

"Well then,Will heading home? Soojin said "Ya,I'm gonna head home now Yuqi must be waiting for me" Soyeon said "Bye Guys! And thanks for taking me out today!" Soyeon said as we bid goodbye

"Well I'm guessing your also going now?" I said and Soojin gave me a smile "Ya,Shuhua properly waiting for me" Soojin said as I giggle "Well then I see you tomorrow Soojin"

"Looks like is my turn to go home Aswell"

At Home

"Nicha! I'm home!" I said and immediately Minnie gave me a hug "Miyeon! You're home!" Minnie said in a Happy tone while hugging me tightly

"I got you something Miyeon-Ah!" Minnie said happily while staring at me "I got you something too Nicha" I said and smile at Minnie

Minnie P.O.V.
"So who going first?" Miyeon said "me I be going first!" I said and rush to my room and grab the flowers

"Here you go Miyeon-Ah! Happy Valentine's day!" I said and gave Miyeon the flowers and a kiss on her cheeks

"I'm sorry if the gift is not good" I said and look at Miyeon Sadly "What are you talking about my Love?" Miyeon said and look at me Lovingly

"This gift is perfect My love! Thank you so much for this beautiful Flowers!" Miyeon said and gave me a kiss on my nose

"Now,is my turn Nicha" Miyeon said and immediately hand me a beautiful dahlia flower

"Oh my god?! A dahlia flower! Where did you get this?!" I said and look at Miyeon in a shocked look

"Haha,Secret! Miyeon said and immediately I pout "really? A secret?" I said and Miyeon giggles

"I tell you later,I still have one more gift for you my love" Miyeon said and smile at me while talking something out from her pocket

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Happy Valentine Day My love! I hope you will like this beautiful Gift" I said and immediately took out the ring box from my pocket revealing a beautiful Ring

"M-Miyeon" Minnie said in a shock tone while tearing up "I got us this Couple Ring Nicha"

"I heard you always wanted something like this" I said and take Minnie hand and put the ring on her left finger

"I-Is so beautiful Miyeon" Minnie said and immediately hugged me

"Awh,Come on love! Don't cried" I said and giggle while rubbing Minnie back

"Thank you so much Miyeon-Ah!" Minnie said and stare at me "Thank you so much for this beautiful Ring"

Minnie said and stare at me with teary eyes "Your welcome my love!"

I said and hold Minnie closer to me "Happy Valentines Day My Love" I said as me and Minnie share a passionate Kiss

"I love you so much Miyeon-Ah"
"I Love you so much too Nicha..I always do"

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