𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆𝑪𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒆 (3)

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Miyeon P.O.V
So,May I have your phone number Minnie? I asked and look at Minnie waiting for an answer.Of course! Minnie said as she took her phone out of her pocket.

As we exchange each other Number I began to put back my phone in my bag as I look at Minnie and smile.Thank you cutie I said and gave Minnie an kise in the cheeks.

I be going now cutie I see you soon.I was about to go until Minnie stop me W-wait she grab my hand huh? I said and look at Minnie.

D-Do you like me or something? Minnie said and look at me I-I yes.. I said and look down the floor blushing r-really?! You like me?! Me?! Minnie said as I look up to her.

Yes!! I like you!! Infact I Love you!! And yes you cutie!! I said and me and Minnie laugh Wow,I must be dreaming? Minnie said and look at me blushingly W-Why would you like someone like me?

I'm like working in a cafe and stuff and like no money but why would you choose me instead of other people Miyeon? Minnie said and play with her hand.Minnie..I like you because your adorable,sweet and amazing.

I choose you because I love you.I don't care if you have no money or being poor.But why did you think like that Minnie? I ask and look at Minnie and pulled her for a hug

Minnie P.O.V
Is just that..You can choose someone else who is rich or pretty like not like me look at me I'm poor and ugly..and-

Before I could say anything to Miyeon I suddenly felt a lips in my mouth and it feels like...a kiss?! As I look who was it.

It was Miyeon..As Miyeon open her eyes and look at me she began to hold my waist and pulled me closer to her as both of us look at each other lovingly and continue to kiss as we will kissing suddenly we hear someones.

AH! OH MY GOD huh?! Immediately Me and Miyeon stop kissing and look who was it..It was a short girl with Yuqi?! Yuqi?! I said and look at Yuqi Shockley as my face turn red

OH MY GOD MINNIE?! WHAT! Yuqi look like she was about to passed out holy wow Yuqi said and look at me and Miyeon suddenly we hear the short girl said something.Wow Congratulations Miyeon didn't knew you will in a relationship

Suddenly all of us look at short girl.S-Soyeon?! Miyeon said What are you doing here? Miyeon said and look at soyeon.Oh I came here with my girlfriend Yuqi.

GIRLFRIEND?! YUQI?! Huh?! Suddenly me and Miyeon shouted at the same time Yuqi?! I didn't knew you will dating I said and look at Yuqi.Ya soyeon I didn't knew you will dating to. Miyeon said and look at Yuqi and soyeon

Well I also didn't know you and that girl will dating too soyeon said and look at me and Miyeon. Ya I also didn't knew you will dating Minnie with that Blondie! Yuqi said and cross her arms.

Looks like the both of you need to explain yourself.. Soyeon said and crosses her arms.

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