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Minnie P.O.V
How long are we gonna stay in the cafe Yuqi? I mean we literally already clean up the cafe And what else are you looking for? I said and look at Yuqi.I just gotta find my bunny plushies! Yuqi said as she began to search around the cafe.

Your bunny plushies? Why will you bring it here? I said and cross my arm Well is special to me I can't just leave it at home.It might be lonely.Yuqi said as she went to the staff room

After An Few hours searching...

I FINALLY FOUND IT!! Yuqi said as she ran to me I found it Minnie I found it!! Oh my Beautiful Bunny plushies! What will I do without you Yuqi said and hug it tightly.

Well congrats you finally found it I said and smile at Yuqi ya I couldn't done it without soyeon.Yuqi said and smile at me

Who's soyeon? I said and look at Yuqi.Ah my guardian angel Yuqi said and look at me.Guardian angel? Seriously Yuqi I think you watch to many movies I said and look at Yuqi

Noo is real!! They are real!! Fine then show me ur angel whatever her name is..I said and look at Yuqi her name is soyeon! Yuqi said and cross her arms.

SOYEON!! Yuqi said and scream oh my my ears I said soyeon? Yuqi said and look around the cafe.Well looks like they are not real. I said and Yuqi look at me pouting.

Yes they are real..Just wait and see Minnie mouse Yuqi said and smirk Ya ya whatever well then I'm gonna go now bye Yuqi!! I said and exit the cafe

Bye Minnie mouse!! Yuqi said as she was still in the cafe cleaning up some mess she made in the staff room.

Miyeon P.O.V
This is boring.. everyone have their own human while I don't..I said and pouted.Well maybe because you always gave someone a heart attack.

Eh? I said and look at my right it was.. soojin.Oh soojin nice to see you here I said and smirk.Hows ur human?

She's good but she's sick i told Shuhua not to play in the rain with her dogs haku and Mata but she didn't..listen.Soojin said and cross her arms.

Aww looks like your babysitting a child or more like a baby I said and laugh at soojin ya ya whatever..soojin said and rolled her eyes.

As me and soojin will talking suddenly an announcement was made..Miyeon pls come to office suddenly Soojin look at me.

What did you do miyeon? Soojin said and look at me I don't know I didn't do anything I swear but I have to go now see you soojin I said and smile at her while I teleport to the office..

You call me Miss Lia? I said and look at Miss Lia Well yes I did and this time I have a job for u but pls don't mess it up and atleast don't scare the humans cause the last time you did that to Somi She almost had an panic attack.

Yes yes..I'm sorry Miss Lia I promise I won't do it ever again..Or maybe again I said and whisper to myself.What did you said Miyeon? Miss Lia said and look at me.

I umm nothing! I said and look at Miss Lia oh right then.. this time your gonna have to protect this girl..Miss Lia said as she had me her ipad

Minnie? Kim Minnie? I said and look at the iPad wow she's cute..I said and look at the iPad.Yes very cute girl miss Lia said as she took the iPad away from me.

Well then can you handle the job Miyeon? Miss Lia said and look at me smiling Yes yes I can handle this job I won't failed you miss Lia I said and smile

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Well then can you handle the job Miyeon? Miss Lia said and look at me smiling Yes yes I can handle this job I won't failed you miss Lia I said and smile..

Well then I be sending you to earth now.Have fun Miyeon..Miss Lia said suddenly everything turn dark for Me

Minnie P.O.V
Finally I found my car!! I said and went in my car Ah,I'm so tired and angels? Seriously Yuqi really believe in angels? I said and started to drive my car to my apartment

Angels..Hm Yuqi must be watching to much movies I said and laugh Abit you really don't believe in angels? Suddenly I hear a voice ya I don't really believe in them.

Wait.Suddenly I stop my car halfway
W-who was that?! I said and turn my head to the backseat.W-what I swear I hear a voice..Did I not take my medication? Am I dreaming?! I said and started to panic.

No my Dear your not dreaming.. Suddenly I hear the voice again W-who are you? I said and look at the backseat.Im right beside you..

Huh? I said and look beside my right seat suddenly it was a ghost with a scary face.AHHH!!!! I scream and shouted I have to get out as I wanted to open my car door it was lock.PLS HAVE MERCY IM SORRY! I said and cried

WHY IS MY CAR DOOR LOCK?! I said and kept trying to open my door.PLS I DON'T WANNA DIE PLS HELP ME HELP ME SOMEONE!! I said and started to scream and bang my car window. They can't hear you~ infact there is no ESCAPE. the ghost said in a scary voice as I look over slowly to my right seat she was gone then suddenly a jump scare happened BOO!

AHH!! oh my goodness..I said and passed out

The Next Day..

Ow.My head w-what happend as I was slowly opening my eyes suddenly I hear voices outside..huh?

Miyeon P.O.V
Oh my god Miyeon pls don't tell me you scared that poor human? Soyeon said as soojin was Crossing her arms.Well umm no? I said and look at soyeon and soojin nervously.

Ah huh? Well what's this then? Soyeon said and hand me an ipad.AHH IM SORRY HAVE MERCY ON ME PLS I DON'T WANNA DIE PLS PLS as we can hear the girl crying

I umm that was not me I said and look at soyeon and soojin who is mad right now if miss Lia know that you did that she will definitely kill you soojin said and look at me angrily

Didn't miss Lia said no more scaring? Soyeon said and look at me I mean the last time you did that to somi she was admitted to the hospital because of panic attack and also because of you.

Well then I'm sorry I just couldn't help it I mean minnie did say she doesn't believe in angels so I thought I should scared her and it was fun-

As I was about to say fun suddenly soyeon and soojin was looking at me as they were furious

Oky oky I'm sorry I Promise this time I won't scared anyone anymore..Unless! No.No unless or anything no more scaring soyeon said and look at me

Fine fine sorry as me and soyeon and soojin will talking suddenly we hear a door open as we look over it was Minnie.

Oh my head..ouch. suddenly when Minnie look up to us She started screaming WAIT WHO ARE YOU GUYS?! I DON'T REMEMBER BRINGING ANYONE HOME! I'm gonna have to call the cops!

As Minnie took her phone out and call the cops HELP OFFICER THERE'S A BREAK IN AND THEY ARE IN A ANGEL OUTFIT AND- suddenly I took Minnie phone away from her and stared flying with her phone

Hello? The cop said sorry officer we accidentally call now then byee!! I said and kept Minnie phone with me..

Who are you three?! Minnie said and shouted as she was about to shout again suddenly I cover her mouth now now don't shout or Anything or else your gonna wake your neighbors up

If you promise not to shout I will let you go..and I will explain what's going on..

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