𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒕 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒉

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MiniMiyeon P.O.V
Is getting colder and colder day by day huh? I said as I began to walk on side road..I wonder what should I do..hmm I said as I stopped walking and started thinking.

Since I'm alone now..Let's just have fun then..I said and started walking to an nearby arcade.

As I arrived at the arcade I began to saw some few Children's and adults playing and having fun

Wow.. didn't expect alot of people here today..Well then let's not waste time! I wanna play some league of legends! Let's goo!! I said and ran to my favorite spot to play.

After Playing

That was really fun!! But I think I should head back home now..Before soojin and grandpa began to get worried.

Just as I was walking home suddenly I saw an girl sleeping on a bench alone with no coat or anything warm with her..only normal clothes on

Huh? I said and immediately stopped and head to the girl who is sleeping on the bench

Hey? Hello? I said and shook the girl slowly..You alright?

MiniMinnie P.O.V
Just as I was sleeping on the bench suddenly I began to feel someone shaking me mhm..who's that? I said and open my slowly to only see an girl.

Looks like the same age as me? H-hello? I said and look at the girl who is looking at me right now

Oh gosh! Thank God your awake! First I thought you wouldn't gonna wake up..the girl said and kept looking at me

Are you not cold? Why are you only wearing normal clothes? Is cold you know? You might freeze the girl said and suddenly touch my hand and cheeks.

Your freezing! The girl said and immediately hand me her coat and a mittens..W-wait! What are you doing? I said and look at the girl nervously

I'm just giving you my coat and mittens! The girl said and smile at me that's really kind of you..But you don't have to I said as I was about to take off the coat

Suddenly she stop me Noo don't take it off is cold! But ur cold to! I said and look at the girl

I maybe be cold but you need it more then I do!! So pls just wear it the girl said and pleaded

Alright I wear it I said as the girl began to smile

MiniMiyeon P.O.V
You look adorable in this!! I said as the girl in the bench began to blush..Ah Thank you so much..Uhh Miyeon! My name is Miyeon!!

I said and offer a hand shake wow..My name is Minnie! Cute name I said and smile at Minnie You to Miyeon..You have such an nice name Minnie said and smile at me.

Thank you so much Minnie! Just as I was about to talk to Minnie suddenly my phone rang..Huh? I said and pick up the phone

Hello - you brat!! Where are you?! Is late!! Soojin is getting worried and so am I!! You better come home quick I said and quickly hung up the phone

Who was that? Minnie said and look at me It was my grandpa and I have to go now Minnie!! Before my grandpa get mad and worried and also soojin!!

It was so nice meeting you Minnie!! I hope that in the future..will meet again I said and hug me Goodbye Minnie Mouse!

I said and gave Minnie an kiss in the cheeks and look at her smilingly before I go..

MiniMinnie P.O.V
Wait - before I could say anything Miyeon has already left the place She really gave me this coat and mittens for free?! And this to..? I said and touch my cheeks.

Suddenly I felt like my ears began to felt red..my ears I said and touch my ears

Is this a dream?! Did I just got kissed by Miyeon?! And she really really gave me this coat and mittens?! It look expensive!? I said and began to look up the sky..

Well then..Thank You so much Miyeon-Ah!! I really hope that in the future will meet again somehow.

And somehow I met an Angel too..A very Lovely And a beautiful Angel..

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