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Minnie P.O.V.
"Mhm..I wanna eat some ice cream" I said and groan while turning left and right on my bed

"Ice cream..Ice cream" I mumble and turn on my left side and face Miyeon who's sleeping Peacefully besides me

"Miyeon-Ah" I said and gently shook Miyeon who's still sleeping

"Miyeon-Ah" I said and immediately Miyeon started to wake up "Mhm..Nicha?" Miyeon said and slowly open her eyes And look at me

"Let me guess..Cravings? Miyeon said as I nodded "I'm craving ice cream!" I said as Miyeon took her phone

"Your craving ice cream at 4:30am?" Miyeon said and caress my bump "yup" I said smilingly

"Alright then,I go buy some ice cream now" Miyeon said and kiss me on the cheeks and got out of the bed

"Miyeon-Ah,Can I come along too?" I said as Miyeon nodded "of course love!" Miyeon said as I happily went to my closet and started changing

At The Convenience Store

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Have you picked an ice cream yet love?" I said as I was now back hugging Minnie

"I can't seem to choose! They all look good and yummy" Minnie said as I giggled "Can't I take all of them Miyeon-Ah?" Minnie said as I nodded

"Of course Love! You can take all of them" I said as Minnie cheer "Thank you so much Miyeon-Ah" Minnie said and plan a kiss on my cheeks and went to the cashier

"Is this all? Just ice cream?" Ryujin said as I nodded "Yup,Just ice cream" I said and ryujin nodded

"Alright then,it will be 4.90" ryujin said and look at me "would you be paying cash or card?" Ryujin said "I be paying with my card" I said as ryujin nodded

"Well then,Thanks for buying!" Ryujin said and gave us a warm smile "Bye ryujin!" Minnie said as the three of us bid goodbye to each other

At The Streets

"Ooo,I can't wait to eat them!" Minnie said as I giggled "Can't wait huh?" I said as Minnie nodded Happily

As the both of us hold hands and walk back home

At Home

Minnie P.O.V.
"Mhm! This chocolate ice cream is so good!" I said as I continue eating them "Miyeon-Ah! You should try them!" I said and gave Miyeon a scoop

"Mhm,They are good" Miyeon said as she sat beside me and cuddle me

"Oh! Miyeon-Ah I forgot to ask you how's your grandpa?" I said as Miyeon look at me

"His doing good his just waiting for Dahlia to be born now his very excited" Miyeon said as the both of us giggled

Miyeon P.O.V.
"Dahlia was the ice cream good?" I said and put my head gently on Minnie stomach

Just as I was laying on Minnie stomach suddenly I felt a kick

"Oh! You saw that Nicha?! Dahlia answer us!" I said excitedly and continue talking to dahlia

"Our precious Dahlia mummy love you so much..we can't wait to meet you" I said and immediately felt Minnie tearing up

"Love? Why are you crying?!" I said smilingly and started to comfort Minnie

Minnie P.O.V.
"Is just that..Your so sweet and your already gonna become an awesome mother Miyeon-Ah" I said as Miyeon smile and look at me

"I'm so glad I met you" I said and immediately Miyeon hug me "I'm so glad I met you too Nicha"

"Thank you for coming in to my life and thank you..for giving me a family" Miyeon said as me and her share an tight hug

"I love you so much Nicha" Miyeon said as the both of us shared an passionate kiss

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