𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 (𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍)

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Minnie P.O.V.
Owh! Today is my birthday!! I'm so excited!! I said as I began jumping up and down like a little kid.

Just as I was having my little moment suddenly I hear an voice Hey,Hey!! Minnie mouse happy birthday!!

Hm? I said as I turn my head it was..Yuqi! Yuqi!! I said in a happy tone while Yuqi was laughing at me.

You look like an little kid Minnie yah!! Happy birthday Minnie! Yuqi said as I giggled.Thank you So much Yuqi! I said as I gave a hug to Yuqi.

No Problem Minnie! But where's Miyeon? Yuqi said as my face immediately turn into sadness.

Oh..Miyeon? Uhh She's busy as..usual I said as i sigh she properly forgot about my birthday.I said and immediately Yuqi hug me

Minnie..Don't say like that,I'm sure Miyeon remember your birthday! How can your beautiful,amazing girlfriend forgot?

She may be busy..but I'm sure she remembers! Yuqi said and flash a smile at me.Dont worry Minnie mouse! Trust me! Yuqi said and pat my head

Now!! Cheer up and let's go have some fun!! But first let's close up the cafe Yuqi said as we both began closing up the cafe.

After That

Miyeon P.O.V.
Just as I was doing my office work suddenly I received an incoming called..and it was from Yuqi.

Yuqi? Why is she calling? I said as I immediately answer the phone called

Hello? I said while waiting for Yuqi to answer Hello Miyeon..Do you remember what day is it today? Yuqi said as I immediately Nodded.

Yes,Is My Girlfriend Birthday Today.Why? I said as Yuqi sigh.Thats a relief you know Minnie birthday today

Of course I knew is Minnie Birthday!! I said as Yuqi laugh That's good! But are you done with your work or something?

Yuqi said as I look through my documents at my desk as I sigh Not yet..But I'm doing it as fast as I can.

Alright!! But hurry tho!! I'm now with Minnie in the shopping center.I'm sure that you will have enough time to buy whatever you want!!

I got to go now Bye Miyeon!! Yuqi said as she hung up the phone.

Alright Then,Let's activate fast mode.I said as I immediately started doing my work faster.

Minnie P.O.V.
Thank You so much Yuqi for everything Today!! I said as Yuqi smile at me.No problem Minnie! Anything for my amazing Friend!

Yuqi said as I giggled well then I be going home now! Bye Yuqi! I said as Yuqi wave her hand at me.Bye Minnie Mouse!! Happy Birthday! Yuqi said as I giggled and continue walking home.

Just as I was walking home suddenly I start thinking about Miyeon.Miyeon hasn't called me or wish me anything today..

She really forgot huh? I said as I sigh while continue walking.

After That

Finally home! I said as I began opening my door just as I open the door everything was dark.

Hm? Why everything dark? I said as I began entering the house while looking around

Just as I was looking around suddenly the light turn on.Just as the light turn on I was greeted by Miyeon who is holding an Minnie mouse cake?!

Happy birthday My Love! Miyeon said as I immediately started tearing up Miyeon y-your here?! I said as Miyeon Nodded Yes,I'm here my Love.

How can I forgot my lovely girlfriend birthday? Miyeon said as immediately ran to hug Miyeon.

Miyeon P.O.V.
Aww,Love? Are you crying? I said and smile at Minnie who is hugging me while sobbing.

Aw,love..I said as I put the cake down on the table and began hugging Minnie Don't Cry I said while Minnie began crying harder.

I really thought you forgot about my birthday Since you didn't wish me or call me Minnie said and look at me with teary eyes.

Why would I forgot?I would never ever forget my precious girlfriend birthday! I said as Minnie giggle

Now shall we celebrate your birthday love?I said as Minnie nodded Happy Birthday My Love.

I said as Me and Minnie shared An Passionate Kissed.

𝑴𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕Where stories live. Discover now