𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑫𝒂𝒚

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Miyeon P.O.V.
Ugh..Today is such an rough Day! I said as sat on my office chair while soojin sigh

Ya..didn't knew that you will gonna get scolded by your grandpa Soojin said as I began to clench my fist.

Forget about him.I said angrily while trying to control my temper

I make sure that my grandpa won't separate me and Minnie no matter how much he hates her.

Now Then..Soojin let's go home.I said out of nowhere and stood up from my chair getting my coat and my stuff ready.

Wait go home?! Soojin said Shockley while I nodded Mhm..but w-why all of a sudden?!

Soojin said I'm not in a great mood right now.I just wanna go home before anything happened

And maybe you should go to soojin before anything happened to u too as well.

I said As soojin Nodded Alright then..I see you tomorrow Miyeon.Soojin said and bowed As I exit the office with my stuff.

Minnie P.O.V.
What should I do now?? I said as I sat on the couch with my phone on my hand scrolling through Instagram.

Just as I was scrolling into Instagram suddenly I hear a key sound

Wait..Is that Miyeon? I said and immediately stood up from the couch and went to the door

Just as I arrived there the door has already been open and I saw Miyeon with an angry expression?

M..Miyeon? I said and immediately Miyeon looked up the me Hey Love.. Miyeon said and quickly changed her expression as she greet me with an smile.

Hey Miyeon is everything alright? I said and approached Miyeon and immediately Miyeon came and hug me tightly while dropping all of her stuff on the floor.

Miyeon?! Is everything alright? I asked worriedly as I earn a sigh from Miyeon Everything alright Love.

Is just that..I'm having an Rough Day day Love and I'm also kinda tired.. Miyeon said as I began to notice that Miyeon voice began to change into sadness

Oh..Is there anything I could do to cheer you up Miyeon? I said as Miyeon look at me.


Miyeon P.O.V.
Are you feeling alright now Miyeon? Minnie said as I nodded Mhm..I'm felling better.

I said as Me and Minnie will cuddling on the bed

I love cuddling you very much Love I said as I kissed Minnie on the cheek while staring at her while Minnie began to blush.

But..what actually happened today that make you have an Rough Day? Minnie said while touching my cheeks

A sigh escaped my mouth while looking down Is my grandpa again.I said your grandpa? What's his doing to u? Minnie said calmly while her hands will still on my cheeks.

His just bothering me lately.. saying that..the both of us should break up and we should separate.I said while gripping on the mattress

Break up? Your grandpa want us to break..up? What? Why? Minnie said in a worried tone

I began to look up to Minnie and caress her cheeks don't worry love.I make sure he doesn't get in the way of our relationship.

I make sure that..He won't interfere in our relationship or anything I said and kissed Minnie.

I love you Kim Minnie I said and began hugging Minnie tightly

I love you too Cho Miyeon Minnie said as she hug me back

Pls don't ever leave me.Minnie said as I giggled I won't..I won't ever leave you Minnie.

𝑴𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕Where stories live. Discover now