Wei Ying Trauma

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That night while Wei Ying and Lan Zhan is sleeping in the same bed, Wei Ying begin to scream, "Wen Qing! Wen Qing! Stop it! Stop it!" This woke Lan Zhan up. He see Wei Ying tossing back and forth on the bed. "Wei Ying! Wei Ying!" What Lan Zhan about to heard modify him, "Wen Qing stop cutting me open it hurt! It hurt! It hurt! Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan!""

'Cut you open? What are you talking about Wei Ying?' Lan Zhan gathered Wei Ying in his arm, he put Wei Ying on his lap, he begin to run his hand through Wei Ying hair to calm him down.

When Wei Ying felt a warm hand running through his hair, he stop moving around. Wei Ying grab onto Lan Zhan night cloth and tighten his hand on it. Once Wei Ying finally fallen back to sleep Chenqing and Suibian appear, "what happen?" Chenqing asked Lan Zhan.

"Tell me what happen before Wei Ying went missing for three month?" Lan Zhan looked at Suibian and Chenqing, "what did you hear?" Lan Zhan look down at Wei Ying, "Wei Ying tell Wen Qing to stop cutting him open."

Chenqing and Suibian look at their master, the two seat down on the floor. "After the massacre of Lotus Cove. Master, Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli is the only three survivors. They were hiding at an inn, when master went out to buy medicine and food, the fool Jiang Wanyin left the inn. He see the Wen disciple was behind my master, he did one stupid thing, he lead the Wen disciple away from master. He got captured, and got his core melted by Wen Zuliu."

"Then what happen?" Lan Zhan tighten his hold on Wei Ying who whimp in his arm, he loose his grip, "The Wen sibling save master and the Jiang sibling. Jiang Wanyin told master that he got his core melted by Wen Zuliu. Master found a scroll by Wen Qing, a scroll that let one person cut open themselves and transfer their core over to another person."

"Are you saying that Wei Ying let Wen Qing cut him open to get his golden core to give it to Jiang Wanyin?!" Lan Zhan said with a angry tone in his voice.


"No wonder Jiang Wanyin can cultivate again."

Once again Wei Ying have another nightmare, "stop! Stop! Go away! Go away! Make the voice stop! Lan Zhan make the voice stop! Lan Zhan! Where are you?! Lan Zhan!"

Lan Zhan begin to hum their song while doing this he run his hand up and down Wei Ying hair. Wei Ying stop moving around and he stop shouting. Chenqing continue while Lan Zhan keep Wei Ying calm, "When master was waiting for Jiang Wanyin, he went into the tea house only to run into the Wen clan."

"Wen Chao take master to the burial mound. That is where he begin to learn demonic cultivation. Lan er gongzi, when you saw my master again he want to push you away. Do you want to know why?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

Chenqing looked at Master who have finally calm down, he look at Lan Zhan, "Master know that he have taint in darkness and demonic. He doesn't want to taint your pure and your righteous, that is why he push you away."

'No matter how hard he push me away, I will never leave his side," Chenqing and Suibian smile at this, "I'm glad you are here with master. He will have a break down and a trauma every now and then. The vision of the future, we will wait until master want to see it or not," Chenqing and Suibian vanish from there leaving Lan Zhan with Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan look down at Wei Ying, 'Is this the reason why you didn't tell me? Is this the reason why you want to keep a distance from me?' Instead of laying back down to go back to sleep, Lan Zhan sleep sitting up with Wei Ying still in his arm.

The next morning when Wei Ying woke up he is laying down on the bed, "Master, your awake?" Wei Ying turn to his right he see Suibian sitting next to him on the floor. 'His eye is still the same, dull and empty,' "Master, we need to talk."

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying voice is the same as always soft and quiet. "Lan er gongzi, is out at the moment," Wei Ying close his eye, he is not sleeping he just want to rest his eye. "Master, you and Lan er gongzi isn't the only one who travel back to the past. There are other two people as well?"

Wei Ying turn to look at Suibian again, "two...other...people? Who?"

"Jiang Wanyin and Lan Xichen."

"Jiang....Wanyin.....Lan....Xichen?" 'Was my talisman that strong? Strong enough to bring Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin back to the past?'

"Master?" Chenqing appear next to Suibian, "Chenqing," Chenqing sat down next to Wei Ying on the bed. "Master, we need to show the people of the past about the future. They need to be ready, but we need your permission first. This is your memories after all."

"My memories?" The two nodded their head. "Do you two want Wei Ying to be there as well?" All Suibian and Chenqing turn around to see Lan Zhan walking in with a tray of food in his hand.

"That is up to Master."

"I don't want to be there. You can show them my memories, you can show Jiang Wanyin what I have done for him. I'm tire....I have to repeat this all over again."

"Wei Ying," Suibian and Chenqing sat on the side, "Wei Ying, you don't have to do this alone. You have me, Suibian and Chenqing, we can get through this together, okay?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

Lan Zhan look at Chenqing, "Can you show them mine as well?" Chenqing nodded his head.

"We will leave you two alone." The two disappear from there. "Lan Zhan," Lan Zhan look back at Wei Ying, "Mn?"

"Lan Zhan don't leave my side?" Lan Zhan touched Wei Ying cheek, "I won't, I promise. I will always be here by Wei Ying side."

Wei Ying have on a smile, he closed his eye and went back to sleep, 'I will always stand by your side, Wei Ying.'

It is like every other night, "stop! Go away! Don't hurt them! Shijie! Run run!" This got Lan Zhan to wake up, "Wei Ying! Wei Ying!" 'I can't even help him at this moment. I feel so useless.' Lan Zhan gathered Wei Ying in his arm.

"Wei Ying...is okay. No one is hurt, no one is hurting Jiang guniang, your safe," he whispered into Wei Ying ear. "Your safe." Wei Ying stop struggling in Lan Zhan arm as he relax to Lan Zhan voice next to his ear.

"I won't let anything happen to you again Wei Ying. No one can separate me and you, if they do...." Lan Zhan narrowed his eye, "I will kill them for your sake. Clan or no clan....defect or no defect. I will protect you."

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