Time To Deal With Xue Yang

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The next morning Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan, Chenqing and Suibian left Cloud Recesse to go find Xue Yang. They need to deal with Xue Yang before he cause more trouble for the cultivation world.

"Master, where do you think Xue Yang will be?" Chenqing asked as they sat in the boat as it take them to the next town.

"Ummm let see, the first place Lan Zhan, Jiang Wanyin and I saw Xue Yang is in Yueyang. He massacre the whole clan of Chang clan, that is when Shishu and Song Xiong show up. I don't know if he is there or not," Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan.

"We can ask the people in Yueyang," all of them arrive in Tanzhou town. "Is this a festival? Last time there wasn't one until now. How about we go find an inn, then head out to enjoy the festival?" Wei Ying said with a happy smile on his face.

"A-Ying, you never went to a festival before?" Xiao Xingchen asked his nephew. "No, when I enter into the Jiang clan, I never got the chance to go to a festival like this," Xiao Xingchen hate the Jiang clan for this, 'I will never want A-Ying to return to the Jiang clan.'

Once they found an inn, they left to enjoy the festival. "Song xiong, I'm going to borrow Shishu. You and Lan Zhan follow behind okay?" Song Lan nodded his head, so Wei Ying take Xiao Xingchen with him.

Lan Zhan and Song Lan see Wei Ying dragging Xiao Xingchen from one vendor to the next. It was the same for Chenqing, he get drag here and there by Suibian. "All of these are so new to us! Want to try some?" Suibian asked Chenqing.

"We don't have any money on us," Suibian look around, his eye landed on their master. "Come on!" He dragged Chenqing toward their master. "Master! Master!" Wei Ying stop walking, he turn around to look at his spiritual tool.

"What is it, Suibian?" Wei Ying asked. "Master, can we borrow some money? Chenqing and I want to try some of the food." Wei Ying smile at this, "of course," When Wei Ying is about to take out his pouch, Lan Zhan beat him to it.

"Here," Chenqing and Suibian looked at Lan Zhan, "Lan er gongzi, you don't have to do this?" Lan Zhan take Chenqing hand and put the pouch on his hand. "My way of saying thank you for always being there for Wei Ying."

The two turn to look at Wei Ying, he smiled at them as he nodded his head. "Then thank you, come on Chenqing!" The two left from there.

When night time come they all head back to the inn to get something to eat. "That was fun! The food was delicious!" Chenqing sigh, "you and master are the same."

"So what?! I am master sword after all. I take after him. Just like how Song gongzi is the same as Lan er gongzi," this got Lan Zhan and Song Lan to look at each other then back to Suibian.

"Suibian, why do you said that?" Wei Ying asked his sword.

"Well the two of them are quiet, talk less, only talk to the people they care about. That mean is our master and Xiao Xingchen."

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan while Xiao Xingchen looked at Song Lan. "Indeed your right," after a good talk they all went back to their own room for a good rest.

The very next morning after eating their breakfast, they all left to head to Yueyang. While at it Wei Ying asked the people there if they hear or see anything happen in there town. They tell the group that not far from here there is a clan name Chang, they heard groaning and moaning and pounding on the door from inside of the Chang home.

"Is the same, then is he going to be there?" Wei Ying looked at the people around him. "We won't know until we try. Let head to the Chang clan home," they all agree to what Song Lan just said. They all left to head to the Chang house.

When they got there they see the door was close, they all walk to the front door and that is when they hear the pounding on the door. Wei Ying make a talisman in the air, he push it toward the two door, "Open!" The two door slam open up, they see many dead body inside and two people hanging in front.

"We are too late. Do you think he here?" Wei Ying asked as he still looking inside of the Chang clan house whole.

"Master, let's go inside for a look," Wei Ying nodded his head. So they all walk into the Chang clan house. Just like before when Wei Ying check how the people in the Chang clan died, he see their eye turn white and black vein on their neck.

"Eye turn white and black vein on their neck. They have turn into puppet before they died," Chenqing and Suibian stand close to Wei Ying, they know that something is about to happen.

And that is when Chenqing see a powder is heading their way, "Suibian!" Suibian used his sword to slash away the white powder, "who dare harm our master?! Come out!" Chenqing look up on the roof, he see a guy sitting up there.

"Xue Yang!" Come Wei Ying angry voice, "why did you kill them? What grudges did you have against them?" Suibian pointed his sword at Xue Yang. "They all deserve to died,"Xiao Xingchen flew up and pointed his sword at Xue Yang throat.

"Xingchen!" Song Lan went up to stand next to Xiao Xingchen, "Give your self up or we will kill you right here and now?"

"You have to capture me first!" Wei Ying won't let Xue Yang go that easily. He use his string and attracted to Xue Yang wrist. He pull Xue Yang back over the roof and throw him onto the ground.

Xue Yang look at the string on his wrist, "this look fun," Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan begin to attack Xue Yang. "Chenqing, Suibian, go help Shishu and Song xiong," the two nodded their head.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stand by in case the four needed help. When Xue Yang is about to stab Song Lan, Wei Ying pull Xue Yang away, "Lan Zhan Lan Zhan, what do you think of my bonding or binding string? Is it silly now?" Lan Zhan just sigh.

Xue Yang try to get behind Xiao Xingchen, Wei Ying did it like before he pull Xue Yang to the other side and that is when Chenqing and Suibian pointed their sword at Xue Yang throat, "Get up, I will cut your neck off!"

"Xingchen tie him up," Xiao Xingchen did just that. "Master what should we do with him?" Wei Ying and Lan Zhan remember what happen in the future, "We can take him back to Qinghe Nie clan. Chifeng Zun and Zewu Jun will know what to do with him. This time no one can save him."

So they all agree to take Xue Yang back to Qinghe Nie clan, "Lan Zhan, sent a message to Xichen ge. Let him know that we have Xue Yang. Since he is Xiandu, is up to him to decide what to do with Xue Yang."

"Okay.I will write to Xiong zhang once we arrive in Qinghe."

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