Attack On Baixue Temple

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The next morning while Lan Zhan and Sizhui is getting ready to talk to the spirit inside of the temple a voice said, "Our temple is under attack by Yao, monster and puppet!" Hearing this Wei Ying look at Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, you and Sizhui take care of thing here."

He turn to look at Jingyi, Jin Ling and Zizhen, "A-Yi, A- Ling, Zizhen, you three stay here to protect them. Chenqing and Suibian, you and the rest go help the other disciple." The two left with the Lan disciple, they went to the front of the temple to fight the Monster, Yao and puppet.

"Shishu, Song xiong, you two stay here, this temple need their master to stay alive. We will take care of it!" After saying that Wei Ying left from there, "Be careful Wei Ying!" Wei Ying waved his hand in the air to let Lan Zhan know that he will.

"Xiao Shishu, we should begin now," Song Lan put a hand on Xiao Xingchen shoulder, "Xingchen, Wuxian will be just fine. He strong, he doing this to protect everyone here." Xiao Xingchen nodded his head so the two take Sizhui and Lan Zhan to the place where this spirit is at.

"Master! There is a ton of monster and Yao heading this way! Suibian and I will handle it. Why don't you stay here and take care of the puppet?" Just as Chenqing is about to leave Wei Ying take Chenqing hand, "You two be careful. Come back safe, you got it?" Chenqing nodded his head. He left from there to reply a message to Suibian what their master just said to him.

"Wei Qianbei! There too many of them!" One of the Lan disciple shouted to Wei Ying. "Everyone get back inside and lock the door! I will take care of thing here!"they all did just that.

With Lan Zhan and the other, they figure out this was Song Lan master. He want to talk to Song Lan one last time before leaving this world. Song Lan even introduce Xiao Xingchen to his master since he didn't get to know who Xiao Xingchen is.

After knowing that his temple and disciple is in good hand, Song Lan master left this world. "I learn from Fuqin is that, even if our love one have pass on. They will always be our heart. Song gongzi, I can tell that your master love you very much."

"Thank you Lan gongzi," Sizhui smile as he nodded his head. While the group have finish talking to Song Lan master, they all heard the door open and then slam closed. Lan Zhan and Sizhui made their guqin disappear, "Something is happening at the front."

They all rush to the front door, Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen and Lan Zhan see their disciple standing in front of the door, "Why is everyone inside but not out there?" Xiao Xingchen asked the disciple.

"Master Xiao, Master Wei told us to go back inside. There are too many puppet outside, we can't handle it."

Before Lan Zhan and Xiao Xingchen can go outside a big mass of dark energy appear above the Baixue Temple. "Wei Ying."


"A-Ying, please be safe." Song Lan put his hand on Xiao Xingchen shoulder, "he is strong, I know that he will be fine." Xiao Xingchen nodded his head, 'I know he will.'

After Chenqing and Suibian has take care of the monster and Yao, the two went back to help their master, "Master!" Chenqing and Suibian enter into the massive black dome in front of them. Wei Ying also enter into the black dome as well.

From inside of the temple, everyone can hear the fighting going on outside or more like inside of the black dome. "I hope Wei Shushu is alright. I'm getting worry about him," Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui nodded their head.

About an hour or so later the black dome disappear, that is when Lan Zhan and the other open the door to the front. All of them see Chenqing and Suibian helping Wei Ying to walk, "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan went over to take over his duty.

"A-Ying!" Xiao Xingchen went to check to see if Wei Ying is hurt any where. "Shishu, I'm fine. Chenqing and Suibian protected me. We are a little worn out thought."

"We have a place where you can meditate to get your strength back," Song Lan take Wei Ying, Chenqing and Suibian to a place that is surrounded by nature, a stone circle that have Song Lan temple design on it and around this stone circle it have stone lantern.

"Chenqing since you have demonic energy inside you, you can't enter but with my permission you can enter. Usually whoever have dark energy inside of them, they get backlash for entering into this place. Wuxian, you also have my permission,"

Chenqing and Suibian help Wei Ying inside the stone circle, once all three of them enter into the stone circle a shield appear as it surrounded the place.

"The three of them should be back to normal by tomorrow

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"The three of them should be back to normal by tomorrow. Why don't I go prepare breakfast for all of us?" Xiao Xingchen nodded his head. "Hanguang Jun, we should go get some rest before breakfast?" Sizhui know that his father is worrying about his dad, he want his father to eat something or his dad will get angry at him.(Lan Zhan)

While everyone is eating they are talking about what happen, "Ummmm....." Xiao Xingchen look at Sizhui, "Ah that's right we heard that Wangji and A-Ying adopted you, Sizhui, am I right?" Sizhui nodded his head.

"You can call me, Shushu, and Zichen, Song Shushu, now you were saying?" Xiao Xingchen smiled at Sizhui, "Shushu, I was wondering does this happen often at Baixue Temple?" Sizhui asked.

"No, usually it is very quiet here. I wonder why Baixue is under attack," Xiao Xingchen turn to look at Song Lan who is thinking about this question. "Zichen?"

"This never happen before," Song Lan look down at Lan Zhan, "Wangji, can you take a look at the forest tomorrow? Maybe something went wrong there?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Song Shushu, what is in the forest?" Sizhui asked Song Lan.

"It is a place where all of the master of the Baixue Temple lay to rest. Someone must have broken the barrier around the place."

"Don't worry Song xiong, we will check it out and then fix it up for you," Song Lan sigh with relief, "Thank You, Wangji."

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