Two Other People

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After putting the array around Jingshi, Chenqing and Suibian walk into Lan Zhan home. "Lan er gongzi," when Lan Zhan put Wei Ying down on his bed, Wei Ying tighten his fist on Lan Zhan clothes.

Lan Zhan lead in to whisper into Wei Ying ear, "Wei Ying, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere," after hearing Lan Zhan said this Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan clothes. Lan Zhan pull the cover over Wei Ying to keep him warm.

After that Lan Zhan walk over to where Suibian and Chenqing is at, "we want to let you know that you and Master aren't the only one who came from the future."

"You mean there someone else?" Chenqing nodded his head. "Two person actually."

"Two? Who are they?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin."

"My brother and Jiang Wanyin?" Suibian nodded his head. "By now the two of them are also confuse. I bet right now, Wen Chao is at the Orchid room causing trouble."

Just like Suibian said Wen Chao arrive in the Orchid room. Lan Xichen is holding back his anger, he doesn't want to deal with the Wen clan right now, "Wen gongzi, you can leave two of your disciple here. We don't want to cause your clan any trouble. Please leave or we will escort you out of here."

Wen Chao left from there with a grumpy an angry expression on his face. Lan Xichen turn to look at his Shifu, "Shifu, we should cancel the ceremony for today. It look like something is about to happen," 'More importantly, I seem to travel back to the past. The first thing I will do is save father.'

As Lan Xichen is about to head to his father seclusion place a voice said, "Zewu Jun," Lan Xichen turn around to see Jiang Wanyin behind him, "what do you remember?" This kind of confuse Lan Xichen, "Jiang gongzi, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you remember at NeverNight?" Now Lan Xichen understand what Jiang Wanyin is talking about, "Jiang gongzi, you, your here as well, back to the past?" Jiang Wanyin nodded his head.

At Jingshi

Lan Zhan look over at Wei Ying, "Can you tell me how we end up in the past?" Chenqing nodded his head, so he begin to tell Lan Zhan about the talisman in Wei Ying clothes and how Wei Ying blood activated the talisman and that is how they end up in the past.

"How come Wei Ying didn't know about it? Why did Wei Ying talisman sent us all back to the past? Not just any past but back to when we all at Cloud Recesse."

"To change the future. Step by step, this way you all will know what to do next," Chenqing answered Lan Zhan questions.

"How will we do that?" Lan Zhan asked.

"I will do almost the same as what you do, Lan er gongzi." Lan Zhan know what Chenqing is talking about, "Will this make them see what is about to happen?" Chenqing nodded his head.

Lan Zhan turn back to look at Wei Ying, "I don't think is best to let Master see the future again. It will cause Master to go into hyperventilate and trauma."

"Mn. Then we will let Wei Ying stay here."

"Then Suibian and I will go see Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin." After saying that the two vanish from there.

When Suibian and Chenqing appear in front of Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin, the two heard what Lan Xichen just ask Jiang Wanyin, "Of course he is in the past," Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin turn to see Suibian and Chenqing looking at them.

"Who are you two?" Lan Xichen asked. "Suibian." "Chenqing."

"Suibian? Chenqing?" The two nodded their head, "we got more important thing to talk about. Can we find a private place to talk?" Lan Xichen nodded his head, "Please come this way."

Lan Xichen lead them to Hanshi, "please come in." Jiang Wanyin sat at one table, same with Lan Xichen, Suibian and Chenqing sat together. "Zewu Jun, were you heading to your father place?"

Lan Xichen nodded his head, "I want to get Fuqin out of seclusion. I can't let him died again. He need to know what will happen soon."

"I agree, also, Zewu Jun, I think you should sent a message to Sect leader Nie. His clan is also in danger as well." Chenqing turn his attention to Jiang Wanyin, "even thought I don't like your parents, they need to know what will happen to their clan. Send a message, tell them to come here. A little warning Jiang gongzi, if your mother dare to call my master "son of a servant" I will close her mouth shut."

"Chenqing, I was thinking. Master should stay here in Cloud Recesse once their guest lecture end. I don't want Master to go back to Lotus Cove without Lan er gongzi," Jiang Wanyin couldn't believe what he is hearing, "You can't do that! Wei Wuxian belong to the Jiang clan!"

"Is he now? If I remember correctly Sect leader Jiang, you defected my master from your clan. I won't let your father and mother to use my master as your and your sister shield." Chenqing eye turn red.

"Chenqing," Suibian was able calm Chenqing down. "The only person I trust my master to is...Lan Wangji. At least he stand by my master side when he needed him the most."

"We are heading back to Jingshi. You two need to go do what you need to do. Chenqing will show the future tomorrow, as for class, just let it go on as usual. Oh one more thing Zewu Jun, you should invite the Wen sibling, Jin Zixuan and his mother. Don't let Jin Guangshan come, I don't want him here."

"Suibian, you forgot one person?"

"Who?" Suibian asked.

"Meng Yao." Hearing this name Lan Xichen look at Suibian and Chenqing, "A-Yao? What about him?" Lan Xichen asked.

"We will show you tomorrow Zewu Jun. Once you found out who he really is, you need to stay away from him. Don't trust him," with that Suibian and Chenqing vanish from there.

"Jiang gongzi, you should head back to your guest room to send a message to your parents. I will let Jin gongzi and Mingjue xiong know," Jiang Wanyin nodded his head, he got up, gave bow to Lan Xichen and left from there.

'After this I will go talk to Fuqin. I need to get him out of seclusion,' Lan Xichen take out a paper and begin to write a message to Nie Mingjue.

'I should tell Jie to come along as well,' with that last thought Jiang Wanyin went back to his guest room and write a message to his parents.

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