10 Vision: Into The Burial Mound and Demonic Cultivation

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❤️here is something for everyone to know. Have you guys wonder why Wei Ying name his flute Chenqing here is the reason and meaning behind it. (Chenqing) = old/first love. Doesn't it feel like he thinking about Lan Zhan?❤️
The following day Wei Ying and Lan Zhan didn't come to watch the vision. "Chenqing, can I ask you where is A-Zhan and Wei gongzi?" Qingheng Jun asked Chenqing.

"Lan er gongzi and Master is still in Jingshi," Chenqing turn to glared at Jiang Cheng, "is his fault for shouting at my master. They don't want to come today," Chenqing turn his attention to Yu Ziyuan, "I will let you speak again if ONLY you won't say a single thing about my master, you got it?" Yu Ziyuan can only nodded her head.

Chenqing turn his attention to Lan Qiren, "Lan Qiren, I know how much you despise people who study demonic cultivation but do you know that not everyone who study demonic cultivation is evil or want to destroy the world. After you watch this, you better not scold my master for it."

Wei Ying is waiting for Jiang Cheng in front of the tea house for seven days now and he haven't show up yet. He was getting hungry and thirsty, Wei Ying decide to enter into the tea house in front of him only to come face to face with the Wen clan.

Wei Ying got captured by the Wen clan, Wen Chao ask Wei Ying where is Jiang Wanyin, "I will never tell you where Jiang Cheng is at! Even if you kill me, I won't give him up." Wen Chao beat Wei Ying up even more.

"Wei gongzi is one loyalty head disciple. You mistreated the wrong person, Yu Ziyuan," Qingheng Jun shook his head in disappointed at Yu Ziyuan.

Wen Chao decide to take Wei Ying to one place, a place where one person can't leave once they are inside this dark place. As they flew above the cloud, they finally come to the place that Wen Chao is talking about. This place is call, "Burial Mound"

Wen Chao pushed Wei Ying from above the sky as he fall down toward the burial mound beneath him. Before he can fall any further the yin iron sword inside of his Qiankun pouch begin to shake, the resentment energy below the burial mound came up and caught him.

"The resentment energy caught him but how?" Lan Qiren watch with a question inside of his mind.

The resentment energy pull Wei Ying down toward the burial mound beneath him. Wei Ying hit the ground not very hard but it cause him to become unconscious. About a minute later Wei Ying woke up, he look around the place it was fill with resentment energy, he can even hear different voice calling out to him.

But one voice that keep him going, "Wei Ying" "Wei Ying" "Wei Ying"

Qingheng Jun, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren couldn't believe what they are hearing. Lan Zhan voice is calling out to Wei Ying. 'Didi, even in this situation your still there for Wei gongzi?' Lan Xichen thought to himself.

They all watch as Wei Ying crawl toward the floating sword at the other end. When Wei Ying got closer to the iron sword he hear voice saying:

"Wei Wuxian, do you want revenge?"

"Wei Wuxian join us?"

"Wei Wuxian, do want revenge?"

That is when Wei Ying touched the sword, "Wei Wuxian, do you want revenge?" He hold the sword into the air and then slam it down on the ground.

'I need a place to stay,' Wei Ying use the sword to help him to stand up, it was very hard for Wei Ying to see through all of the resentment energy all around him. 'So tire, so much pain, need to rest,' Wei Ying use his hand to feel his way through the dark energy.

About a minute later Wei Ying felt rock in front of him. He know that this is some kind of cave, 'anything will do,' he keep on walking around, he want to find a place to sleep and that is when he walk into a rock. Wei Ying bend down, he felt the rock was flat, 'since is flat I should use this as my bed,' when Wei Ying lay down he was out, he can't stay awake any longer.

Wei Ying slept for two to three days, on the fifth day Wei Ying is fully awake. The first thing Wei Ying do is, he want to treat his injury first, 'Even though I am hungry, I can hang in there.'

After two weeks Wei Ying is all heal, he was able to forge the two iron sword into the Yin Hufu. 'Now, all I need is a spiritual tool. What can I use to control my Yin Hufu? The only way to do is through music and music use instruments just like the Lan clan.'

Qingheng Jun, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren is surprise to hear Wei Ying thought about using instrument to control his Yin Hufu through music, "this Wei Wuxian is one smart child. Even though he is learning demonic cultivation, he is using it for good purpose."

'If Fuqin said that about Wei gongzi then I was wrong. I should have stand up for him like Wangji did,' Lan Xichen felt like he doesn't deserve to be a clan leader since he now understand that it wasn't Wei Ying fault after all.

After three month in the burial mound Wei Ying was able to leave the place. 'I need to find food. I'm glad I still have some money on me,' Wei Ying went to find an inn to stay in. When Wei Ying found one, he went up to the owner, "Can you bring me some food and a bath that fill with warm water? And a new pair of clothes?" Wei Ying pay the owner first, "I will bring them up for you right away sir."

That night Wei Ying fill his stomach with warm food, a warm bath and a warm bed to sleep in. He know that he will have a busy day tomorrow because tomorrow is the day where Wei Ying will get his revenge.

On the next day Wei Ying went to buy a new set of clothes, it was his favorite color black and red. 'Now it is time to go find Wen Chao. I'm coming for you Wen Chao.'

Chenqing used his resentment energy to open the door, the fresh air of Gusu flow into the room everyone take in a deep breath of air to clear away the resentment energy within them.

After watching this Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Cheng know that they have a lot to make up for Wei Ying, they don't know if Wei Ying will accept it or not.

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