7 Vision: Slaughter Xuanwu Cave

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The very next day, Chenqing, Suibian, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan enter into the Orchid room where everyone is waiting for them, "Wangji, where did you and Wei gongzi went?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Yunmeng," Jiang Fengmian, Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Yanli and Yu Ziyuan wondering why Wei Ying went there. "No need to look at Wei Ying like that. He only went there to protect your clan. He won't return to your home anymore after he help you to defeat the Wen clan."

"Let's start shall we," Chenqing let out the resentment energy again, the whole place cover in black but soon turn into a scene where the disciple and their heir is standing in the lecture place.

Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan see a disciple who went to whispered something into Wen Chao ear. "Change of plan, we are going on a night hunt."

"A night hunt? You don't even have your sword? How are you even going to fight off whoever or whatever is going to attack you?" Lan Qiren said with a angry expression on his face.

Wei Ying turn around to see a walking limping Lan Zhan, just as Wei Ying is about to walk over to Lan Zhan, Jiang Wanyin stop him. "Wei Wuxian, what do you want to do now? Are you trying to help him? Can't you stop being so reckless?"

"Did I already told you what happen to Lan Zhan home? Look at his leg, he can't walk even properly. We have been running around for the past few days, his injury must have aggravated. If I don't help him, who else will help him?" Wei Ying know that Jiang Wanyin won't understand him.

"That is enough, Wei Wuxian. Haven't you help him enough already? You know that he won't let you get close to him, not to mention he won't let you carry him."

"You really should follow my master idea, Jiang gongzi. He like to help other people and you don't. You won't make a good sect leader if you don't help other people." Everyone then hear, "Mmmm mmmmm mmmmm," they turn to see Yu Ziyuan who stand up with a angry muffling sound.

"You know that I am right, Yu Ziyuan? Your husband is that kind of sect leader, he help other people. Unlike you and your son here, you don't."

"Wangji, did it hurt?" Lan Xichen asked his didi, "it hurt a little bit but I can stand it," Lan Zhan gave a small smile to let his brother know that it didn't bother him one bit.

"What Lan Zhan think is his business. What I do is my business. Beside it is not like he going to choke me to death. I will force myself to grab him and carried him on my back."

"It is already hard enough for us to take care of ourselves. We don't have enough energy to deal with anyone else troubles. "

"Watch this Yu Ziyuan, and Jiang gongzi, you know what my master is doing is right. You on the other hand, is a coward. Your scare that something will happen to your clan if you help other people but yourself, such a shameful heir." This got Jiang Wanyin angry, he look over at Wei Ying, who was covered by Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying take Jiang Cheng hand off of his wrist, "First: it is not something trivial. Secondly: someone should cope with the situation," Wei Ying patted Jiang Cheng on his shoulder as he run over to where Lan Zhan is at.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying glance down at Lan Zhan leg, "How is your leg?"

"Is fine."

"Lan Zhan, we have been through a lot together, why can't you tell me the truth? Are you sure your leg is OK?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan once more.

"Is fine," Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying the same answer, as he start to walk again Wei Ying step in front of Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, "Don't pretend that you are fine, then how about this? Let me carry you?" Wei Ying smiled at Lan Zhan who just give him a look like saying 'I won't let you carry me.'

'Wangji can never accept someone else kindness. But seeing the two of them together, I understand that they really love one another. Is just that.....if I know about this....then I will stand up for Wei gongzi,' Lan Xichen though to himself as he look over at his didi and Wei Ying who smile at the scene before them.

"Boring!" Lan Zhan said that as he walk away from Wei Ying.

"Lan Zhan, you..." Wei Ying couldn't help but look at Lan Zhan limping as he walk away from Wei Ying, 'Lan Zhan, your such a stubborn person. How can he walk with a injury leg like that.' Wei ying is trying to find a way to help Lan Zhan, he can't let Lan Zhan walk around without resting and then a thought come into his mind.

Wei Ying take out a yellow paper man, he used his blood to write down his conscience in it. Wei Ying let it go, it flew toward Wen Qing without anyone seeing it. The paper man landed on Wen Qing arm, "Wen guniang! Wen guniang! Thank you for saving me back then. I want to ask a favor from you. Can you find a way for Lan Zhan to take a rest?"

In the very back Lan Zhan glanced over at Wei Ying without him noticing it. Wei Ying glance back over at Lan Zhan who move his eye away from Wei Ying.

In the front Wen Qing stop the walking, she tell everyone that they should take a break here. Everyone walk over to where the river is at, Lan Zhan take this chance to seat down on the rock to give his injured leg a break.

Once everyone take a break Wei Ying gave a bow to Wen Qing as a thank you, she end up not saying anything to Wei Ying as she walk away from there, "What did you do now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Nothing," Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan, I will go get you some water." With that Wei Ying went to the river to get some water for Lan Zhan to drink.

Soon everyone went back to look for the cave, the cave that the Wen disciple seen when they went on a night hunt.

"You see that old man Lan! My master treat your nephew better then you! Rule rule rule! All you carry about is rule! Shouldn't your family come first?" Suibian asked as he stood next to Chenqing.

"Suibian!" Suibian lowered his head when Wei Ying scolded him.

Wei Yang suddenly see a foggy mist above the mountain, 'I wonder,' Wei Ying take out a talisman, and he sent it toward the mountain. With a snap of his finger the talisman sway back and forth as it clear up the fog. The fog has been clear up, there they all see an opening, it is the cave that the Wen clan disciple was looking for.

They all head toward the cave, when they enter inside it was wet, dark and bat flying above them.

"We will stop here. A lot has happen in that cave, I think master, Lan er gongzi and Jiang gongzi can tell you." Chenqing clear the dark energy, the door open to let fresh air in.

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