5 Vision: Burning of Cloud Recesse

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After two day of returning Chenqing is about to show everyone in the room the burning of Cloud Recesse.

"Lan Zhan, I want to stay in Jingshi today. I feel really tire," Lan Zhan went over to Wei Ying side, he touched Wei Ying forehead, "Your forehead is warm, then stay in bed." Wei Ying nodded his head and he fell asleep.

Chenqing and Suibian appear before Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, "Lan er gongzi," the two walk over to the bed, "Is master, alright?" Suibian asked.

"Wei Ying is having a slight fever. We will stay here, can you two handle the rest?" Chenqing and Suibian nodded their head, they disappear from there and reappear in the Orchid room.

"Shall we begin?" The resentment energy cover up the whole room, soon the view of Cloud Recesse appear.

They see Wen Xu attacking the gate keeper. Many other Lan disciple attack Wen Xu and his disciple, they end up getting kill by them instead.

Back inside, Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen is meditating when they hear, "Attack them!"

"Burn down their home!" This cause Lan Qiren to threw up blood. One Lan disciple came in to tell the two Lan that the Wen clan is attacking them. That they are burning down their home.

"The Wen clan has become vicious and sinister."

"Aren't you glad that your out of seclusion, Qingheng Jun? Your brother and son need you to protect your home," hearing Chenqing said this Qingheng Jun look at his brother and son, "Mn."

"Shifu, the Wen clan fire talisman have poison in them. You shouldn't get angry."

Lan Qiren looked at Lan Xichen, "What about Wangji? Were you able to contract him?" Lan Xichen shook his head no.

"You must contract him. Tell Wangji to leave and never come back. If he is outside, he will be safe. This way we..." Lan Qiren didn't get to finish what he is saying as he start to cough again.

Soon a different disciple came into the room, he tell Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren that the Wen clan have broken their shield and burn down all of the disciple house. The fire is spreading all around Cloud Recesse.

"Shifu, our home is getting burn down by the Wen clan. Shifu, please take all of our ancient book from the library Pavilion and leave from here."

"If I leave, what will happen to you? What will happen to the rest of our disciple?"

"We will retreat into the cold cave. Those without the Lan forehead ribbon can't enter, only with the help from those with Lan forehead ribbon can help them enter into the cold cave." Lan Qiren shook his head no.m

"Shifu please! No matter what we need to save the foundation of our Lan clan."

"Xichen, said no more. You go, I will stay."

"This must have been a tough decision for the both of you," Qingheng Jun looked at Lan Xichen since he is from the future after all. "Shifu didn't want to go. When I left, I don't know what happen to Wangji or Shifu."

"If you still consider me your shifu. You should go."

"Shifu, I am the master of the Lan clan. It is my duty to stay, it is my duty to protect our clan."

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