The 1 Vision - Cloud Recesse

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"Since my master gave me permission to show his memories, I will start from the beginning." With a snap of his finger everyone is inside of a vision.

Young Wei Ying, Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli arrive at the front gate of Gusu. They didn't have their invitation because they have lost it. The gate keeper doesn't want to let them in since they didn't have their invitation, "Young man, we have told you man times. We lost our invitation. We didn't mean to loose our invitation. Beside, can't you see that we are standing here. How could we be fake?"

"Ah, no wonder Wei gongzi and the other couldn't get in. They did lost their invitation after all. No wonder Wangji, told me about it," Lan Xichen look at the scene in front of him.

The gate keeper keep saying the same thing, without their invitation they won't know if they are the real Jiang clan or not.

Wei Ying is getting very impatient with this Lan disciple, "look here, the sun is about to go down. Are you going to let us stay out on the street during the night?"

"A-Huan, it doesn't matter if they have their invitation or not. We should let them in. Don't let this happen anymore," Lan Xichen nodded his head.

"How about this? Can you ask your clan leader to come meet our Shijie. With one look, he will know that we aren't lying."

The gate keeper tell Wei Ying to wait there until 5:45 pm when he switch with another gate keeper. "What!? 5:45pm!? The sun will be gone by then."

"A- Xian, watch your manner."

"Of course he need to watch his manner."

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut Yu Ziyuan?!" Chenqing hissed at Yu Ziyuan.

"But Shijie!"

"Fuqin tell us not to lose our propriety. For now, why don't we head back down the mountain and try to find another way."

Just as they were about to walk down the mountain a person in white with a forehead ribbon walking toward them.

"This is when Wangji came back with a disciple who have black line on there neck. So this event is already over."

The Jiang clan disciple step aside to let that person through, Jiang Wanyin and Wei Ying whisper to each other, "This is Lan er gongzi. He is one of the twin Jade of the Lan sect. He is also Lan Xichen didi."

"Do you think he can help us?" Wei Ying whispered to Jiang Wanyin.

A couple of disciple carrying one disciple on a stretcher, the Jiang disciple step aside to let them through, "is he dead?" Jiang Wanyin asked.

"Died? I don't think so. It is more like he has been possessed by evil magic."

"Black magic?"

Hearing this Lan Zhan stop walking, he turn around to look at Wei Ying, "Lan er gongzi, I am Jiang Cheng, son of Jiang Fengmian of Yunmeng Jiang Sect. This is my sister Jiang Yanli. And this is my Shixiong Wei Ying courtesy Wuxian. It is a pleasure to meet you," all of the Jiang clan gave a bow to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan also did the same.

"Lan er gongzi, we have lost our invitation. And It's getting dark, we won't be able to find a place to stay in. Can Lan er gongzi please give us permission to enter into Cloud Recesse?"  Jiang Wanyin explained to Lan Zhan.

"No invitation. No entrance." Was all Lan Zhan said.

"Lan er gongzi. We have travel far and wide from Yunmeng. We are very tire, we have finally arrive at Cloud Recesse before the sun set. Can't you let us enter into Cloud Recesse without our invitation?" Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan.

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