A New Day

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When the war with the Wen is over, the first thing Jin Zixuan did is he ordered his disciple to go straight to Mo village, to the Mo Manor to bring Mo Xuanyu to Jinlintai. 'Even though he born from a different mother but come from the same father as me. He still my brother, he better then Jin Guangyao. Who try to kill me, Jin Zixun and Jin Guangshan. I need to keep Jin Zixun away from Xuanyu, he have a bad temper.'

Jin Zixuan already put Jin Guangyao in jail, he even ask Lan Xichen to seal off Jin Guangyao spiritual energy for good.

The Lan clan decide to do the same for Su She, they put him in their dungeon and seal off his spiritual energy as well.

They don't want the same thing to happen in the future, where Jin Guangyao and Su she team up to kill Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixun, and Wei Wuxian. They don't want the past to repeat itself.

After taken care of Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She, they are now at NeverNight to have a banquet. This time instead of Wei Ying sitting with the Jiang clan, he is sitting with the Lan clan.

"Chenqing, Suibian, stop drinking so much wine!" Wei Ying whispered shouted at his two spiritual tool. The two put down the wine pot, "fine fine."

No one is sitting on the place where Wen Rouhan sit, last time Jin Guangshan sat there, he think that he will become the next Xiandu if he sat above everyone else.

"Before we start the banquet, I would like to announce something," Jin Zixuan look down at Mo Xuanyu who is sitting next to him, "A-Yu, stand up," Mo Xuanyu did just that.

"This is my father illegitimate son, I am sure he have other son and daughter out there. A-Yu, from now on you will be known as Jin Xuanyu, you will be my right hand man. Can I count on you to help me with my clan leader?" This make Jin Xuanyu smile, "Of course Da Ge! I will do my best to help you!" Applauses went around the room.

This time it is Qingheng Jun turn to stand up, "Now since we are all here, I think it is time to select a new Xiandu."

There is whisper going around about how they wanted Jin Guangshan to be the next Xiandu. This got Chenqing to become irritated, he stand up while shouting, "Why in the world do you want that man whore to become Xiandu?! Do you all even know what he will do if he did become Xiandu?! He will abuse his title! He will round up all of the innocent Wen and kill them!"

"Chenqing," Suibian try to pull Chenqing down, "Chenqing!" Chenqing look down at his master, this got Chenqing to sit back down.

"Like Chenqing said, if Jin Guangshan become the next Xiandu. He will abuse his title. So I was thinking of making my son, Lan Huan the next Xiandu. Lan Xichen - will you accept this responsibility?" Everyone have their attention on Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen stand up, he clasped his hand together, "I will accept the title Xiandu. I will do my best to help out any clan that come to me. I will restore order to our cultivation world." All stand up, they raised their cup of wine toward Lan Xichen, "To Our New Xiandu!"

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying couldn't help but smile at this. Lan Xichen has become the Xiandu instead of Jin Guangshan.

"Master master," Wei Ying turn to look at his two spiritual tool, "We also need to take care of Xue Yang as well. We can't let him wonder around the cultivation world and do evil thing. You know what he can do."

Wei Ying turn around to look at Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. The two felt eye on them they turn to see Wei Ying looking at them, "A-Ying, what's wrong?" Xiao Xingchen asked.

"Shishu, Chenqing said that we should go take care of Xue Yang. We can't let him wondering around cultivation world doing evil thing. Do you and Song xiong want to come along?" Xiao Xingchen turn to his right to look at Song Lan.

"Xingchen, your decision." Song Lan nodded his head.

"Okay, he has been causing chaos around the area lately. We need to deal with him," Wei Ying then speak up, "I know that you don't want to kill anyone but we need to kill him."


After the banquet at NeverNight is over, they all head back to their own home. From the distance Chenqing, Suibian and Wei Ying can hear Yu Ziyuan scolding at Jiang Wanyin again, "doesn't that women ever stop scolding at her son?" Wei Ying sigh at this.

"I'm just glad Master isn't in their clan anymore or master will stop Yu Ziyuan from scolding at Jiang Wanyin and directed her anger toward him instead."


Suibian teased Wei Ying, "Master, you know what we mean. You always take the blame for something you didn't do. Jiang Wanyin need to stand up for himself, master, you just stay in Cloud Recesse."

"What about you two? Everything is peaceful now, we changed the past." Chenqing and Suibian looked at each other, then back at Wei Ying.

"Well, we can leave if you tell us too. Or if you don't want us to leave then we can stay with you in Cloud Recesse, if that is okay with Qingheng Jun and Xiandu." Hearing their tittle being call the two turn to look at Suibian and Chenqing.

"Of course, you two are Wuxian didi spiritual tool. You two also help us with the war against Wen Rouhan and help us defend our home. You two can help us train our disciple," this got Wei Ying to look at Chenqing and Suibian.

"Master! Can we?!" The two chime in together as they looked at Wei Ying. Wei Ying sigh, "you can BUT you can't use resentment energy. You can only teach them archery, swordmanship and talisman, got it?"

"We know!" They soon all got on their sword and flew back to cloud Recesse.

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