Forging The Yin Iron

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Three days later

"A-Zhan! A-Huan!" Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan hear their father calling their name. "Xiong zhang is Fuqin," the two got up, they walk to the cliff where the rope is at. "Fuqin! We are down here!"

"Let's get down there!" All of the other clan disciple and Lan disciple went down the hill, they see Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen is waiting for them.

"Are you two alright?" Qingheng Jun asked his son, "We are okay, the other is resting. I hope that we can leave today since it has been three days already."

"Don't worry, other clan leader and their healer is here. We thought that our disciple will get injured while fighting the Wen clan." They all walk to where the other is at.

"A-Cheng!" Jiang Fengmian see his son sitting with Nie Huiasang and their disciple. "A-Die, what are you doing in here?" Jiang Fengmian look up and down at his son trying to make sure that he is not hurting any where.

Wei Ying stand with Chenqing and Suibian, the two stand on both side of him. "Master, come this way," Chenqing doesn't want Wei Ying to see the bonding between Jiang Fengmian and his son.

"Master, after this we should head to Yiling. We will take time before heading into the burial mound." Hearing the burial mound name, Wei Ying went stiff.

Chenqing and Suibian can see this, "Master, remember, we won't leave your side. I will help you to deal with the resentment energy. You focus forging the Yin Hufu, the second sword is in the burial mound."

"Can everyone walk?" Many try to stand up but couldn't, "disciple, help your fellow clan members up."

"Yes sir!"

Lan Zhan walk over to Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan, we are heading to the burial mound after this. I need to forge the Yin Hufu to fight again Wen Rouhan puppet army."

"Mn. I'll go with you."

After getting everyone out Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Chenqing and Suibian stand to the side. "Since Wen Chao, Wen Zuliu and that women is gone, Yunmeng Jiang clan is safe." Wei Ying nodded his head to what Chenqing just said.

"Let me go tell my brother and father first," Lan Zhan went to tell Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun where he is going.

A minute later Lan Zhan return, "let's go." All four set off to Yiling.

When they arrive in Yiling Wei Ying see a vision of little Wen Yuan, "A-Yuan, I wonder what happen to him?" Lan Zhan turn to look at the restaurant that the two of them went in to eat, "How about we get something to eat first?" All three nodded their head.

Lan Zhan got a room for them, "Wei Ying, A-Yuan is alive. Here and in the future," Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, "You mean A-Yuan is alive in the future?!"

"I found A-Yuan when I went to the burial mound to look for you. He end up having a fever. The healer tell me that he might have lost his memories due to his fever." Wei Ying sat back down, "is a good thing for A-Yuan to lost his memories of his childhood. No child should remember what he has gone through or remember the death of his family."

The next morning all four of them went to the burial mound, when they are at the entrance Wei Ying shiver at the feeling of going back in there. Lan Zhan put his arm around  Wei Ying shoulder, "Wei Ying, is alright, your not alone anymore."


They enter into the burial mound and when they did Chenqing push all of the resentment energy to the side this way it won't go near Wei Ying. All four of them finally enter the middle of the burial mound and that is when they see the sword.

"Master, you focus on forging the Yin Hufu, Suibian and I will clear the resentment energy around here." Chenqing turn to look at Lan Zhan, "Lan er gongzi, you should give the other sword to Master," Lan Zhan let the sword float out of the pouch.

"Master," Wei Ying nodded his head.

Lan Zhan watch over Wei Ying, while Chenqing and Suibian clear out the resentment energy around the burial mound. 'How long did it take you to forge the Yin Hufu? I will watch over Wei Ying to see how long?' (I don't know how long it take for Wei Ying to forge the Yin Hufu so I'm just going to make it up okay?)

2 week went by Wei Ying is still forging the Yin Iron sword into Yin Hufu. Lan Zhan something play their song to keep Wei Ying temperament at ease. Chenqing and Suibian sit on each side of Wei Ying in case something happen.

Another 2 week went by Wei Ying have finish forging the first Yin iron sword into tiger seal.

Another 4 week went by Wei Ying is working on the second one. Lan Zhan doesn't want Wei Ying to work too hard, that is why he want Wei Ying to take a break every now and then.

6 week went by Wei Ying finally forge the second yin iron sword into another tiger seal. Now all he have to do is put the two piece together. When Wei Ying put the two piece together, all of the resentment energy around them went into the Yin Hufu.

"Wei Ying," Wei Ying look up at Lan Zhan, "here," he handed the Yin Hufu to Lan Zhan to see. "Is more powerful then the one in the future, how come?" Wei Ying pointed to Chenqing, "Chenqing?"

"Chenqing want to make sure that we kill those strong puppet once and for all." Chenqing nodded his head.

"Chenqing, you still have Master flute right?" Chenqing nodded his head, he hold his hand open, the flute appear in his hand.

"Here Master," Chenqing handed the flute to Wei Ying. " Aren't you a flute as well?"

Chenqing sat down in front of Wei Ying as he explained everything to his master, "yes I am but I am also a spiritual tool. This, this is also your flute. While Suibian and I were in the spiritual realm, he taught me how to use a sword." Chenqing summon up a sword in his hand, "Suibian and I forge this sword together."

(Pretend this is Chenqing sword)

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(Pretend this is Chenqing sword)

"This is your sword?" Wei Ying asked as he take Chenqing sword to look at it. "It look strong and powerful." Wei Ying handed back to Chenqing, "strong and powerful enough to help you fight this war."

'Thank you, Chenqing and you too Suibian. But what happen when the war is over? Are you two not going to be here anymore?" Both Chenqing and Suibian looked at each other then back to their master.

"Master, whenever you need us, just call our name. We will never leave your side," Wei Ying sigh with relief.

All four stay inside of the burial mound for another week or so before head to Yunmeng to see if anything happen to the Jiang Clan.

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