8 Vision: Massacre Of The Jiang Clan

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"Chenqing, do you have to show that part as well?" Wei Ying asked with a nervous tone in his voice. Chenqing went over to his master side, "Master, he need to know, they need to know, Jiang Fengmian, and Yu Ziyuan need to know what you have done to their son, to save their son from dying."

"Chenqing is right Wei Ying. We can stop the event from happening, you can't let that happen again. I don't want you to give it up again," Lan Zhan pull Wei Ying into his arm.

"Then let's begin," with a snap of his finger the place fill with resentment energy again. The vision begin once more.

The vision begin where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan trapped in the cave, the other already left the cave to go find help.

"Chenqing, why did you start from here?" Wei Ying asked Chenqing.

"The first part isn't important, this one is," Wei Ying agree since they need to deal with the turtle snake like. "But, what about the rest? Don't we need to find a way out or send help?"

"Don't worry master, Chenqing and I will be going with you to the Wen indoctrination and to this night hunt. We will find a way to get out and to deal with the turtle."

"Lan Zhan, it look like the turtle monster went back into the water. We are safe now," Wei Ying look down at Lan Zhan leg, "wait here for a moment." Wei Ying got up, he left to go find anything that can support Lan Zhan leg.

A minute later Wei Ying came back with a tree branch, he break the tree branch into many pieces, "Lan Zhan, do you have any string? Something I can ties the branch around your leg." Wei Ying look up he see Lan Zhan forehead ribbon, "that will do!" He grabbed Lan Zhan forehead ribbon off, "You!"

"You what? What's more important? Your forehead ribbon or your leg."

Wei Ying see that Lan Zhan is holding in the clot blood, 'how do I help Lan Zhan with the clot blood? I know,' "let's take it off."

"Take what off?"

"Our clothes of course," when Wei Ying took off his outer clothes, he went to help Lan Zhan, "Wei Ying! What are you doing?!"

"Take off your clothes of course," Lan Zhan still didn't want Wei Ying to take off his clothes, "okay if you don't want too. Then I will," Wei Ying begin to take off his pants and this make Lan Zhan to threw up the clot blood. Wei Ying take this chance to close off the two meridian point on Lan Zhan shoulder.

"That's better? It is much better with the clot blood spit out right. How do you feel now?"

"Much better. Thank you

"Forget it. I am afraid of other thank especially your kind of formal thanks give me bumps." Wei Ying put the wood on fire, after that he put the healing herb on Lan Zhan injured leg.

Lan Zhan stop Wei Ying for a second, "what's wrong? Does it hurt?" Lan Zhan grab some of the herb and put it on Wei Ying injury. "That hurt, Lan Zhan!"

"Your welcome."

"Lan Zhan, you can even know how to tease me now."

The next day Lan Zhan and Wei Ying decide to take down the turtle before the other arrive. They went out to grab the bow and arrow that got left behind by the Wen clan disciple.

The two decide that Wei Ying will go inside of the turtle to attack it weak point. "You be careful." Wei Ying nodded his head, so with the plan in mind Wei Ying went inside of the turtle.

"I hope that I won't go inside of that stinky place anymore. You have no idea how much I want to throw up in there," Wei Ying held back his gag.

A minute later both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan was able to take down the turtle. In the end Wei Ying have a fever, "Lan Zhan, I'm cold," Lan Zhan put his hand to Wei Ying forehead, "Wei Ying, you have a fever," with that Lan Zhan sent his spiritual energy into Wei Ying to lower his fever.

Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng was able to save both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan out of the cave. Lan Zhan look at a sleeping Wei Ying one last time, he turn around to leave to head back to Gusu to take back his home.

Even Wei Ying, Jiang Wanyin and Jin Zixuan left to head back to their home as well.

Chenqing skip to where the Wen clan attack Lotus Cove, he want the Jiang family to see what kind of person Yu Ziyuan is.

They watch as Yu Ziyuan fall for Wang Lingjiao said about Wei Ying to her, everything she said was a lie and Yu Ziyuan fall for it.

"You see that! My master never did anything that women said and this women here use her Zidian on my master!" Suibian held Chenqing back.

Soon the Wen clan attack the Jiang clan. Every Jiang clan disciple die by the Wen clan disciple, they can't even escape from there.

Yu Ziyuan take Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying out of there to the back of Lotus cove, she put the two of them on the boat. Yu Ziyuan tell Wei Ying to protect Jiang Cheng with his life or she will kill him.

"You watch this part Jiang Fengmian. I don't know if you see my master as your nephew or someone who just use him as your children shield," Chenqing hissed at Jiang Fengmian.

As the boat row further away from Lotus Cove, Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying keep on struggling to get the Zidian off of them. The boat keep on rolling, that is when Wei Ying see Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli, "Jiang Cheng look is Shijie and Jiang Shushu. Shijie! Jiang Shushu!"

"Die! Jie!" Jiang Cheng shout to Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli. Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli see Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng in a boat up ahead of them, "Die, isn't that A- Cheng and A-Xian?"

Jiang Fengmian tell the boat rower to row over to where Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng is at. "A-Cheng! A-Xian! What happened? Why are you both bounded by your mother Zidian?"

"Where is mother? Why didn't she come with you?" Jiang Yanli asked Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying.

"Die, set us free," come a crying Jiang Cheng. Jiang Fengmian put his hand near the Zidian, "Your mother Zidian only obey its owner, I'm afraid the Zidian won't let me." The Zidian started to move into Jiang Fengmian hand, and it wrap itself around his wrist.

Jiang Cheng stand up while saying, "Die, Jie, the Wen clan attack our home. Niang is fighting them right now, that's not all, the core melting hand is there as well. I am afraid that he have the upper hand. And now someone just set off the signal, it won't be long before the enemies arrive to Lotus Cove. Die! We need to head back! We need to head back to help Niang! Let's head back now. Die!"

"Core melting hand."

"Die. Let's go back now." Jiang Yanli begged her dad. Jiang Fengmian end up tying Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli together, he won't let the three of them to go back to Lotus Cove. He tell the three of them to head to their grandmother in Meishan once they arrive there.

"Watch this scene Jiang Fengmian," Chenqing take the scene to where Jiang Fengmian said:

"A-Ying, you must protect A-Cheng and A-Li, Always."

With that Chenqing ended the vision of Lotus Cove, "My master isn't your shield to protect your children. Why did you even bother to take my master in if you only want my master to protect your children. Have you even think about how my master feel about this? No you don't!"

Jiang Fengmian felt ashame of himself, seeing this, he know that he should change this for the best.

"Wei gongzi, we didn't know you went through something like that," Lan Xichen looked at Wei Ying with pity in his eye.

"Thing will change this time, Zewu Jun. Right Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan look down at Wei Ying, "Mn. Will help Wei ying."
I hope this chapter is good. I try to write this very slowly. Tell me what do you think okay?

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