Vision 14: The Ambush

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After the vision of the Wen remnant, Wei Ying decide to talk to Wen Qing and Wen Ning. "Wei Wuxian, I am thankful for everything you have done for me and my family but where can we go without getting capture or find by Wen Rouhan?" Wen Qing asked Wei Ying.

"I have a place but I need to get to the place first. You and Wen Ning need to gather your family together, I will meet you there. I need you to trust me, I don't want the same thing to happen to Wen Ning. Wen Ning is like a friend and a brother to me. Can you do that, Wen Qing?"

"Okay. At night A-Ning and I will head back to our home to tell our family," Wen Qing turn to her right to look at her didi, 'As long as A-Ning is safe, as long as we don't have to go through what I have seen.'

Wei Ying turn to look at Chenqing, "Chenqing, I will leave the rest up to you," Chenqing nodded his head, "Lan Zhan, let's head to Tanzhou town."

On the next day, Wen Qing and Wen Ning already left during the night while Wei Ying and Lan Zhan left for Tanzhou town.

Now Chenqing is showing what happening at Qiongqi path.

"Chenqing, Suibian, where is Wuxian, Wangji, Wen guniang and Wen gongzi?" Lan Xichen asked the two spiritual tool.

"Master and Lan er gongzi is at Tanzhou town. Wen guniang and Wen gongzi is at Dan fan mountain. Shall we start?"

They are looking at Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan wedding.

"You two got marry?" Both Madam Jin and Yu Ziyuan said at the same time. This got Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan went red.

About a month later while Wen Ning and Wei Ying is out selling radish he hear, "The wife of Jin Zixuan just gave birth to a little young master five days ago. He is the first legitimate grandson of Sect leader Jin, so he is well loved. So the LanLing Jin Clan is hosting a banquet to celebrate his son seven day."

Wei Ying walk over to the two cultivator, "what did you say? Is it true?" Wei Ying asked the two cultivator.

"Why would we lie to you? The Jin clan has announced to the world about this. They already named him. His surname is Jin given name is Ling and courtesy name is Rulan."

This make Wei Ying very happy, he turn around to look at Wen Ning, "Wen Ning, did you hear that? My sister have a son. I have a nephew."

"Congratulations, Wei gongzi."

Even though Wei Ying heard news about this but he know that he can't go.

"Why does Wei gongzi look happy and then sad?" Qingheng Jun asked.

"Fuqin, at this time everyone consider Wuxian a monster, and evil just because he study demonic cultivation and that he side with the Wen clan. He can't go to Jiang guniang wedding and he can't go to Jin Ling seven day either."

"I won't let A-Xian feel left out. I will let A-Xian attend my wedding and see his nephew," Jiang Yanli looked at her mother, "Mother, you can't stop me and this time I will stand up for A-Xian. He is our family not a son of a servant."

Chenqing couldn't help but smile, 'if master was here, he will be very happy to hear this from his Shijie.'

In Jinlintai Lan Zhan try to get Wei Ying to come visit Jin Ling, his nephew. But, Jin Zixun doesn't want someone like Wei Ying to come to his nephew seven day.

"I said since it's Jin Ling first month celebration, invite all elders that include Wei Ying. He is his elder as well." Jin Zixun still think bad about Wei Ying since he is an enemy of the four great clan.

"Not enemy."

No matter what both Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan said, Jin Zixun doesn't want Wei Ying there one bit. He has a big grudge against Wei Ying. Then he went on accusing at why Lan Zhan was at the burial mound, "I was visiting a friend."

Jin Zixun went on accusing Wei Ying who kill without mercy, "When did he kill without mercy? Please tell me." Lan Zhan defended Wei Ying. Jin Zixuan decide to step in, he know that even though Wei Ying kill many of his Jin disciple but he know that his wife misses Wei Ying a lot.

As Lan Xichen watch this, he couldn't believe it Jin Guangyao still want Wei Ying to hand over his Yin Hufu to them. 'Does Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan really want to make their clan more powerful then any other clan.'

In the end it was Lan Zhan who sent the invitation to Wei Ying. Then everything went down hill for Wei Ying. On his way to Jinlintai Jin Zixun ambushed Wei Ying.

"At this part, I want you all to listen carefully."

Jin Zixun arrive at the top of the hill, he tell Wei Ying to lift the curse off of him, "What curse? I didn't curse anyone." Jin Zixun still accuse Wei Ying of cursing him. He tell Wei Ying to either lift the curse of he will died here.

"Like I said I didn't curse you. I don't even know any curse," Jin Zixun got very angry, he pull his shirt to the side, "A hundred hole curse."

"A hundred hole curse? Whoever curse Jin Zixun, they must have a grudge against him. I don't think Wuxian put the curse on him. Then at that time," 'it was Jin Zixun who ambush Wuxian.'

"Zewu Jun, I wonder at that time why didn't you stop this? Why didn't you try to find out the truth for my master? Isn't your clan is known for your righteous?" Lan Xichen know that Chenqing was right. Why didn't he help Wei Ying to find the truth? Why didn't he stop the fight against Wei Ying?"

Wen Ning begin to attack all of the Jin, Lan and Nie clan disciple, when he hear Wei Ying flute he went down to fight Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. And that is when Wei Ying heard a second flute sound.

"A second flute. Wei Ying stop playing but the other flute still playing. Someone framed Wuxian didi, the question is, who is playing the other flute?" Lan Xichen asked as everyone wondering the same thing.

Chenqing ended the vision. "suibian and I are heading to find our master. Zewu Jun, remember what your brother said. Don't trust Jin Guangyao," with that Suibian and Chenqing left from there to go meet up with Wei Ying and Lan Zhan.

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