Adopting Wen Yuan

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It has been 20 year now, Wei Ying is very happy. He finally got marry to the person he love. He is now teaching a class on how to create a talisman and how to use them. Chenqing and Suibian is very happy for their master since he never got this chance in the future but now he got this chance to be happy with the person who has been standing by his side all along.

While teaching a class one of the Lan disciple interrupted Wei Ying class, "Wei Qianbei, there is a person at the front gate who is waiting for you?"

"Did this person tell you who they are?" Wei Ying asked.

"Yes, he said his name is Wen Yuan. He also said that you know his aunt and Shushu."

'A-Yuan, what is he doing here? Isn't he suppose to be with Wen Qing and their family?' Wei Ying look at this students, "Everyone this is your study time. If anyone step outside of this classroom, the talisman up there will let me know. You all got that?"

"Yes, Teacher Wei."

"Take me to see Wen Yuan."

"Yes Wei Qianbei," the two walk to the front gate there Wen Yuan is waiting for them. "If Lan Zhan is looking for me, tell him that I am at the front gate,"that lans disciple gave a bow and then left from there.

"Wen Yuan," 'he look all grown up. What is he now? 18,19 years old,' "Wen Yuan, why are you here?" Without saying anything to Wei Ying, Wen Yuan take out a letter, he hand it to Wei Ying to look at it.

"Why don't you come with me?" Wen Yuan nodded his head, "How is Wen Qing, Wen Ning and your family Wen Yuan?" Wei Ying asked as he take Wen Yuan to Jingshi.

"Qing Jie Jie and Ning shushu is doing fine. But my grandma and uncle fourth just pass away a few month ago. Qing Jie Jie wrote me a letter, she tell me to head to Cloud Recesse and give it to a person name Wei Wuxian, there he will take care of me."

'Take care of you? I don't mind taken care of you but I have to talk to Fuqin, Shifu, Xichen ge and Lan Zhan.' The two soon arrive in Jingshi, "Wei Ying?" Wei Ying look inside to see Lan Zhan at the table.

"Weren't you with Xichen ge?" Wei Ying look around the place, "Where is Chenqing and Suibian?"Wei Ying asked as he went to sit down in front of Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan look at the person behind Wei Ying. Wei Ying know what Lan Zhan want to ask, "This is Wen Yuan. Wen Qing wrote us a letter," Wei Ying gave it to Lan Zhan to look at it.

"Wei gongzi, Lan gongzi, you two can call me A-Yuan," Lan Zhan smile at this, 'At least he well respect,' "it look like Wen Qing want A-Yuan to study here and live here. What do you think Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying smile, "Let A-Yuan stay here. We did build a house next to this one didn't we? A -Yuan can stay there. Can he?"

"But we need to talk to Fuqin, Shifu and Xiong zhang first. Wei Ying take A-Yuan to the house next to us, let A-Yuan settle down first before we can take him to see the other," this made Wei Ying happy, "Okay!"

"A-Yuan, come with me," Wen Yuan got up, he gave Lan Zhan a bow and then left with Wei Ying. The two walk to the house next door, inside there is a table, a bed to the right, and bath tub to the left.

"A-Yuan, you can stay here. And also, how well is your golden core developing?" Wei Ying asked as Wen Yuan settling down. "Qing Jie Jie said that I should stay developing my golden core at a young age, she tell me how to do it so I do it every day," Wen Yuan walk around the place to look at his surrounding.

"Come let me check," Wei Ying went to sit on the other side, Wen Yuan sat down in front of him. Wen Yuan hold out his hand for Wei Ying to check on his golden core. "Mhm, it look like your golden core is developing very well. You just need to meditate a little bit more and then your golden core will be more stronger then this one."

"Wei gongzi."

"Call me Xian gege, okay?" Wen Yuan smile, "Xian gege, can I really stay here?"

"Of course, now, why don't you go take a bath and then get some rest. I will wake you up when it is time to go meet the clan leader and his family okay?" Wei Ying patted Wen Yuan on the head.

"Okay Xian gege."

Wei Ying left Wen Yuan room, he went back over to Jingshi. "Lan Zhan?" Wei Yang walk into the room, "it look like Wen Qing want A-Yuan to be part of our Lan clan. I was going to adopt A-Yuan into the Lan clan when I found him back in the burial mound. He got no one left," Lan Zhan look at Wei Ying, "he also the only person who remind me for you."

"Lan Zhan."

"Since I know how much you love and care about A-Yuan, I want us to adopt A-Yuan into our family." This make Wei Ying even more happy. He got up went over to Lan Zhan and jump on him, "Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Lan er gongzi! Hanguang Jun! I love you so much!"

Lan Zhan smile as he pull Wei Ying into his arm, "love Wei Ying too." 'Your wish. I hear it. You want one more more chance to change the more chance to change the faith of everyone around you, isn't that right?'

That night before curfew Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Wen Yuan went to see Qingheng Jun, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren.

When they arrive in Qingheng Jun room, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying went over to the table next to Lan Xichen, "please introduce yourself."

Wen Yuan clasped his hand together, "Greeting Qingheng Jun, Xiandu, Master Lan. My name is Wen Yuan, I am from the Wen clan, from a different branch."

"From a different branch? What kind of branch?" Lan Qiren asked Wen Yuan.

"I am from a branch where we study medicine. My aunt Wen Qing send me here because she want me to study here and stay here. With your permission Qingheng Jun, Xiandu, Master Lan?" Wen Yuan gave a polite bow.

'This child lost so many thing in the future. Even Wangji bring him back to Cloud Recesse, he want to protect this child no matter what,' Lan Xichen look at his father and Uncle, "Shifu, Fuqin, let's have A-Ying and Wangji adopt Wen Yuan? In the future Wangji want to adopted this child into our clan." Lan Xichen turn to look at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, "A-Ying, Wangji, what do you two think?"

"I accept Lan zhan?" Wei Ying look over to his right, "Mn. If Wei Ying want to adopt A-Yuan then I will too."

"Then Wen Yuan, how about you?" Qingheng Jun asked Wen Yuan.

Wen Yuan look at Wei Ying and Lan zhan, he see how happy Wei Ying is. He kneel down on the floor, "Wen Yuan accept."

"Then Wangji, A-Ying, why don't you two give Wen Yuan a name?" Lan Zhan already have a for Wen Yuan, "Lan Yuan courtesy Sizhui."

"Lan Yuan, Sizhui, mn. That will be your name from now on. Lan Yuan courtesy Sizhui, welcome to Cloud Recesse."

"Sizhui thank you Qingheng Jun, Xiandu, Master Lan, Fuqin, A-Die," sizhui gave three bow. Wen Yuan is finally part of the Lan clan. This make Wei Ying and Lan Zhan very happy.

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