4 Vision: Yin Iron In Tanzhou Town

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Lantern festival, all of the Lan disciple and guest disciple is in the back of Cloud Recesse is making a lantern together before they leave to go back to their own clan.

"Lan Zhan, let's make a lantern together this way we can make a wish together too. Beside we did went through a lot together for the past few week right?"

"I use to do it alone."

"Ay you can change that beside I made this lantern just for you. See?"  Wei Ying show it Lan Zhan, he have on a small smile, "You finally smile." This got Lan Zhan a little shy, he grabbed his sword making Wei Ying to stumble back causing him back into Nie Huaisang lantern. It got burn down by the lantern that is on the side of the lantern.

"Can we do that again, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying whispered quietly, "Mn." Was all Lan Zhan said.

During the release everyone make a wish, "I,Wei Wuxian, wish I can always stand with justice and live with no regret," this was Wei Ying wish.

"This wish Wei Ying. You did the right thing, you save the innocent, you stand with justice. You and I are the same, stand with justice and live with no regret,"when Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng hear this, they realize that what they did in the future was wrong.

All Wei Yang want to do is save the innocent, 'Were we wrong? Wei gongzi just want to do what he wish for?' Lan Xichen look at his didi and Wei Ying.

After the lantern festival there is an argument between Wei Ying and Jin Zixuan. "What do you mean by "don't say it again!?"

"Wei Wuxian, what does this have to do with you?" Wei Wuxian run to stand in front of Jin Zixuan, he repeat what he said earlier.

"Zixuan, why did you do this in front of A-Li?" Jin Zixuan is embarrassed by the scene in front of him. "I will change that."

"Is it that difficult to understand? Don't say it again."

"You!" Soon a fight broke out between Jin Zixuan and Wei Ying. Many disciple came to stop the two.

Lan Zhan push through the crowd to get to Wei Ying, "Wei Ying! Stop!"

"Lan zhan! Let me go!" Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng try to hold Wei Ying back. A minute later Jiang Yanli arrive, "A-Xian! A-Xian!"

One of the disciple said, "I heard that Jin gongzi look down on Lady Jiang, he want to break the troth. Wei Wuxian is doing this to defend his Shijie." Jiang Yanli is hurt by what Jin Zixuan is doing, she look back at Wei Ying, "A-Xian, let's go home." 

Jiang Yanli take Wei Ying away from there, all of the Jiang disciple follow behind Jiang Yanli and Wei Ying.

Chenqing skip to when Wei Ying left to go find Lan Zhan, "I don't like to see that Jin Guangshan. He one greedy person." Chenqing snapped his finger, the scene switch to Wei Ying run to the dock to find to Lan Zhan.

As Lan Zhan walk to the boat he felt something is throwing his way, he caught it with his hand. "Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan didn't turn around to look at Wei Ying, he just keep on walking.

"Lan Zhan Ah, we promise to do this together didn't we? How couldn't you leave without telling me? Are you afraid that I will take all the credit? I didn't expect you people of Lan clan can be so petty."

Lan Zhan glanced over to Wei Ying, "boring," he walk away from there with a smile on his face.

"Boring? Who are you calling boring?" Wei Ying follow Lan Zhan to the boat.

"Lan Zhan, wait for me," Wei Ying said with a tire voice, Lan Zhan keep going but didn't stop until Wei Ying put a string around Lan Zhan wrist. This got Lan Zhan to stop walking and turn around to look at Wei Ying.

"Master, you sure are mischievous. Suibian is just like you," Chenqing said this as he glanced over at Suibian who is pouting at what Chenqing just said.

"Where are you two heading to?" Qingheng Jun asked Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, "there is a Yin Iron in Tanzhou town. We got there too late, Wen Chao got the second piece. I think we should head there to get that piece, what do you think, Fuqin?"

"Wangji, you should get that Yin iron from Tanzhou town. We shouldn't let Wen a Rouhan get his hand on it."

Lan Zhan help Wei Ying up, "Wei Ying and I will go there," the two bow and left from there. "Master, I will come after you once I am done with showing them this vision," Wei Ying nodded his head.

The vision continue to where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan enter into town, Lan Zhan keep walking while Wei Ying jump from one vendor to the next. "Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan turn around to see Wei Ying with a mask, he was shock and surprise at the same time.

Wei Ying take off his mask and have a laugh at Lan Zhan reaction. "Wei Wuxian!" Wei Ying turn around, he see no one until, "Wah!" Nie Huaisang pop up from underneath Wei Ying, "Ahaha!"

Lan Zhan turn around to see Wei Ying screaming, "Nie Huaisang! Is You!"

"Nie Huai-Sang! What are you doing in Tanzhou town instead of going home?!" Nie Huaisang went back over to Lan Xichen and hide. "Da Ge! I want to go somewhere fun before heading home."

The three end up walking forward until they see a group of people around a certain place, "I wonder what's going on over there?" Nie Huaisang asked while looking at the crowded people in front of them.

"How about we go check it out?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head. As the two about to walk toward the crowd they stop, "Lan Zhan, why aren't you moving?" Wei Ying asked.

"Crowd people. Don't want to go."

"Ay is not crowded at all. Let's go see," Wei Ying take Lan Zhan hand and pull him over to where the crowd is at.

"Gongzi gongzi, what are you all looking at? What happened?" Nie Huaisang tapped on the person closest to him. He turn around to look at Nie Huaisang and explained to him and Wei Ying about the Annual Flower Girl invitation to her place.

Nie Huaisang tell Wei Ying about how you recite a poem inside the annual flower girl mansion, you will receive a flower from here and this flower will last for three years and the aroma will last forever as well.

Soon there is flower petal falling from the sky, "Wei Xiong look!" Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang look up to see flower falling down from the sky.

Nie Huaisang look over at Lan Zhan, this got Wei Ying to look at Nie Huaisang, he follow Nie Huaisang eye, "Lan er gongzi is nothing but an unparalleled gorgeous and elegant gentleman."

"Agree," Wei Ying said this he then look back at Nie Huaisang, "But it look like he mourning." Nie Huaisang take back his fan as he look around at the falling flower petal.

Wei Ying turn back to look at how beautiful and handsome Lan Zhan, then the yin iron in Lan Zhan chest begin to react, "Yin Iron."

The energy take them to the Annual Flower Girl but when they got there, they were too late.

"Everything have been burn down. Wangji did said that Wen Chao did got there before them."

Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang look around the place, that is until Nie Huaisang found a feather, "A feather?"

"Wen Chao was here?" Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked at each other, "Wen Chao, he came here." The three left Tanzhou to head to another place to look for an Yin Iron.

"I will come back to show everyone about the burning of your clan," with that Chenqing left from there, the mist also disappear as well.

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