Vision 13: The Innocent Wen Remnant

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"Wen guniang, I want you to make a decision once you watch this. This involves your brother and your family," Wen Qing looked over at her didi, 'what will happen to A-Ning?'

Chenqing begins the vision, this vision shows where Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan, Nie Mingjue, and Lan Xichen are inside of Wen Rouhan palace.

They all see the Jin clan disciple is holding many non cultivation Wen captive. They all decide that it is best to have the Wen clan in a labor camp, they want to make them work instead of leaving them out in the cultivation world.

When Nie Mingjue, Jin Guangshan, and Lan Xichen left the place, Jin Guangyao ends up killing off the innocent Wen.

"This is something we should change. Those people are innocent, even if they have the surname Wen doesn't mean they are bad. What do you think A-Jue?" Nie Mingjue turns his attention to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, "by watching the war vision, they didn't get blood on their hand. They don't deserve this, it was Wen Rouhan who killed my father not them."

Chenqing then shows everyone where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan save a women and a child from getting shot by Jin Zixun.

While Lan Zhan and Wei Ying is talking, the two heard more Wen voices asking whoever it was to not kill them. As Lan Zhan and Wei Ying got closer they see Jin Zixun chasing the innocent Wen, he is using an arrow to kill them off.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are able to save a women and her child from getting shot down by Jin Zixun. Lan Zhan uses his spiritual energy to knock the arrow away from the mother and her child.

Jin Zixun asked Lan Zhan why is he sticking up for the Wen remnants. "These people are the old, the weak, women and children. How could they be considered Wen Clan remaining allies?"

Jin Zixun tells Wei Ying and Lan Zhan that anyone who is related to the Yin metal will not be spared. He also explained that it was Sect leader Nie and Sect leader Lan also agree to this as well.

"A-Huan?" Lan Xichen hung his head low, "I believe in every word Jin Guangyao said, I never thought that he would go and kill old man, women, and children like that."

"Madam Jin, Jin gongzi, I hope you two keep that brat right there away from the Wen clan. They aren't bait for him to kill," come Qingheng Jun angry voice.

"I will Qingheng Jun. This is a shame to the Jin clan."

Chenqing takes them to see the hunt on Phoenix mountain.

The Jin, Nie, Lan, and Jiang clan is at Phoenix mountain, Jin Guangyao announced that whoever hit the target gets to choose which way they want to go, and he also has a surprise for them. He tells everyone to turn to their left, and they all see a couple of Jin disciples bring out more captive Wen.


"The Jin clan is becoming like the Wen clan. Madam Jin, Jin gongzi, I think it is time for Jin Guangshan to step down from his sect leader duty," everyone turns their attention to Wei Ying.


"He has become a greedy person when he heard about my Yin Hufu. That is why he will do anything to get rid of me."

After his fight with Jin Zixun, Wei Ying left the forest to head into town. While walking around town drinking his wine, he sees a couple of Jin disciples pushing other people away. They end up pushing one person down, Wei Ying turns around, he looked at that person and when that person takes off their hood he sees who it is, 'Wen Qing.'

He went over to help Wen Qing up, he take her over to the alleyway. "Wen Qing, what happens? I saw you and your family got captured by the Nie and Jin clan. Where are they? Where is Wen Ning?"

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