A Defense That Can't Break Through

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While everyone is still watching the vision, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying left the Orchid room to go take care of the Lan protection array. "Master!" The two turn around to see Suibian running toward them.

"Suibian, aren't you suppose to be with Chenqing?" Wei Ying asked. "Chenqing said that I should stay close to you in case something happen. Can I help with the array as well?" Suibian looked at Lan Zhan, all he can get is "Mn."

"Lan Zhan, where is your clan protection center?" Wei Ying asked as all three of them walk toward the Lan clan protection center. "Is the cold cave, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying and Suibian stop walking, "the cold cave?" Wei Ying asked.

"But Lan er gongzi, how will we set up a better protection or enhance the protection shield?" Suibian is very confuse.

"That's not all, we can't enter into the cold cave, remember Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan turn to look at Suibian, "Suibian can enter into his sword form, this way he can go in with us," at that Suibian went into his sword form, he float over to Wei Ying hand.

Lan Zhan take off his forehead ribbon, he tie it around Wei Ying wrist and his wrist, "Lan Zhan."

"Remember what I told you when you got me drunk? And what I said to Shifu in the Orchid room." Lan Zhan asked while still tying the ribbon around his wrist.


"I was only trying to help you to get your ribbon straight. Why are you so nervous about it?"

"A Lan forehead ribbon is sacred. No one can touch it beside parents, family member and wife."

End flashback

"You mean....I'm...I'm....I'm..."

"I already taken you as my cultivation partner, and my soulmate. Ready to go in?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying.


The two enter into the cave, "this place is still cold as always," lan Zhan pull Wei Ying close to him to keep Wei Ying warm. "I think Lan Yi should still keep the Yin Iron. It is what keeping Cloud Recesse safe. As long as she still exist, Cloud Recesse protection array won't fall."

"Mn. Suibian," Suibian came out from the sword, "here, help me put these talisman around the cave. These talisman will enhance the Lan clan protection array, after this we can go around cloud Recesse to put trap in different place."

"Trap?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying, "Mn. I don't know if they can enter or not so we should put trap all around cloud Recesse. I will also make a teleportation array, it will take the people from cloud Recesse to here. I will begin to make the array here in the cold cave first. Can you two go around and put up the protection array?" Lan Zhan and Suibian went to do just that.

A minute later the two return to see Wei Ying who just finish making the teleportation array on the ground. "There done. All we need is for Zewu Jun and Qingheng Jun to tell the Lan disciple about their escape routine. But ummm Lan Zhan, where do you think I can make another teleportation without the Wen know where it is?"

"We can talk to Fuqin and Xiong zhang about it. This place is done, let's head outside," so all three left from there.

"Master!" All three look up ahead to see Chenqing walking toward them, "They saw how when Lan Yi give the Yin Iron to you, the shield around Cloud Recesse came down."

"Just like I thought it will be. We enhanced the shield. We will let the Yin Iorn stay inside of the cold cave. As for the other Yin Iron, and the sword, we should go get it as soon as possible," Wei Ying put his hand to his head, "So much to do. So much thing need to keep safe!"

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan turn Wei Ying to look at him, "Wei Ying! Look at me!"  Suibian and Chenqing begin to get worry about their master, "Lan er gongzi, I will take you and master back to Jingshi," Lan Zhan pull Wei Ying into his arm, Chenqing take them back to Jingshi.

Once they are inside, Chenqing and Suibian left Lan Zhan and Wei Ying alone. "Wei Ying! Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan pull Wei Ying back into his arm, he hum their song , this got Wei Ying to calm down.

"Wei Ying, your not doing this alone. You still have me, remember? We are in this together. We can change the past," Wei Ying wrapped his arm around Lan Zhan waist, "I'm scare....I'm scare, I don't want to do this anymore."

"I know Wei Ying.....I know," 'Wei Ying, your not alone. I'm here with you, after we save everyone we will live somewhere away from the cultivation world. I won't let you go through the same thing again.'

That night Suibian and Chenqing show back up at Jingshi again, "How is master doing?" Chenqing asked.

"Wei Ying is asleep now. We should let him sleep," the two sigh, "about master trap, can you let me and suibian handle it. We know our master better then anyone else."

"You look after our master. Tomorrow Chenqing will continue to show the vision of the future."

"Alright. When Wei Ying feel better, I will let Wei Ying know," with that the two disappear from Jingshi.

Lan Zhan look back over at Wei Ying who is sleeping peacefully on Lan Zhan bed. 'Wei Ying.'

In the morning Wei Ying woke up with an empty expression in his eye, "Wei Ying," Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan, 'where is the Wei Ying I know?' "Wei Ying, Chenqing and Suibian already put trap all around Cloud Recesse. But there is a problem?"

Wei Ying sit up, "Problem?" Lan Zhan nodded his head, "it is about the the fire. You do remember that Wen Xu burn down Cloud Recesse right?" Wei Ying slightly nodded his head.

"How can we prevent the fire from touching the structure?" Wei Ying got out of bed, he walk over to the table, he sat down and write something down on the paper. He then hold it up for Lan Zhan to see, "fire proof talisman?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

"How Wei Ying?" Wei Ying write down on the paper again, he then hold it up for Lan Zhan to see, "Chenqing?"

Lan Zhan then realize something, "Wei Ying why are you writing thing down on the paper? Why aren't you talking?" Chenqing hear his name been call, he appear out of nowhere with Suibian by his side, "You probably wondering why master isn't talking?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

"Shock, trauma, scare and feeling unsecured."

"Wei Ying, no need to be scare. I am here aren't I? We will get through this together. I won't leave your side, no matter where you go, I will be there with you."

"Lan...Lan....Lan....Lan...Zhan!" Lan Zhan smile, "Mn." Chenqing and Suibian couldn't help but feel very happy for their master, at least no one will leave their master side now.

"Lan er gongzi, your home is safe now. This time the Wen clan won't get pass our defense."

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