Just Once More....One More Chance - End

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The next morning, the first thing Lan Zhan did is he went to check up on Wei Ying. He want to see how he is doing. When he got there he see Xiao Xingchen and Sizhui standing there, "Xingchen Shushu, A-Yuan," the two turn around to see Lan Zhan behind them.



"How are they?" Lan Zhan asked Xiao Xingchen and Sizhui. "Zichen just went in to check up on them. He said that the three of them will be back on their feet by tomorrow morning."

"Where is Song Shushu anyway?" Lan Zhan asked Xiao Xingchen. "He should be at the grave tombstone where the master of Baixue Temple is laying."

"Sizhui go gather our disciple, we will head into the forest to help Song Lan to mend the barriers there," sizhui gave a bow, and then he left to go gathered his fellow clan disciple.

Lan Zhan and Xiao Xingchen left the meditation place, they walk back to the front of the temple. "Hanguang Jun, everyone is ready to go?" Sizhui gave a bow to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan turn to look at Xiao Xingchen, "Xingchen shushu, can you watch over the rest of the Junior?" Xiao Xingchen nodded his head.

With that the Lan clan left the temple to head into the forest where Song Lan and his disciple is at.

When Lan Zhan and his disciple went to where Song Lan is at, they see Song Lan is having trouble fixing the barrier around the formal Baixue Temple master. "Song Shushu?" Song Lan turn around to see Lan Zhan and his disciple.

"Wangji, are you here to help fix the barrier?" Lan Zhan nodded his head. Song Lan turn back to his disciple, "everyone step back, the Lan clan will help fix the barrier around here."

Lan Zhan turn around to look at his Junior, "Sizhui, you and the rest go around to write down our Lan symbol. Make sure to put Wei Ying talisman beneath it as well, got it?"

"Yes Hanguang Jun!"

After they are done Song Lan can feel a strong spell around the tomb, "What a strong protection spell."

"It is a combination between the Lan symbol and Wei Ying talisman. That is why the protection around the tomb is strong. Song Shushu, no need to worry about people break into the tomb. They won't be able to enter into this place, only your people can," Lan Zhan see Song Lan sigh relief, "Thank you, Wangji."

The next morning before Lan Zhan and Wei Ying could leave Baixue Temple, the two went to give their respect to Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren. "This is where I made a room for your parents."

Wei Ying pull Lan Zhan to kneel in front of his parents, and the two of them bow three time. 'A-Die, A-Niang, I want you to meet Lan Zhan. He is my soulmate and also my husband. Now, I am living in Cloud Recesse. But I promise you that I will come back here to see you again.' Wei Ying gave one last bow to his parents before getting up to leave.

"Shishu," Xiao Xingchen take Wei Ying hand in his, "take care A-Ying, you can come back here to visit your parent on your way back to Gusu, okay?" Wei ying nodded his head.

"Bye Shishu! Song Shushu! See you again!" Wei Ying gave a loud good bye to the two at the Baixue Temple.

"I can't believe that place really help us heal. I'm surprise Song Lan have a place like that," Wei Ying is listen to what Suibian and Chenqing is talking about. "It is almost like the Lan clan cold spring. It help with healing and also help with cultivating."

"Master, where are we heading now?" Chenqing asked as he went to walk next to Wei Ying. "Well....since we are out, we can train the Junior on their night hunt. They still have a lot to learn."

Chenqing and Suibian look behind them, they see how happy the Junior is, "Can we teach them, Master?" Wei Ying turn to his left to look at Lan Zhan, he nodded his head. "Since Lan Zhan gave his approval, then you can."

Once they found a town Wei Ying and Lan Zhan turn around to look at the Junior, "Listen up everyone, this town is been pledged by monster and Yao. Chenqing and Suibian will go with you to train you. I want you all to listen to them okay?"

"Yes Wei Qianbei!" The Junior turn their attention to Suibian and Chenqing, "We are in your care, Suibian, Chenqing!"

"Now Suibian keep Chenqing under control okay?" Suibian nodded his head, "Master!" Wei Ying patted Chenqing on his head. "Keep them save. They are your student now. Keep them save like how you two keep me save. I want you all to come back here unscratched, you got it?"

"Understood master!"

"Then we will wait for everyone here," with that Suibian, Chenqing and the group left from there leaving Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to go get room for everyone when they return.

Once they are in their room Wei Ying open the window, "You know something Lan Zhan," the wind blew into the room making everything move around them, "I'm glad we got a second chance. A second chance to save everyone, Your father, your clan, the Jiang clan, Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixun, Wen Qing and her family. Even Nie Mingjue, we were able to save him from getting murdered by Jin Guangyao."

"Don't forget Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan," Wei Ying walk over to sat down in front of Lan Zhan, "Wei Ying, deserve a second chance. I never stop believing in you. Even if Wei Ying died, I will go with him. Without Wei Ying in this world, I don't want to live anymore."

"Lan Zhan."

"What was your wish? When you fall, what was your wish?"

"I wish....Just Once More.... One More Chance....one more chance to fix everything.....one more chance to save everyone from their death and one more chance to tell you thank you for believing in me and thank you for standing next to me."

Lan Zhan take Wei Ying hand in his, "just once more...one more chance.....I also want to be with Wei Ying no matter what."

With Just once more.....one more chance.....they will do anything to find each other again. In this life or in the next life....their soul will find one another.

The End

I hope this ending is good! Please leave me a comment and tell me what do you think okay!! Thank you everyone for reading this story of mine!!! I hope it was good to read. It took a while to find the right ending. I am so so so so so so happy that everyone is enjoy reading this story. Thank you for the comment and the vote. My next story will be up soon. Go to the next page okay!!!!

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