6 Vision: Qishan Wen Clan Indoctrination

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"Master, how are you feeling?" Suibian set down the tray of food on the table as he walk over to Wei Ying side.

"A lot better, how is everything at the orchid room? Where have Chenqing show everyone?" Wei Ying asked as Suibian went back to get the tray of food on the table to give it to Wei Ying to eat.

"Today, he will show them the indoctrination. Master do you want to come?" Wei Ying sigh, "no not today, but there is something else I want to do," he look around the room, "Suibian, where is Lan Zhan?"

"Ah Lan er gongzi, is with his brother. Do you want me to go get him?" Wei Ying shook his head no. "Can you help me get to Yunmeng?" Suibian is confuse at why his master want him to take his master to Yunmeng, "Master, why?"

"To put up protection shield for them. The Jiang protection array is very weak, the Wen clan can get through easily."

"But won't Lan er gongzi get worry that your gone?" Wei Ying went over to the table, he wrote down a message on a piece of paper for Lan Zhan to see. "There, this way he won't get worry."

"But master, are you sure you want to head back to Yunmeng Jiang clan? I don't want you to see the image again?" Wei Ying breath in, then out, "I know. I will be fine, let's go."

While in the Orchid room showing everyone the vision Chenqing felt suibian and his master left Cloud Recesse.

Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng arrived at the Qishan Wen Indoctrination. The two see Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang, the only clan they didn't see is the Lan clan. "Jiang Cheng, I don't see the Lan clan anywhere. Do you think something have happen to them?"

"It is a good thing that Lan Wangji isn't here. Don't forget Lan Wangji still have the Yin Iron on him," Jiang Cheng whispered back to Wei Ying.

"But still I felt like there is something wrong here."

"You need to take care of yourself first?" Jiang Cheng said in a warning voice. Soon a Wen disciple shouted, "Wen gongzi is here!" We Ying, Jian Cheng, Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan doesn't really care about the Wen right now, more like they hated them.

Wen Chao begin to talk bad thing about the heir and their disciple. Then he said one thing, "Someone bring him over already," everyone wondering why Wen Chao said this and who is Wen Chao talk about.

They all turn around to see Lan Zhan walking toward them.

"Wangji," by now Lan Zhan and his brother enter into the room. "Didn't Wen Xu hurt your leg?" Lan Xichen asked as they went to sit down next to Qingheng Jun.

Chenqing went over to Lan Zhan, "Lan er gongzi, master just left Cloud Recesse." This shock Lan Zhan, "where did Wei Ying go?" Lan Zhan asked Chenqing. "I don't know, but I'm sure master left you a letter or something in Jingshi."


"Lan Zhan," Lan Zhan didn't answer Wei Ying call, "Lan Zhan," Lan Zhan once again didn't answer Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng pull Wei Ying back, "Wei Wuxian, don't go causing trouble now. As long as he is fine, you can a way to talk to him later. Maybe he left the Yin Iron back in that cold cave back in Cloud Recesse."

"I know that." Wei Ying went back over to Lan Zhan, "Lan Zhan," Lan Zhan ignore Wei Ying again.

Wen Chao then tell everyone to give up their sword since during their indoctrination they can't hold their sword. This is an order for Xiandu.

"What? Take their sword away! What are they trying to do? With out their sword they can't defend themselves!" Shouted a angry Nie Mingjue.

Many of the disciple from other clan doesn't want to give up their sword, especially Jin Zixuan. Only to have Mian Mian to tell Jin Zixuan to not cause trouble for their clan.

In the end, everyone gave up their sword in return the Wen disciple give them the Quintessence of Wen. Wen Chao want everyone to remember them because on the next day he will ask one of them or any of them to recite the Wen Quintessence.

"Will you be able to remember them?" Jiang Cheng whispered to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying glanced over at Lan Zhan, he look back up at Wen Chao, "of course I will remember it." Wei Ying lean back over to Jiang Cheng, he whispered, "I want to know how sickly and bad the Wen clan of Qishan can be."

On the next day Wen Chao asked the heir and disciple to recited the Quintessence Of Wen. He name off, "Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixuan."

"I won't do it," come Lan Zhan answer.

"I won't do it either." Come Jn Zixuan answer.

"I will do it!" Come Wei Ying loud voice, he know that the Wen clan ancestors Quintessence book is a joke. He step out from the line, he begin to stretch here and there until Wen Chao got annoy, he asked Wei Ying if he is going to recite it or not.

"I will! I will! Listen okay."

Wei Ying walk side to side while reciting this, "thou shall not kill, right or lech. Thou shall not shout, wander at night or sprint."

Lan Xichen and Qingheng Jun let out a laugh, "Wangji, did Wei gongzi really humiliated Wen Chao?" Lan Zhan nodded his head.

Lan Zhan, Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan couldn't believe that Wei Ying is humiliating Wen Chao in front of them. He is reciting the Lan clan rule instead of the Wen Quintessence rule. "Thou shall not bully the weak by being strong or tease other."

Wen Chao realize that Wei Ying is not reciting his clan rule but the Lan clan rule instead. "Thou shall not breach law. Thou shall not skip class or leave early. Thou shall not sinner. Thou shall not sit improperly," Wei Ying laugh as he finish reciting Gusu Sect Lan rule.

Everyone one in the room let out a laugh, beside Jiang Cheng and his mother since she still have her mouth seal by Chenqing.

"We will end this for today. Tomorrow, I will show one where everyone should be ready for. Lan er gongzi, shall we go?" Lan Zhan know what Chenqing is talking about, so the two left from there.

"About their sword getting taken away? How will we deal with that?" Qingheng Jun asked as he look around the place.

"Make a small or medium qiankun pouch? We can put our sword, herb, medicine and other thing in it in case we need to escape from the slaughter xuanwa cave. We don't have to bring our sword," Nie Mingjue couldn't believe how smart his didi is.

"Like Huiasang said. We should do that." They all agree to this plan.

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