All Wen Clan Won't Escape The Cave

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On the next day, one of the Wen disciple went up to Wen Chao. He whispered in Wen Chao ear that they found a cave not far from their clan. Wen Chao tell everyone that they are going on a night hunt.

As they walk behind the group Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen need to find a way to get word to their father. "Let me go, I can go and come back as fast as I can," Wei Ying looked at Chenqing, "Master?"

"Come back as fast as you can, okay?" Chenqing nodded his head, they all look up ahead to make sure no one is watching. When no one is watching Chenqing vanish from there. "Let's continue walking," the other three nodded their head.

As they keep on walking Wei Ying suddenly felt tire, "if Wen Qing was still here, we can rest. Lan Zhan, I'm tire."

"Wuxian," Lan Xichen walk back to the his didi and Wei Ying. Lan Xichen look around the place, "Wangji, take Wuxian didi into the forest to rest. Once he better catch up to us."

"Mn. Wei Ying let's go," Lan Zhan take Wei Ying into the forest. He take out some food and water from inside of his Qiankun pouch to give it to Wei Ying to eat and drink. "Wei Ying, eat, drink."

"Lan Zhan do you think we can take down Wen Chao and Wen Zuliu this time?" Wei Ying asked as he continue to eat to get his strength back. "We will leave it to Chenqing and Suibian to deal with them, just like how they deal with Wen Xu."


"How do you feel?"

"A lot better. We should catch up to them," Lan Zhan put away his thing, they went to catch up with the other.

"Master!" Suibian waved to them from the distance, "Suibian?" The two walk to catch up to Suibian. "Why are you still here?" Wei Ying asked as the three of them continue to catch up with the other group.

"Zewu Jun said that I should wait here for you and Lan er gongzi. Master, are you feeling alright now?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

About an hour later Chenqing reappear inside of the wood, he step out to go catch up with Wei Ying and Suibian. When he finally spotted the group he went to talk to Suibian, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and Lan Xichen.

"Zewu Jun," All four of them turn around to see Chenqing walking toward them, "Chenqing, how did it go?" Wei Ying asked Chenqing as he pull out a whitish blue talisman (made up).

"Isn't that the Lan talisman?" Lan Xichen take it from Chenqing hand. "Yes, Qingheng Jun said that his son know how to use it."

"Mn. Leave it to me and Wangji." They all arrive near the river, "Wei Ying," Wei Ying nodded his head. He did just like in the future. He soon found the cave, they all walk to the cave to kill the monster inside of the cave.

And just like before Jin Zixuan have a fight with Wen Chao because he want to whip Mian Mian for yelling.

"Master, let's head down first. Suibian and I will go inside the turtle to get the sword for you," they all look at Lan Xichen, "go on ahead first." They nodded their head.

Chenqing take Lan Zhan and Wei Ying down to the bottom, "at least this time he didn't push you down."

"Master, do it like you did before?" This kind of confuse Wei Ying, "Like before?" Chenqing and Suibian nodded their head. "Oh! I know what you mean!"

"Chenqing since the sword is full of resentment energy, can't you pull it from inside of the turtle?" Chenqing just blinked at his master, "Give it a try Chenqing." Chenqing nodded his head.

They all walk straight to the place where the turtle is sleeping, "make noise?" Just when Wei Ying is about to said something someone said, "How are we going to fight whatever is in here? We can't take out our sword in front of Wen Chao."

"Master, he have a point," Wei Ying look from the middle of the lake to those around him.

"Then how about this. When the fight break out, Chenqing, you and Suibian take the Wen clan into your other dimension. Fight them there, out here leave it to us," the two spiritual tool nodded their head.

Then Wen Chao loud voice come from the other side of the cave, he then ask those around him to find a fresh bait to lure out the monster. Wang Lingjiao aimed at Mian Mian, Jin Zixuan step in to stop anyone from taken his disciple.

And just like before Wei Ying said the same thing to Wen Chao. Soon the fight break out, like Wei Ying said Chenqing and Suibian went to stand in front of Wen Chao, Wen Zuliu and Wang Lingjiao, "Wen gongzi, how about we take you to a different dimension to fight," Chenqing smirked, he snapped his finger, a large black smoke surrounded the three and they vanish from there.

With the loud noise the turtle wake up, "Wei Ying, Chenqing isn't here to take out the sword. What do you think we should do?" Lan Zhan asked as he fight back to back with Wei Ying.

"Everyone! Wen Chao isn't here! Take out your sword and fight the Wen disciple!" Hearing Wei Ying said this everyone take out their sword from within their Qiankun pouch. They fight the Wen disciple while fighting the monster as well.

In another dimension, "Wen Chao Wen abuse your father title to attack the other clan without thinking what will happen to them but then again, your clan is evil, a demon and you don't care about other people life. My friend and I will take good care of you!"

Sword from all around the dark room went out to head toward Wen Chao, Wang Lingjiao and Wen Zuliu. Wang Lingjiao couldn't dodge any of them, she end up getting scratch here and there until a sword came out from behind her, it stabbed her in the back and went through her body.

Chenqing make the room become more darker, "let see if you can fight in the darkness."

While Wen Zuliu try his best to dodge every sword that is coming his way in the darkness, even though he couldn't see it. Wen Chao got it worse, he end up getting stab here and there on his body. With a sword struck his chest, he die instantly.

And then it was Wen Zuliu turn, 'this guys can dodge all of mine and Suibian attack. Then let see if you can dodge this,' Chenqing sent out many sword all at once, Wen Zuliu couldn't dodge them at all and in the end Wen Zuliu died as well.

Chenqing and Suibian left the three die body in that dimension. The darkness there will consume their body and their soul. They won't be able to leave that place.

A minute later Chenqing and Suibian return. "Master!" Wei Ying look to see Chenqing and Suibian appear behind him. "Go get the sword and kill the turtle! Leave the Wen to us!" Chenqing and Suibian both nodded their head.

"Huaisang, you stay behind me," Nie Huaisang nodded his head.

About an hour later all of the Wen clan is die, "Jin Zixuan, Xichen ge, you two should take the other disciple to get bandage. We need to get some rest before getting out of here." Jin Zixuan and Lan Xichen nodded their head.

Then Lan Xichen remember something, he went to get one of his disciple, he tell them what to do with the Lan talisman, "Make sure that the rope is still there," that Lan disciple nodded their head.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan went to see how Chenqing and Suibian is doing, when they got there the turtle is die. Suibian came back with the sword, "Master," when Wei Ying is about to touch the sword, Lan Zhan stop his hand, "I will take it."

Lan Zhan take it and put it in his Qiankun pouch, "Master, isn't there another one?" Suibian asked as they walk back to where the other is at.

"Yes, at the burial mound. That is the second piece to forge the Yin Hufu."

"Then should we head there?" Chenqing asked.

Wei Ying look at the injury disciple from other clan, "Since Wen Chao is die, Wen Zuliu is die, Yunmeng Jiang clan is safe. We can go there when we get out of here," Lan Zhan, Chenqing and Suibian nodded their head.

And so, everyone wait until they get their strength back before climbing back up the cliff.

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