Battle Plan

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Qingheng Jun breath in then out, "Since we all know what happen at NeverNight, how can we change the faith of Sect leader Nie?"

"We did decide not to let Da Ge going in there alone, did we not?" Nie Mingjue turn to look at his didi, "Huaisang?"

"We all know it is a trap. Even though Meng Yao haven't done anything yet we know that sooner or later he will become a spy for the good side. He want Jin Guangshan to acknowledge him, that is why he is doing this."

"Then Huaisang, how can we take down Wen Rouhan without him knowing that we have enter into his palace?" This got Nie Huaisang to think, he turn his attention to chenqing, "Nie gongzi, why are you looking at me?" Chenqing asked Nie Huaisang.

"Can your resentment energy take people inside without been seen?" Chenqing understand what Nie Huaisang is talking about. "Yes, you want some of us to enter into Wen Rouhan palace to take him down before he can attack any of us?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head.

"As for the getting trap by Wen Rouhan puppet attack, we should attack from all four directions. We can take them all down before anymore appear," Nie Mingjue is proud of his didi, even though Nie Huaisang doesn't like to hold a saber, he can still use his intelligence for something else.

"Da ge, Xichen ge, Wei xiong, Wangji xiong, I was thinking. We should take care of Wen Chao, Wen Zuliu and Wen Xu before they attack us," Qingheng Jun and Jiang Fengmian agree to what Nie Huiasang just said.

"Huiasang, where can we find them? They can only be in NeverNight," this make Nie Huiasang think even more.

"We saw that Wen Xu attack Cloud Recesse first. We can take him down first. Wait wait wait, isn't Wen Chao here in Gusu?" Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan remember that Wen Chao did visit Cloud Recesse just a couple of day ago.

"Then he somewhere nearby?" Wei Ying asked. Wei Ying looked at Chenqing, "Chenqing?" Chenqing nodded his head, "Suibian."

"Okay, I'll go with you," when the two is about to leave Wei Ying stop them, "Chenqing, Suibian."

"What is it Master?"

"Wait wait, we still need Wen Chao for the Qishan Wen indoctrination. We can kill him in the slaughter Xuanwu cave. Remember Wen Zuliu will be there as well," Chenqing and Suibian sat back down next to their master.

"Then lets deal with Wen Xu first. Sect leader Jiang, A-Jue, can you two help us out?" Qingheng Jun asked Jiang Fengmian and Nie Mingjue. "We can help you out as much as we can Qingheng Jun."

"Qingheng Jun, can I ask permission from you?" They all turn their attention to Wei Ying, "what can I help you with Wei gongzi?"

"Will it be okay with you? Can I put a teleportation array inside of your ancestors hall? This will take the Lan clan disciple into the cold cave. I already put an array in there," Qingheng Jun look from Lan Qiren to his son Lan Xichen, "what do you two think, A-Ren, A-Huan?"

"Fuqin, I think that is a good idea. It will be faster and safer for our disciple to escape," Lan Xichen agree to the idea.

"Even though I don't like having an array inside of our ancestors hall but I agree at what Xichen just said," Lan Qiren agree to what Lan Xichen just said.

"There you have it, Wei gongzi, you have our permission," this made Wei Ying very happy.

"Wei Ying why don't I take you there?" Wei Ying nodded his head so the two got up, gave a bow and then left from there.

"Fuqin, I think we should focus on the puppet that got more power from the Yin Iron. Since, Chenqing already destroy the second Yin Iron, we don't know if he is able to do the same thing or not."

"Xichen ge, if that happen we should let Wei xiong and Chenqing handle it."

"I think that is a good idea Huaisang," Lan Xichen agree to what Nie Huaisang said.

"Now since we all agree to take care of Wen Chao and Wen Zuliu in the Slaughter Xuanwu cave.How will we deal with Wen Xu?" Qingheng Jun asked as he look around the room.

"Since he is attacking cloud Recesse. We should have someone stay down at Caiyi town to see when will they come. When they see him, they can come back to Cloud Recesse to warn us," Nie Mingjue have on a big smile, he is happy and proud and surprise to see this side of his didi.

"But who?" Jin Zixuan asked as he look around the room.

"I was thinking how about Wei Xiong and Wangji xiong. They can attack from behind while we attack from the front. It is best to have some people with Wangji xiong," Nie Mingjue smile at how fast his didi is thinking, 'I should have him help me sometime.'

"Mingjue xiong, we should also protect your clan as well in case the Wen clan attack you," Nie Mingjue nodded his head at this.

Lan clan ancestors hall

Wei Ying just finish putting his Yiling symbol on the floor behind the Lan clan ancestors memorial. "There, now all we need to do is tell your Lan disciple about this," Lan Zhan nodded his head, "I will have time to tell them about it."

"Master," Chenqing and Suibian appear before Wei Ying, "what is it Chenqing?"

"Doesn't the Wen attack the Nie clan while Nie gongzi is at the Qishan Wen indoctrination?" Suibian asked Wei Ying.

"Wen Chao attacked the Nie clan to get Xue Yang and the Yin Iron. But this time we don't have neither. We don't know if Wen Xu will attack the Nie clan or not," Lan Zhan, Chenqing and Suibian looked at Wei Ying who is walking back and forth in front of them.

"Wei Ying, why don't we ask Chifeng Zun if we can help protect his clan as well. You and Nie Huaisang are friend after all right?" Lan Zhan smiled at Wei Ying who did the same.

"Your right, then let's head back to the Orchid room," with that they left the Lan clan ancestors hall to go back to the Orchid room.

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