The War Has Began

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Just like that Chenqing, Lan Xichen, Qingheng Jun, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Fengmian attack from the back. All five of them sneak from the back into Wen Rouhan place. "Is bigger then I thought," Chenqing said quietly.

"Chenqing, since you were made from Wuxian didi. Is there a way for you to sense where the Yin Iron is at?" Chenqing nodded his head. He sent out a small energy of dark mist, it begin to follow the Yin Iron energy. "This way!"

On the west side Jin Zixuan, Jiang Wanyin and Yu Ziyuan is fighting off the Wen clan that took over other clan home to make it their supervisor office. They chased the Wen disciple back to Qishan.

Along the way the three see the other clan leader, they also chasing the Wen disciple back to Qishan Wen clan as well.

Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Suibian, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, already help many of the clan getting their home back. Their fight take a while to get back to NeverNight. "A-Ying, why don't we take a rest? We been fighting since this morning. You look like you need some sleep," Xiao Xingchen walk over to Lan Zhan, "Lan er gongzi, why don't you take A-Ying somewhere to rest? We will take turn keeping watch."

"Xingchen, you should get some rest too. Leave Suibian and I to keep watch from here," when Xiao Xingchen is gone, Song Lan turn to look at Suibian, "Suibian, your Wei Wuxian spiritual sword right?" Suibian nodded his head.

"What Zewu Jun said about me and Xingchen, is it true?" Suibian nodded his head again. "Xiao gongzi gave up his eye to you because Xue Yang blinded you with some kind of powder. He break his master rule of not returning to the celestial realm, he only did this is because he want to save you."

"Xue Yang, did he do anything else to Xingchen?" Suibian look at where Xiao Xingchen is sleeping, "He used Xiao gongzi to go around killing innocent people thinking that they are all puppet. He even cause Xiao gongzi to kill you too. Xiao gongzi end up killing him self when he found out it was you who he have kill."

The next morning Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Xiao Xingchen woke up due to the sound of sword clank together. They rush to the sound of the sword fighting one another, when they got there they see Suibian and Song Lan fighting the Wen disciple and the puppet.

They went to help out Suibian and Song Lan.

Chenqing, Lan Xichen, Qingheng, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Fengmian finally found Wen Rouhan, "Listen, Sect leader Nie and I will take care of Wen Rouhan. Qingheng Jun, Lan Xichen and Sect leader Jiang, you three deal with the Wen disciple. Sect leader Nie?" Nie Mingjue nodded his head, "Let's go!"

Chenqing and Nie Mingjue attack first, the other follow behind. Chenqing and Nie Mingjue sent their sword toward Wen Rohan who dodge it since he felt something was heading his way.

"Well well isn't Nie Mingjue, how is your father doing?" Wen Rouhan said with a smirk on his face. "Why don't you go down to hell and ask him yourself?!" Nie Mingjue went straight toward Wen Rouhan.

'Sect leader Nie is more hot headed then Master,' Chenqing went after Nie Mingjue since he can't let Nie Mingjue handle this by himself.

On the outside of NeverNight Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Suibian, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan finally arrive, they went to meet up with the other clan leader.

"Wei Wuxian, since you and the other are here. Why don't we all attack?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

Before Wei Ying can walk with the other Lan Zhan pull him back, "Lan Zhan?"

"I was thinking, you shouldn't show your Yin Hufu to those clan leader." Lan Zhan look up at the tower, "up there." Wei Ying look up at to where Lan Zhan is pointing, "you stay up there. You can use your Yin Hufu without anyone seeing it."

"Okay, just give me a signal?" Lan Zhan nodded his head, he went inside NeverNight while Wei Ying flew up to the tower. As everyone is fighting the puppet and the Wen disciple, the door to Wen Rouhan palace flew open and out come Wen Rouhan.

Wei Ying who is standing at the top of the tower lead out from behind the brick wall, 'he sure getting beat up by Chifeng Zun and Chenqing.' Then Wei Ying see more and more puppet coming from outside and up stair.

'Oh no!' Wei Ying look down he see Lan Zhan looking up at him as he gave Wei Ying a nod. Wei Ying begin to play on his flute, 'This time....this time..I am not alone....Lan Zhan is here, Chenqing is here, Suibian is here, Shishu is here.' Wei Ying think about his four dearest people who is always there for him, he is able to control the resentment energy with his flute.

Lan Zhan and Suibian join the fight with Chenqing and Nie Mingjue to fight against Wen Rouhan. Four fight in different direction, Wen Rouhan stuck in the middle. He can't dodge any attack.

Suibian and Chenqing is fighting together as one, since they know each other fighting style. "We will get rid of you Wen Rouhan! You have cause too many pain for everyone in this cultivation world!"

Lan Zhan and  Nie Mingjue is able to land a slash and there on Wen Rouhan body. When Wen Rouhan is using the Yin Iron to sent out dark energy, toward the four of them they couldn't dodge it until Wei Ying sent his own dark energy to block out Wen Rouhan dark energy.

Chenqing can see how tire Lan Zhan and Nie Mingjue is, "Lan er gongzi! Sect leader Nie! Leave Wen Rouhan to me and Suibian! You two go help the other!" Chenqing went straight toward Wen Rouhan, "Sect leader Wen, shall we take this battle somewhere else?" Chenqing eye went crimson red, he put his hand on Wen Rouhan shoulder and they disappear from there.

Lan Zhan and Nie Mingjue went to help the other sect leader. Lan Xichen, Qingheng Jun and Jiang Fengmian came out from Wen Rouhan palace. They already taken down all of the Wen disciple inside there.

Shadow Realm

Chenqing was able to take the yin iron away from Wen Rouhan hand. Wen Rouhan can't see in front of him since every where he look, it is full of darkness there is no light at all.

"What will you do without your iron Sect leader Wen?" Chenqing mocked Wen Rouhan as he and Suibian tortured Wen Rouhan body as they slashed him here and there all over his body.

With each slash on Wen Rouhan body, he felt very drowsy, very weak and he felt like he can't stand up anymore. He end up fallen down to the ground, "We will leave you to bleed to death. See in hell Sect Leader Wen."

Chenqing and Suibian disappear from there. They soon reappear back on the battle field and when they did, the battle was over.

"Someone capture Meng Yao!" Come Jin Zixuan angry voice, "Yes Sect leader!"  Meng Yao is confuse at to why he is been capture when he help out with sending the message back to his allies

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