Phoenix Hunt

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After finally caught Xue Yang, the gang head to Qinghe Nie clan. When they finally arrive to Qinghe, they walk to the Nie clan. They lock up Xue Yang in the dungeon, and this time, no one will break him out.

While Wei Ying is staying to talk to Nie Huaisang, Lan Zhan went to write a letter to
Lan Xichen. He want to let his brother know that they have finally captured Xue Yang. He doesn't know what to do with him, he want his brother to decide what to do with Xue Yang.

After Lan Zhan finish writing to his brother, he went to give it to one of the Nie disciple. He tell them to give it to Lan Xichen back at Cloud Recesse.

"Watching that vision where Wen Chao attack our clan for Xue Yang and the Yin iron. I was scare that it will happen again. But I never though that Jin Guangyao went to kill one of our head disciple just because of something he said."

"I'm glad that he gone," they all turn to look at Nie Mingjue, "if he is still alive, he will chop off all part of my body."

"Don't worry Chifeng Zun if Jin Guangyao really did kill you. Nie Huaisang will take revenge for you. You already see how smart he is right?" Nie Mingjue nodded his head, "you are his brother and his only family, he will do everything and anything to get his revenge. Right Nie xiong?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head.

Lan Zhan return to the main room, he see that the other is still sitting there talking to each other. "Wangji, since you are here, how about I get dinner started?" Everyone nodded their head. So Nie Mingjue call one of the disciple in, he tell them that to go cook dinner for six people and bring it to the main room.

About an hour or so later the Nie disciple bring dinner to the main room. Wei Ying look down at the food, he then turn to look at Nie Huaisang, "Nie xiong, Nie xiong!" Nie Huaisang glanced at his brother, then lean to his right, "What is it?"

"Do you have spice?" Wei Ying whispered to Nie Huaisang, "Spice?" Wei Ying nodded his head.

"I do. Let me tell one of my Nie disciple to get that for you," so Nie Huaisang call for one of the Nie disciple. "Er gongzi?"

"Can you go to the kitchen to get the spice bottle?" The Nie disciple nodded his head, he left from there to go get the spice for Nie Huaisang.

A second later that same Nie disciple came back, he handed the spice bottle to Nie Huaisang. "Here Wei xiong."

"Thank you," Wei Ying sprinkle the spice on his food. "Master, you like your food spicy?" Chenqing asked Wei Ying. "He is from Yunmeng after all and Yunmeng people like to have spice on their food."

After dinner, they all stay for a little bit before going to bed, "Since you all went to look for Xue Yang. Sect leader Jin sent out an invitation for all clan to go to Phoenix mountain for a night hunt. Why don't we all leave together?" Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Chenqing, Suibian, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan nodded their head.

The next morning Lan Xichen arrive at Qinghe Nie clan, "Xichen ge!" Wei Ying run over to Lan Xichen and gave him a hug. This surprise Lan Xichen, he hugged Wei Ying back. The two soon pull back, "how are you doing A-Xian?"

"I'm good I'm good, how about you and everyone else?" Lan Xichen smile at how Wei Ying is back to his old self. "Everyone is doing fine. Now let's deal with Xue Yang first."

"A-Ying, come sit with me and Zichen," Wei Ying nodded his head, Chenqing and Suibian went to sit next to their master as Lan Zhan and Nie Huaisang went to seat down on the other side.

"Da Ge, can you bring Xue Yang up?" Nie Mingjue nodded his head, he tell some of his disciple to bring Xue Yang to them. A minute later the two Nie disciple came back with Xue Yang.

"Xue Yang, we all know about your evil deed. We also know that you can cultivate demonic energy, to make sure that no one else can cultivate demonic energy we will have to execute you," Lan Xichen look at Nie Mingjue, "Sect leader Nie, can I leave this to you?" Nie Mingjue nodded his head.

"Take him to the back," Nie Mingjue ordered his disciple, "Yes Sect leader!" The two Nie disciple take Xue Yang to the back, that is where he will die by Nie Mingjue hand.

A few week later, Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang, Wei Ying, Chenqing, Suibian, Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan left to head to Phoenix mountain. Lan Zhan left early with Lan Xichen before the Phoenix hunt, the two head back to Cloud Recesse to go with their clan to Phoenix mountain.

Soon everyone arrive at Phoenix mountain, "A-Ying, Zichen and I will be up there with Qingheng Jun and Zewu Jun. We will meet up later okay?" Wei Ying nodded his head. Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan went up to the place where the clan leader is sitting.

One of the Jin disciple announced the bringing of the Phoenix hunt. Whoever hit the target get to pick whichever way they want to go. Jin Zixun went up first, he hit the target dead on. When he is done, he walk back over to the other heir and disciple. He even said, "Who dare can do better then me?" No one else want to try.

Jiang Wanyin decide to beat Jin Zixun, 'I can do better then you, you arrogant bastard.' Jiang Wanyin decide to do two arrow at once, 'I know that I am not good as Wei Wuxian but this is all I can do,' Jiang Wanyin released the arrow, it hit the target dead on as well.

"Master, don't you want to try?" Chenqing whispered to Wei Ying. Lan Zhan know that Wei Ying is hesitating, "Wei Ying go on. Your not in the Jiang clan anymore, you are part of the Lan clan now. Make our clan proud?" Hearing Lan Zhan said this, Wei Ying smile as he nodded his head.

"Then Lan Zhan Lan Zhan, can I borrow your ribbon?" Wei Ying glanced at Lan Zhan forehead ribbon. Lan Zhan sigh, he ignore Wei Ying who end up pouting.

Wei Ying handed his sword to Suibian to hold. Chenqing turn around to look at one of the Lan, he take the bow and arrow and follow Wei Ying. The two arrive at the target, Wei Ying take off his wrist ribbon and he blind folded his eye.

Chenqing handed the bow to Wei Ying, he then take four arrow into his hand and lay it on the bow string.

"Xiao gongzi, Song gongzi, A-Die, watch this," Lan Xichen whispered to the three who is sitting next to each other.

Wei Ying listen to the sound of the wind, he can hear which way the flag of each clan is blowing and then he turn in one full circle, he let go of all four arrow. The arrow hit the target dead on.

'A-Ying. Can you see him Shijie? Your son is brilliant,' Xiao Xingchen thought with a smile on his face. Wei Ying take off his blind fold, "Master that was awesome!" As they walk back to the other, Wei Ying glanced at the platform he see Xiao Xingchen clapping his hand.

When they got back in line Jin Zixun have on a very annoying expression on his face, "If your such a show off! Why don't you keep it on? Let's see how you can hunt with that blind fold in your face?!"

"Hey back off Jin gongzi!" They all turn to see Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan walking over to them. Xiao Xingchen went to stand in front of Wei Ying, "Are you trying to bring shame to your clan just because A-Ying is better at archery then you?"

"Whatever," Jin Zixun turn to walk toward the mountain.

"A-Ying, let's go hunt some beast and animal?" Wei Ying smile. Soon they all head into the mountain for their night hunt.

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