Seal The River Pathway

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"Wei Ying! Calm down! You don't have your sword with you!" At the mention of sword Wei Ying went white. He glanced at Suibian, "Master I understand."

"Suibian?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Lan er gongzi, this is something my master should tell you. Master, this is the only way to help you," Suibian pleaded Wei Ying with a concern expression on his face.

Wei Ying slid down to the ground, "I can-can-can-can't fly on my sword anymore. When Wen Chao throw me into the burial mound from the sky, I am afraid to be up in the air now." Tears begin to come down Wei Ying eye.

Lan Zhan pull Wei Ying into his arm, "I'm here Wei Ying. We can help you, come back to Gusu with me. We can deal with sealing the water path tomorrow."

Both Chenqing and Suibian sigh with relief the two walk over to Lan Zhan and Wei Ying, "we will take you back," Chenqing put his hand on Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, they all disappear from there and reappear in Jingshi.

When they arrive at Jingshi Wei Ying just sat in the corner of the room on the bed.  Seeing Wei Ying like this it hurt the three who is looking at him from inside of the room. Suibian walk over to his master, "Master," he sat on the bed in front of Wei Ying, "master, let me help you to soar the sky again. You know that I won't let you fall right?"

"I know Suibian, I know," 'going back to the past scare me. I don't know what to do? But?' Wei Ying look at Lan Zhan who is talking to Chenqing, 'Lan Zhan is here. I'm not alone.'

"Chenqing do you think Wei Ying will be back to himself?" Lan Zhan and Chenqing look at Wei Ying who is talking to Suibian, "It will take time Lan er gongzi. As long as we are here to help master, he can over come these event again."

The next day Lan Xichen, Qingheng Jun and Lan Qiren went to look for Lan Zhan, when they got there, they see a black energy field around the Jingshi.

"How are we suppose to get in?" Qingheng Jun asked as he look around the place.

"Like this," as Lan Xichen touched the shield, from inside Jingshi Chenqing felt someone is touching the resentment energy, "Someone is outside."

"Who?" Suibian asked, "not sure, come with me," the two vanish from there and reappear outside, "Qingheng Jun, Zewu Jun, Lan Qiren, may I ask why you three are here?" Chenqing asked the three lans.

"We want to talk to Wangji. Can we come in?" Lan Xichen asked Chenqing.

"Let me go ask Lan er gongzi. If you see a path way, that mean you can come in," with that Suibian and Chenqing disappear again and reappear inside Jingshi.

"Lan er gongzi, your father, brother and Uncle is outside, they want to talk to you."

"Can you let them in?" Chenqing nodded his head. Outside the three lans see an opening, they walk into a tunnel that lead to Jingshi. Lan Zhan waited for his family on the porch, "Wangji," Lan Zhan gave a bow to his family.

"Lan er gongzi," they all see Suibian carrying a table, sitting mat and tea all at once. "Put it here," Suibian floated everything to the floor. "Fuqin, Shifu, xiong zhang, please have a seat." They all sat down.

"Wangji, how is Wei gongzi?" Lan Xichen asked as he look inside the room. "Wei Ying, is talking with Chenqing right now. Ever since we came back from the future into the past, Wei Ying is having a metal break down and trauma."

"Metal break down and trauma?" Lan Qiren asked.

"Shifu, you don't know how much thing have happen to Wei gongzi. Thing that you will soon see," from outside all four lans hear, "We need to go! We need to seal the river path way!"

"Master! Please calm down!" Lan Zhan rush back inside, "Wei Ying!"

"Chenqing many people will die!"

"But Master, how will you seal the pathway if you can't maneuver on your sword?" Suibian asked.

"Chenqing can use his resentment energy to lift me up," Wei Ying look at both Chenqing and Suibian, "Then Master, we should wait until night time. If people see the dark mist, they will start to ask question."

"Okay," Wei Ying sat down on the ground with his knee to his chest and head on his knee.

"Wei gongzi, we will come with you," Wei Ying up look from his head on his knee, "If you want to, Zewu Jun."

Even Lan Xichen can see the emptiness and dull in Wei Ying eye, 'he gone through so much. Going back to the past only making it worst for Wei gongzi.' He look at his didi, 'have Wangji always believe in Wei Wuxian? What was it that Wei gongzi said at NeverNight?'

Flashback NeverNight

"Sect leader Jin about the assault in Qiongqi Road, who was the target? Whose death was it that they wanted? Who plotted that assault? Who fell into that ambush?"

End flashback

'This hold time was Jin Guangshan and A-Yao who planned all this. For what?'


'What did Wei gongzi mean?' "A-Huan?" Hearing his father voice, Lan Xichen snap out of his though, "what were you thinking about?" Qingheng Jun asked.

"I was thinking about what Wei gongzi said that day. Who was the target? Whose death was it that they wanted? Who plotted the assault on Wei gongzi? Who was it that they are trying to ambush?" Lan Xichen look at Wei Ying, "Wei gongzi, were you framed?"

"You don't want to ask my master that. You will soon see it for yourself."

That night Lan Xichen, Qingheng Jun, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Chenqing and Suibian arrived at Lake Biling. Just like that everyone maneuver on their sword beside Wei Ying.

Chenqing use his resentment energy to lift Wei Ying up or sit on it. "Master, hold on tigh," Wei Ying nodded his head. Soon they all left the dock and went up stream.

"It should be right after Shifu left for the conference discussion in Qinghe. That is when the Wen clan chased the Aqua Demon to Caiyi town for us to take care of," Lan Xichen explained to his father.

"We are here," everyone look at the path way that lead to the Wen clan lake. "Wei Ying, how will you seal up this place?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Seal the path way....but also to let people and boat to get through as well," Wei ying turn to look at Chenqing , "Chenqing," Chenqing nodded his head. Chenqing went over to one of the pathway, he write down a black talisman, "black? Why?" Qingheng jun asked Wei Ying.

"This let people and boat to pass through. The bottom one is to stop Aqua Demon from breaking through the array. Chenqing spiritual energy is very strong, it can't break it down, no one can. Chenqing other side as well."

Chenqing went to the other side of the mountain, he did the same. "Caiyi town and it people should be safe now. Qingheng Jun," Qingheng jun turn to look at Wei Ying, "What is it, Wei gongzi?"

"I will work on your protection array shield tomorrow," with that everyone went back to Cloud Recesse.

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