11 Vision: Their Distance

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After Wei Ying left the burial mound, he went to Yiling to get something to eat, a warm bath and a new set of clothes. In the morning he went to look for Wen  Chao supervisor office. Wei Ying search for days and days until he found the place that Wen Chao is staying in.

'First is that women Wang Lingjiao,' Wei Ying activated the talisman that got put all around the place, 'Let's the game begin.'

When Wei Ying ended Wang Lingjiao life, it was Wen Chao turn. He become afraid, he keep on saying sorry because Wei Ying did say that he will come back to haunt him after all.

A minute later Wen Zuliu came to take Wen Chao away from there. Wei Ying see that Wen Chao is gone, 'Tsk!  No matter where you go Wen Chao, I will follow you until I get my revenge,' Wei ying follow Wen Zuliu and a scare Wen Chao.

The next night Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng arrive at the Supervisor office, the smell of bloody and dark energy. Jiang Cheng break the array in front of the door, and then it open up. All they see is dead body of the Wen disciple, they all died from poison, hanging and drowning.

They couldn't find Wen Chao anywhere, all they found is a dead body of Wang Lingjiao and Wen Qing who was left in the dungeon by the Wen clan.

Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan continue to look for Wen Chao, on there way to search for him they ran into more died Wen disciple.

"Looking at the way they die, he must have high rank. Were they killed by the same person?" Jiang Cheng asked as he look at the dead Wen clan disciple in front of him.

"They bled from all five sense on their head. It is the same person."

"We are tracking Wen Chao along the way but it look like this person is one step a head of us. Who could this person be?"

"This person have a strong wicked energy. We should be careful on our way to go find Wen Chao," Lan Zhan said this as he turn to look at Jiang Cheng, "Wicked? Who can be more wicked then the Wen clan. As long as he is not our enemy, then we have the same goal. Let's go, we need to hurry up."

Just as they were about to continue walking one of the Jiang disciple come running to tell Jiang Cheng something, "Sect leader, someone saw Wen Zuliu near Yunmeng courier station."

Jiang Cheng turn around to look at, "why didn't Wen Chao return to Qishan but to Yunmeng?"

"Let's go."

Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng finally found Wen Zuliu and Wen Chao. When Jiang Cheng is about to rush into the inn Lan Zhan stop Jiang Cheng, "don't be rash. We should observe first before we go and find Wen Chao."

"Jiang gongzi, you are a hot headed person just like your mother,"Jiang Cheng turn to glared at Chenqing who just smirked back at Jiang Cheng. "You should show more feeling toward other people rather then show your stupid angry expression toward them. Like mother like son."

Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan told their disciple to wait for them in Yunmeng they don't want Wen Chao or Wen Zuliu to know that they are been track. Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan went up to the rooftop, they pull some tiles back to see what is going on back inside.

When Wen Zuliu pull the hood back from Wen Chao head Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng is shock to see the state that Wen Chao is in.

"Jiang gongzi, what happen to him?" Qingheng jun got up as he walk closer to see the damage on Wen Chao body. "We don't know, Lan er gongzi and I have no idea what happen to him," Jiang Cheng answered Qingheng Jun question.

About an hour later the door to the front open up with a loud slam. Then footstep is walking up stair, Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan wondering who this person is. Soon that person walk into their view, 'Wei Ying. But he look different.'

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