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The Miyagi is dense, the ground just after the rain is still wet with water stains, and is lightly stepped on by more than a dozen pairs of black boots.

The tulle on the soft sedan lifted a corner, revealing a white, reverie hand.

He Zheng was still a little chaotic when he was woken up by the bump. He remembered staying up late to read a book. After the cannon fodder with the same name as him died, he suddenly felt that his brain was heavy and he had difficulty breathing. Falling to the ground due to unsteady grip.

He clutched his chest and propped up his drowsy brain to get the phone, but he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

At the moment when his consciousness disappeared, what he thought was: It turns out that staying up late will really cause sudden death.

But now... what's going on?

The sound of neat footsteps stepped on the ground, and the thin sound of treading water could be vaguely heard.

Could it be that a friend happened to come to the house to help him report 120?

The idea was quickly dismissed.

As a professional game anchor in a dead house, He Zheng's friends often play games together, and usually don't move around at all. Most importantly, if he was lying on a stretcher right now, at least he could hear the distinctive whistle of the ambulance.

It is even more unlikely that he has already arrived at the hospital. He only smelled the cold and moist breath after the rain. Obviously, it is still outside.

Just thinking about it blankly, He Zheng suddenly found that he couldn't move, his body was weak, and it was difficult to open his mouth to speak. He tried to open his eyes, and what caught his eye was the fluttering gauze curtain, but it was not very transparent, at least He Zheng only You can see the outside through the gap.

The sedan chair suddenly stopped. He Zheng didn't have time to see what the scenery was outside, when he heard a man's voice: "South Gate Supervisor."

"Wu Zongbing, this is..."

"In order to share your majesty's worries, He Xiangguo specially sent it to you. Here is a big gift, this matter has been reported to Your Majesty, please let the South Gate Supervisor let me know."

The man called the South Gate Supervisor chuckled and whispered with the eunuch's femininity: "Your Majesty is nothing here. All the gifts are accepted."

The voice in front was a little flattering and respectful: "I have the supervisor of Lao Nanmen to see it."

Your Majesty? Gift? He Zheng felt that this conversation was a little familiar.

As the footsteps approached, He Zheng closed his eyes reflexively, the gauze curtain was lifted, and a cold wind blew, He Zheng felt a cold gaze slashed his face like a knife, and the gauze curtain was put down, the South Gate supervisor smiled. Said: "Xiangguo really has a heart. If you can really solve the worries of the reproduction of the royal family, then your majesty will reward you, and you should not forget our family."

"Xiaguan must bring the words."

The sedan chair jolted again.

He Zheng thought for ten seconds, but his scalp suddenly exploded.

There was exactly this scene in a book he read before his sudden death.

In the book, there is a tyrant named Fang Tianzhuo. This guy witnessed his mother and concubine being strangled by the queen when he was young, and then was raised in the queen's name and was abused every day. The concubines in his bed had their necks severed by him, and the ministers were worried about the royal family's spreading of branches and leaves.

The Man Who Married a Tyrant [Book Wearing][MTL]Where stories live. Discover now