Extra 9(Two Worlds)

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Fang Tianzhuo's eyes seemed to eat him.

He Zheng slowly withdrew his hand, but felt a little emotional in his heart, how much a beautiful figure was hidden by the long sleeves of ancient robes, modern suits and leather shoes are the clothes that gentlemen should wear.

He couldn't help but smiled at the other side Tianzhuo, so innocent and innocent.

Fang Tianzhuo's eyes darkened, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed slowly. The dangerous light reflected inside made He Zheng secretly not good. He let go of the ladder, turned around and wanted to leave, but was suddenly caught in front of the door. After passing by, he pressed the whole person on the carpet with the little yellow duck printed on it.

He Zheng's heart beat faster, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I, I am..."

It's overdone.

"Dazheng? It's time to eat." There was a knock on the door, Fang Tianzhuo let him go with a gloomy face, He Zheng blushed, and hurriedly shouted, "Got it!"

After he shouted, he looked weakly at the man who was still controlling him: "I, my mother called us."

Fang Tianzhuo slowly let go of his hands in his weak eyes, and sat aside with his eyes lowered. He Zheng swallowed his saliva, carefully distanced himself from him, and then stood up and opened the door, Fang Tianzhuo said lightly. Taking a deep breath, he got up and followed.

Halfway through the door, He Zheng suddenly turned around and rushed over, hugged him and squeezed hard, then quickly pulled the door open and ran out.

Fang Tianzhuo: "..."

He looked at the guy who thought he had taken advantage of him, with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly opened the corner of his mouth, revealing a very dangerous smile.

He Zheng immediately hesitated again, turning his face to help his parents bring the food to the table.

As soon as they sat down, my brother came back with someone, and when he saw his bed, he clicked his tongue: "Something without a conscience, just to send my brother away like this?"

He Zheng smiled at him, with a little guilty conscience and flattery: "Anyway, you and brother Yuheng can't live here, you have to go back sooner or later."

The parents also knew a little about He Yuheng, but knowing that they knew that they were still a little shocked when they really saw a person so similar to their son.

There is such a coincidence in the world. This person not only looks like He Wenchu, but also uses the name He Wenchu ​​used. The reason why this name was changed at the beginning was because of a distant elder. It was also because it was too far away that the family didn't notice it until the other party came to the door and insisted that they change the name before getting it again.

Today was really a rich day. His parents recovered and hurriedly stood up to say hello: "Yuheng, sit down, come and sit here."

He Yuheng's expression looked a little nervous, he forced a calm nod: "Uncle..."

"My name is Mom and Dad." He Wenchu ​​corrected him and said, "Don't tell me all, I am your brother here, are my parents your parents?"

He was obviously not used to calling like this like Fang Tianzhuo, and after holding it for a long time, he called out with difficulty: "Father, mother."

"Okay, oh well, the family is very lively now." When his son came back, he suddenly had another son. His mother smiled happily and narrowed her eyes. She quickly pulled away the stool and let them sit down. There was a burst of giggling, and a few adults probed to look at it, only to see that the baby who was thrown in the car did not know something happy happened, and laughed with no teeth or eyes.

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