Ch 19

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Imperial Physician Luo's acupuncture is really awesome, and He Zheng stopped coughing that night.

However, because he had something in his heart, he basically didn't sleep much that night. He felt as if he was stunned for a while, and there was movement around him, and Fang Tianzhuo woke up.

He Zheng is too lazy to move even if he is awake. After all, as long as he is awake, he will definitely serve Fang Tianzhuo, but today he is rarely smart, and he also sat up with Fang Tianzhuo.

The palace servant was already waiting on the side with the imperial robe and crown. He Zheng glanced left and right, not sure which one to wear first, until a palace servant stepped forward, and he hurriedly brought it over to Fang Tianzhuo.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Fang Tianzhuo waited on him with open hands, and said, "What do you think about Zheng'er today?"

In this sentence, He Zheng paused and lied: "What's the point of thinking, this is not because His Majesty rewarded me with so many things yesterday, and gave me a special title, I am not, I feel sorry for His Majesty that Ende... well, I'm ashamed of it."

Fang Tianzhuo smiled, He Zheng bowed his head in a guilty conscience. The palace maid was kneeling on the ground to help him tidy up his hem. He Zheng turned around and took a jade hook to fasten him on his waist. This court dress is fine, as well as a belt, including a crown, each of which weighs a lot in his hand. Feeling guilty, I began to sympathize with him again, and I was exhausted from so many things on my body.

But it is undeniable that this man is really handsome, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and behind the upper body of the court dress, the pair of eyes hidden behind the bead curtains are more and more frightening, and the whole person exudes a suffocating domineering air. , He Zheng wanted to kneel just by looking at it.

After everything was sorted out, Fang Tianzhuo lowered his arms and approached him slightly, He Zheng opened his eyes slightly, the man's lips stopped beside his, and he didn't move.

"?" He Zheng realized later that he was waiting for him to take the initiative, and hurriedly touched his lips, then swiped back and bowed, "Congratulations to your majesty."

Fang Tianzhuo stared at his drooping head, the corner of his mouth raised, turned around and strode out.

Nanmen Liang quickly followed.

The room was silent, He Zheng scratched the tips of his hot ears, his head was blank for a while, and he waved: "Go back."

The palace servants who knelt down all got up and left, the door was closed, he turned and sat down on the bed, let out a breath, calmed down, and began to rummage through the boxes.

Before the spring hunt, he had to learn how to gallop on horseback.

After searching for a long time, He Zheng couldn't find any clothes that were convenient for riding. He Zheng suddenly thought of the boxes of daily necessities that He Jinhua had sent last time. He seemed to order people to put them in the utility room.

Before dawn, He Zheng asked Shunyi to play the lantern and follow himself to toss. As soon as he opened the first one, he turned over to a neat pair of narrow sleeves. He picked it up and went out, saying, "Re-seal it."

"Can't we take a look at those two boxes?"

He Zheng said: "What's so good about some old things, pick a good day to pick them up, and throw away everything you don't want."

"Hey." Shun Yi then locked it again.

He Zheng is no longer an ordinary male pet, and has the qualification to tie his hair, so after changing his clothes, he had his hair combed and tied with the sapphire crown rewarded by Fang Tianzhuo. Nan Jing helped him to do everything. After tidying up, staring at the beauty in the mirror and admiring: "Young Master, you are so beautiful."

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