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Fang Tianzhuo poked his face gently: "How about I cut Zheng'er's tongue?"

He Zheng shut up for a second.

In fact, he dared to risk his death and shout starvation for two reasons.

One was that his contraceptive pill was missing, and the other was that he felt that Fang Tianzhuo couldn't kill him just because he was hungry.

But Fang Tianzhuo seemed to be able to do everything.

His eyes were still watery, but his expression was already showing a cowardly look. He whispered like a mosquito: "But I'm really hungry..."

After a quarter of an hour, they sat at the table for dinner, Fang Tianzhuo made a big move. Sitting there, resting his cheek with one hand and tapping lightly on his leg with the other, he stared at him with deep eyes.

He Zheng lowered his head and chewed slowly, recalling where his little balls went. He secretly glanced at the man who was staring at him all the time, and his heart suddenly shrank -his little ball seemed to be in Fang Tianzhuo's bedroom.

He had no idea at the time that he would move to Pizeh Hall unconsciously, thinking that he could at least pack things in person. He hid Xiao Wanzi closely, and it was impossible for the palace officials to look for it, so it should still be where he hid at this moment.

He Zheng ate every grain of rice, Fang Tianzhuo's face was expressionless, but his eyes became darker and darker.

He Zheng carefully held his breath, trying not to make any noise that might anger him, until Fang Tianzhuo moved.

He threw the bowl on the table in a conditioned reflex, and stood up suddenly: "I'm full!"

Fang Tianzhuo looked at him coldly, He Zheng looked around and smiled: "Your Majesty, it's not dark yet. "Let's go out for a walk, shall we?"

Fang Tianzhuo patted his leg, He Zheng wanted to refuse, but the trembling double push took the initiative to walk towards the man, and sat tremblingly on his lap.

He showed a professional smirk again, "You haven't eaten, I'm afraid you're hungry."

Fang Tianzhuo still looked at him like that, He Zheng froze, and said: "I, I actually recognize the bed, Your Majesty, let's Is it okay to go back to your bedroom to rest?"

He tried to please Fang Tianzhuo, who said lightly: "My bedroom should only be accommodated by the queen, what is it, Zheng'er is living here for fun?"

The implication of these words is that if he lived for a few days, did he really think of himself as a master?

He Zheng always felt that no matter what he did next, he would be pulled out of his tongue or dragged out to be chopped. He changed the subject and said, "Then, Your Majesty really doesn't go out for a walk?"

Fang Tianzhuo curled his lips, but asked Nanmen Liang: "What do you think about Nanmen?"

Nanmenliang is the person who understands Fang Tianzhuo's mind the most in the original book. He immediately bowed and said, "Your Majesty's words are clear, since he has already placed Young Master He, he naturally cannot take him out."

If he insists on going out, at best, he is ignorant, at worst, he wants to beat the emperor. Face.

He Zheng's face suddenly turned pale. Fang Tianzhuo asked, "Did you hear Zheng'er?"

He Zheng hurriedly nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, with a cautious look in his eyes, Fang Tianzhuo leaned on the chair and reached out to touch his cool face, "

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