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Luo Yuanhou 's throat moisturizing pill was quickly delivered, but He Zheng didn't see anyone else.   

 In order to see him again, He Zheng thought of a way to take off his clothes and roll on the ground. Now that the spring was cold and the ground was freezing cold, He Zheng shivered not long ago.When he woke up, his throat was on fire, He Zheng was lying on the bed dizzy, until the footsteps approached, Fang Tianzhuo's handsome face appeared.He Zheng felt pain all over his body when he saw him now, his beautiful eyes were filled with water vapor, his cheeks were flushed, his reaction was slow, and his voice was hoarse as if he could not pronounce: "Your Majesty..."   

Fang Tianzhuo sat down with his clothes on, and reached out to him He picked him up, touched his forehead, frowned and said, "Why is it so serious?"   He Zheng was aggrieved: "It's so uncomfortable."  

"Someone, go and ask for a doctor."  
Luo Yuanhou arrived soon, and He Zheng couldn't wait. He wanted to make eye contact with him, but soon a palace servant pulled up the bed tent, and He Zheng's outstretched hand was covered with white gauze.Luo Yuanhou's hand was placed on his wrist through the white gauze, and He Zheng rolled his eyes frantically inside, wishing Fang Tianzhuo to get out of the way and leave him some personal time with Luo Yuanhou.   
"How?"Luo Yuanhou let go of his hand and said to Fang Tianzhuo: "Your Majesty, Young Master is suffering from a cold. Rong Chen can prepare some prescriptions and he will recover in a few days."   

Fang Tianzhuo nodded, and He Zheng suddenly He opened his mouth: "What recipe? Is it the kind of medicine that is so bitter?"

Before Luo Yuanhou could answer, He Zheng was dissatisfied and said, "I don't take bitter medicine. I think your throat moisturizing pills are doing well. You can make some Fenghan pills for me."

Luo Yuanhou understood. He Zheng originally did all this for contraception. When the cold medicine prescription came out, it was not Luo Yuanhou's turn to decoct the medicine. If he had added contraceptives to the prescription, it would have been hard not to attract attention. It can save his life, but Luo Yuanhou must die.

But making pills is different. Except for himself, unless he is specially checked, he will be unknowingly.

He Zheng was still thinking about him.

Luo Yuanhou's heart became more and more painful, and he said solemnly: "Fenghan Pill needs time, sir..."

Fang Tianzhuo said lightly: "Then let's make a prescription that is not bitter."

He Zheng was finally able to see the sun again, Fang Tianzhuo sat down again and said, "Zheng'er is still afraid of hardship?" I was sent to the prime minister's mansion by my mother, and I have never received any love, but now that I have met Your Majesty, I am afraid of suffering..." He slowly raised his slender eyelashes, his eyes were watery, and tears were about to fall. He whispered in fear, "Your Majesty, am I too lacking in self-knowledge?"

Fang Tianzhuo pursed his lips, wiped the tears from his eyes with his big hand, and said, "Have a good rest, don't think too much."

He Zheng lay down, pulling his sleeve with his hand: "Your Majesty, are you busy?"

"Not busy."

He Zheng endured the disgust and said softly, "Then stay with me."

Fang Tianzhuo said: " Okay."

He just agreed, and someone over there came to report: "Report to Your Majesty, Qiu Taishi asks to see you."

He Zheng was overjoyed and immediately looked at him, Fang Tianzhuo said: "What is he doing here? "

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